The end of it all

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the end of it all

"Push goddamit!" I shouted through the pain of Maria crushing my hand. This was it. The delivery. It had been an emotional Nine months. From the hormones to the many tubs of icecream; but I loved every minute of it. The way she cuddled her bump before she went to sleep. The twinkle in her eye every time the baby kicked. Pregnant Maria was pure magic.

"You push!" She screamed. Sweat rolled down her forehead as she pushed for dear life. I kissed her  temple.

"Keep going, your almost there." I soothed in her ear. After nine hours of labour I think we were both ready for this baby. Neither of us knew the gender but I was secretly hoping for a boy, just to be able to teach him football and I knew Maria wanted a girl. Her grip on my hand got tighter. "OW!"

"Keep pushing Mama!" The nurse at her feet urged. Maria's eyes lit up at the words 'Mama'. Her pants and crys became quieter and were replaced with growls of effort. Time slowed. A single drip of sweat rolled down her forehead, her nose was scrunched up and her eyes were clamped shut as if she was scared of failing. I whimpered light urges in her ear, ignoring the pain of her crushing my knuckles.


And then the sound of a tiny wail echoed in my ears. The tiniest, most innocent cry I have ever heard. I'm not going to say that when I first looked into my child's eyes I instantly fell in love and scooped them into my arms and held them on the balcony for all the pack to see like some cheesy fuckers do; I was more ecstatic that the tiny baby in that midwife's arms was a boy . IT WAS A BOY! I had a son.

"Its a boy!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Bit of a bad idea when there is a newborn in the room. My son's cries got louder.

"Shit." Maria mumbled under her breath, I guess she wanted a girl. She panted, her eyes never leaving our baby boy. I was a dad. I was a dad. I am a goddamn farther.

"Alexei." She whispered. "That's his name." Her eyes watery.

"I agree." Was all I could say. The midwife rushed over and passed Alexie to Maria. His cries had turned into a simple sob now and again. His eyes were the brightest green ever. They stared up at maria, then me and then maria again. The midwife said something but I didn't listen. I was a dad. I had a son.

"I can wait to tell my pack." Maria whispered. Because it truly was Her Pack.



Thanks you Sukkipaws for the idea of the name Alexei. Its so goooood.


I've loved this story from the beginning but all this must end. I love you guys so please stay in tune for some of my other stories. it will be great. Okay guys. LOVE YOU.




Keep it Sassy.


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