Mother knows best.

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Mother knows best.

"When you gaze long into the an abyss, the Abyss also gazes into you." 

-Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond good and evil.



"Get him!" I toxic voice cried behind me as I ran as fast is my sleep starved legs would carry me, I had to escape my white prison to warn my pack or my captors. I knew their gut wrenching plan. The sounds of dogs barking and paws hitting the ground caught me off guard. Adrenaline pumped through me as I sprinted through the abyss. I couldn't tell where I was but I knew was I had to get home to Her. Without a second thought shifted into a 6ft tall wolf and ran with all my might.

"I'm coming Maria." I whispered to sweet nothing.



The sweet taste of bubblegum icing still lingered in my mouth even though the 'date' we had was four hours ago. Like the cupcake she lingered in my head. Her rivers of blood red hair falling past her shoulders as she picked at her bright blue cupcake with a genuine smile painted on her peach lips. She had taken her hair scruffy bun out half way through the date and trust me, it was pretty hot.

I fell back onto my bed with thoughts of her. I remember just a week ago sitting on this same bed whispering curse words about Maria Ace and now all I wanted was her to be here with me.

I had neglected my pack duties all day, how could I focus when a certain red head kept taking over my thoughts. I was officially whipped.

A summer storm crashed against my windows, bringing in a dark chill. Then a great idea popped into my head; how about a good run in the rain.

Faster then I knew possible, I leaped out my room and jogged down the hall and down the stairs. Many of my 90 pack members gave me me worried looks which a simply ignored. I passed the kitchen where some of my pack were preparing a pack meal I had forgotten about, through the living room where some pack youngsters and my brother were watching some film and finally to the front door where my mother stood with her arms crossed.

My mother's vanilla blond hair was pulled into a scruffy bun with white cardigan. My mother was beautiful. She had her 'your in trouble face' but not even that could bring me down from my loved up high. I just smiled down at her.

"Hello mother." I chirped. She raised her eyebrow at my light hearted voice. Normally I tried to keep the manly approach but today I didn't care.

"Where are you going?" She asked suspiciously. My mother liked to just get to the point. My smile never wavered

"For a run." I kept my answer small. My mother bit the inside of her cheek, a habit she said she got when age first met my prankster father all them years ago. I gave her my most convincing smile only to meet a 'I can see into your soul ' stare.

"Why were you seen with Luna Ace today?" She questioned. There was no good answer.


"Damn it Tre! We do not need you franchising with out enemy! Do you want war?" My mother quietly shouted with red eyes.

"Mom, she's m-"

"You will be this death of this pack Tre Valentine!"

"She's m-"

"She's your what, New toy, friend, lover. Either was this will end in war! Think of the pa-"

"She's My MATE!!!" I roar over my mother's scolding. She froze with her mouth still half way through a word. A thick silence struck us in suspense. After an awkward moment I notice my mother wasn't breathing. "Mom?"

"My baby!" She half screamed as she pulled me into a tight hug with her arms choking my neck. I couldn't help but hug her tiny frame back. "Your all grown up!" I felt happy tears seep through my T-shirt. I huge wave of relief warmed me.

"I'm glad you approve her." I whispered into her light hair. She pulled me back with a huge grin on her lips.

"Approve? I have seen her and may I say she is beautiful. Just think of the gran Babies!" I roll my eyes at my mother's love for gran-children. Then it struck me, babies! Maria was going to have my babies! A warn fuzz of excitement bubbled through me. All I had on my mind was babies. "I can't wait to tell everyone!" she squeaked.

She tried to dash into the kitchen when I caught her elbow and pulled her back.

"Tell no one." I whispered. Her beaming smile dropped to a displeased frown.

"Why?" She pouted. My mother was such a teenage girl at times.

"Things are happening to Maria and until these...things are over she is pretty unstable. I don't want to scare her off." I pained me not to tell my pack but telling then could push her over the limit. This HIM was not only messing with her but me.


"No means no!" I use my alpha voice lightly just to make sure. She nodded sadly. She snatched her elbow back with a scowl. Then a wicked smile rose on her ageless lips

"I wont tell anyone if you have at least two babies." She brought out her hand for me to shake.

"Deal!" I shook her hand before dashing out the front door. Stripping of my shirt and jeans I shifted. Bones moved, fur sprouted, skin stretched forming a 6ft wolf with terracotta fur and black socks. I dashed into the trees, letting the storm soak my fur, making it a silky black.

Two kids? I want way more then that anyway. But only with Maria Ace.


Short? I know, I wrote it but in trying to speed up my updates so these short parts may become a bit frequent.

Let's play a game! I want you guys to comment who you think this Stalker is, you can do this all the way through the story till HIM is revealed, also HIM does not stand for something.I know now its a bit of a stab in the dark but later it might be a bit easier. Love you guys!

This is dedicated to my buddie BARTONETTE! She is really talented anf NEEDS MORE READS so people! READ GOD DAMN IT!





Love you xx

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