Her Pack.

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My name is Maria Ace and I'm a werewolf. Not just any werewolf. I'm the Luna of the Blood Apple pack, the only leader of my pack. I run the only Luna run pack in the states which makes me the only girl in an all man's game. Most girls would give in. Not me, not when it was my father dying wish for me to be a lone Luna. But two years later and my pack is how it should be. Strong, peaceful with a respected leader; AKA me.

One particular morning I roamed down the corridor of the pack house with a wooden spoon and a pan. I hit the pan as loud as I could to wake up the army of young wolves that lie at the other side of the many doors. I played my make shift drum a few more times just to be sure. Zombie like groans echoed down the hall as Kate, Mason, James and Natalie woke from their hibernation and into the real world. Mason was the first to open his door and glare at me.

"Luna." His eyes had huge dark circles hanging under his young eyes. Even though he was only a three years younger he felt like a generation. Maybe if I never became Luna I might have partied with him on the weekend and had to be woken up by a different Alpha of Luna. I pushed the thoughts of what if when the other three shuffled into the hallway. They all seemed pretty darn angry.

"It's seven o'clock!" Gasped Kate as she gazed at her phone. "We don't even get up this early for school!" I chucked lightly at the four teens. We found them on our land a year ago as rouges. Their pack had been wiped out by hunters so we let them in with a close eye. Now they are just normal teens. Mason and Kate eighteen with James being fourteen and Natalie being sixteen.

"It's your fault." I pointed at Mason and Kate. "Never come back at half one in the morning ever again! Do you realize how worried I was? I thought you had been killed by some rouge or hunter!" I shout suddenly. All their bodies tensed in unison. Having your Luna or Alpha shout at you is heart stopping scary. I remember when my dad would shout at me when I was little. Sometimes his Alpha voice would come out which left me in tears every time. It would take him cuddling me and saying sorry to calm me down. I know he never meant to but hell; it was scary.

James and Natalie were quiet kids who got in with their school work, had friends and treated the pack with respect as for the other two, it was the opposite. Both were failing in school, were 'popular', treat the pack like trash and more importantly they didn't care about shouting back at me. Kate flipped her black hair over her shoulder with a smug look on her face. I felt a 'Kate comeback' coming.

"So? We are adults now." She said in her 'smartass' voice. Mason snickered. This boosted Kate to say more. "Quit acting like we are just a pair of idiots." My inner wolf forced me to growl a hungry, animistic grown. How dare they?

"Go full Luna on her ass."My inner wolf snarled. I clicked my knuckles with my thumb.

"I would treat you both like adults if you acted like one. Adult werewolves never disrespect their Luna even more when they have saved them from being Rouge. You think your adults? Well since you have adulthood in the bag why don't you leave? Go be an adult someplace else." Only then I realized how close I was to Kate. Our noses almost touched. She whimpered when her eyes met mine. I kept a still expression even though my wolf was laughing at her scared face. This was too much.

"Ever disrespect me again and I will kill you myself." I added just to make the deal sweeter. I pull away and finally laugh, Kate still looked petrified. Her beautiful face crinkled with worry lines and smudged makeup. My wolf rolled in laughter. I had made a good reputation for myself over the last few years, making sure rouges, other packs and hunters know I'm business and not just a pretty face. In an all man world, being a girl can be seen as a weakness. "You should have seen you face!" I squeak through my laughter. "It made my day. But don't think you got away scot free. Kate and Mason are helping me and the other pack females cook breakfast for the pack meeting." Kate and Mason's jaws hit the ground. Having to cook for ninety hungry werewolves was never easy and in my eyes it was the best punishment for rebellious teens. "You two can go back to bed."

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