168 hours later

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168 hours later



I wish to tell you that the losses of the battle were minor but I was raised never to lie. We lost thirteen men, eleven with mates, six with children.  Most were older members, those who knew that this maybe their battle but that doesn't make up for their deaths. They are gone and shall never come back.

The funeral was long, rainy and silent...but respectful. The whole pack came, cried and left. I stood alone at the end. Staring at the graves of the men and women that are gone; fighting my fight. I couldn't help but cry. I read over their names, imprinting each letter in my head so I would never forget. Wolves had died fighting for me before but this was different; I know who I am. 

Over the last week I had though...a lot. Mostly about my father. My memories of him haven't changed nor has my respect. Power is a greedy monster; it consumes a good man and twists him into the dark. Grayson Valentine once had a good heart but a corrupt greed moulded it into a hate filled hole. 

Marcus disappeared after the fight, running away as if his job was done. I will never know what he was up to but I believe he was after my power. But maybe he changed his mind. just maybe. I-

"Maria?" I voice of honey asked behind me. It was Tre. I turned my head to him, smiling at the thought of him holding me. But that thought still didn't stop the tears.

"Hello Tre." Seemed to fly out of my mouth without little thought. He took several long strides before reaching me and softly pulling me into a warm embrace. His hands settled on my hips and my head against his hard chest. The soft hum of his heart was all I heard. His pressed his lips to my temple lovingly as he breathed in my scent. His normal light stubble was thick and much bigger than normal. He was still the most handsome man in the world even with the biggest bags under his eyes.

"I'm sorry Merry." He whispered.

"It's not your fault." I whispered back, tucking myself deeper into his chest. I let his warmth engulf me and hide me from the cold rain.

"Neither is it yours."

"I'm their Luna, I'm meant to protect them." I sobbed into his chest. "And now they are dead." I took a deep breath. "I failed them." 

"You failed nobody." He soothed.

"Those families lost someone so important to them all for me and my stupid blood." I said guiltily. My heart was screaming in pain and guilt, I killed them, I killed them, I killed them.

"They died for what's right Maria, they died to stop Grayson."

"Doesn't make the guilt go away." I admitted. Guilt was slowly tearing me apart.

"It shouldn’t make it go away." He said slowly. "You should use this guilt to mould your pack, to improve your pack, make your pack in to a place that these fallen ones would be proud to call home. Make it better for them."

"What if I can't?" I asked, deeply moved by these words. Should I make my pack better for these fallen wolves.

"You can." He whispered with a tear in his eye. "You can make a player fall at first sight, you can make everyone you meet infatuated by you, you can lead your Pack to greatness and prove everyone that even though your a woman in a man's world you can still make enemy cower in fear. You can do anything."

"Thank you." I whispered. "I am uncontrollably and forever in love with you Tre Valentine."

"I'm forever in undoubtable love with you Maria Ace."

"I need to tell you something Tre." 


"I'm pregnant." I admitted.


So she's pregnant, bet you didn't expect that :) I made it short on purpose just to screw with you :D

Also please check out the girl this chapter is dedicated to, her name is sukiipaws and she is such a nice girl and a new writer so please give her a quick look and maybe a fan?






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