Liquid Power

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Liquid Power



How did I get here. Beaten, broken and inch from the dark. My death sitting in front of me with my fate in his hands. I was going to die if I didn't get out of here.

"So liquid power eh?" I mumbled, my head handing low. "Never knew that." Grayson leaned back a little in his chair.

"Of course you didn't, my and your dad decided to keep it a secret so something like this wouldn't happen to you." He gave a silent chuckle. "The funny thing is, your old man was planning to do this to you the whole time."

"What!" My voice came out shaky. Was he implying that my father was going to kill me? Take my blood for the power it held inside? Kill his only daughter? The only thing his dead mate left him. He was crazy, Grayson was crazy.

"He was going to take your power at first that is but soon he changed his mind and made a better one." He continued. "He found a witch that knew how to take the power from your blood but he died a few days before she could take it." My heart hammered in my chest. Was he telling the truth? Was I just being bred to be a lab rat by my father all these years? Was I just made to be drained? Too many questions.

"So I was just an experiment to him." I choked, a tear holding in my eye but I used my long red hair to cover it from the captor. I didn't want to seem weak, even in my time of heartbreak. A Luna must never seem weak. Does that even mean anything anymore?

"Yes, you were nothing to him but a power source. You life was made to be ended and has no meaning but to be ended. And I'm here to do the honours." His voice was laced with hate. Was I made to die, to give my life for anther's gain? Tre's face flashed in front of my eyes.

"You’re wrong." I whisper.

"I'm not." He gave back. "Your life was made to end."

"I'm made to be Luna. To be good mate to Tre, get married in the same spot as my parents, to have a child with the man I love and watch my child grow up and one day become Alpha or Luna of my pack while I grow old with the man I love while you die here, under my hands." I say. "Because the power within me, is mine."

"What?" With that blood ran down my chin bit hard on my bottom lip. My blood tasted sweeter then normal, like sugar cubes in lemon Tea as it slide down throat. More blood entered my mouth from the new slice across my bottom lip. I felt more and more power lift me up, till I felt like I was floating out of my chair. I pulled my arms up and broke the ropes around my wrists. I tore off the others with ease and stood up, my legs shaking from the fact I had been sitting down for so long.

Before Grayson could even react I punched him in the face, knocking him out cold. His large form fell on the ground with an almighty 'thump', knocking over his chair in the process. Then I made my escape.

I punched through the small window pushed my tiny frame out of the window. It took a while to get my hips through the gap but once I did I found myself in a familiar alley way. Familiar trash cans familiar worm posters and familiar smell of bubblegum icing. I was in the basement of Cupcake Kisses the whole time! The perfect hiding spot.

I didn't have much time to think about before I sprinted into the woods behind the restaurant. The power still surged within me as I sprinted faster and faster into the oblivion, trees rushing behind me as I pushed my legs the their limit. The sound of paws hitting the ground and snarls followed me and Grayson and his men snapped at my heels. I didn't have time to shift so I carried on running, the Adrenalin pushing to new speeds. The power running through me stopped me from getting tired even though sweat beaded along my forehead.

I didn't know where I was going but everything seemed familiar. The smell of leaves and tree bark, the moss under my feet even though the night was making it hard to see any of it. Morning was just peaking over the horizon casting a red glow across the sky. The early birds were singing their song over the growls of my pursuers. But then I fell over a tree stump .'My power left me the moment I touched the floor. I grazed my hands against the floor, and ripped my jeans against a sharp rock. I lay on the floor, still shaken from the feeling of power.

A shadow covered me against the sunrise, gripping my hair to pull me up. I rough pair of lips pressed against my ear and whispered in a voice of fury. "You’re going to regret that." And with those words a foot kicked me in the stomach. All the air in me shot out of my mouth, leaving me gasping for air. Another foot pushed me down and gave me another blow to the stomach while another kicked me in the back. Pain shuddered through me as more kicks hit into my body. After around a minute of harsh kicking a rough hand grabbed my red hair and pulled me to face him. Grayson looked much worst up-close.

He had rough stubble, cigarette breath and wrinkles sprouting next to his eyes. His thick breath hit my cheek while is eye bore into mine.

"Let me go." I struggled but he just pulled my hair harder. I squeezed my eyes shut in pain, tears trying to break out. I didn't want this, I was done.

"Your dad was fine with your mother's death because he was so god damn mad that his mind couldn't comprehend mourning, your birth not only killed your mother but made your father insane." He whispered, his stubble scraping roughly against my cheek. My heart was crumbling with every icy word.


"From your birth all you did was ruin lives so I'm going to slowly drain your blood drop by drop for the rest if your days." His smoky breath felt dirty against my cheek. Then the tear fell. I felt weak.

"Why do you even want power?"

"Because I can." Then a fist clipped my jaw. And then my stomach and a foot crushed my shoulder. I felt hopeless, nothing and powerless. What was I?

Then my whole body went numb and my body fell to ground as dead weigh. Growls and snarls filled the air but my mind was too busy flickering through memories. 

"Baby girl, I will never leave you..." Some of my father's final words echoed in my head. "I promise."

"Your broke your promise daddy, you actually left me." I whispered to nothing as what sounded like a fight broke out around me. Was I being rescued? Was Tre here? I raised my head up to see Tre standing over me, fighting to protect me. His hands around Grayson's neck.

I had to help him. Summoning all the strength I had in me I rose to shaky feet. Pain jolted through me, I defibatly had a broken rib. Brushing the pain away I ran for Tre and Grayson to protect my mate.

Time slowed down as I ran towards them. Instinctively I raised my wrist to my lips and tore my weak skin with my teeth. I sucked up the sweet power as it warmed me to the core. I felt the power bloom within me the closer and closer I got. More blood slid down my throat and more power pumped through me. I felt weightless, indestructible and almighty.

I jumped on Grayson, pulling him out of Tre's grip and sling him onto a nearby tree with such force his limp body shattered the tree into little pieces but the noise was drowned out by the hammering of my heart in my ears. Almost instantly Grayson was up and charging towards me. " Your dead!" He shouted before shifting into an impressive gray wolf mid charge.

"Bring it on old man!" I taunted as he charged closer and closer. Closer to a battle to end this.

Yep, two updates in two days, you guys better give some love. love you guys

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