Once Upon A Time

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     I would start off my tale with a "Once Upon A Time" if it had not been for a certain crisis that I was currently in. It was a very strange predicament and I couldn't understand how I could be in one such as this. Well, since I have already started my tale, I guess I should go on to tell how it started... And where it ends.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 Days Prior~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     I had heard of fairytales from my mother, about pretty farm girls who went through a whole lot and ended up marrying a handsome and wealthy prince. I had even seen weird and magical things occur around me. But the thing was... It WAS always around me. I had never once thought that I would end up like them.

     None of what happened around me ever had anything to do with me. It happened to my friends without me, and it happened to people I barely knew. Always around me, taunting me with it's glittery claws. It made me feel worthless in a sense and I grew up to be very self-conscious. I kept to the people I knew and I was very sweet and gentle natured, never saying no and never letting anyone see how sad I was on the inside.

     I guess you could say I was the best friend to have because I would do anything for you without asking for anything in return. I was the perfect candidate for being used by others and not caring. And oh, did I get used. Many might think I was exaggerating, but this is the truth. None of my friends have asked less than 15 things from me and did something for me in return.

     But, who knows; maybe it's just all in my head. I could very well be over-exaggerating. You know, people always say th-

     "Hey, Camille! Can you come here for a sec? My shoelaces are untied and I can't reach them in this dress!" Shouted Jamie, one of my 'friends'. She had her foot positioned on a pole sticking out of the ground, like she had been trying to reach it herself. I had to admit, they sure knew how to fake stuff.

     "Coming Jamie!" I shouted back, the hairs on my neck sticking up. Why can't I say no??? "Why are you wearing that anyway?" I giggled sweetly. I just couldn't help it.

     "Huh? Oh, yeah! Didn't you hear, you goose? Dominik Trevion is visiting our school! I just had to look my best, you know? Maybe, just maybe, he'll fall in love with me..." Her voice faded out as I contemplated all that I heard.

     Did she just... call me a goose? No, never mind that, what was that other thing she said? Dominik...who? Trev...Trevi... Treviar? "Dominik... something..." I muttered aloud.

     There was a loud gasp, followed by a lot of screaming that I assumed came from one particular female. 'Oh jeez, now EVERYONE must be looking.'

     "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO DOMINIK TREVION IS???!!" She squealed. I hid my cringe, but barely. Why was her voice so darn loud?

     "Oh... so, this must mean something is wrong with me if I don't know... right?" I muttered, knowing she was too busy making a scene to hear what I had to say.

     "Oh, no no no no no! Haven't you gotten the word?? All of the girls have been raising an awareness for him!!!" She squealed in delight, almost forgetting her point. She squirmed like a child before shaking it off with a a flick of her wrist that tossed her hair over her shoulder. ALL of the boys fell for that, and I had witnessed them all. "ANYWAY! Domink Trevion is THE illegitimate child of our KING, King Woolshire!" Two thoughts had run through my head as she said that.

1: WHY was that common knowledge?
2:WHAT was she raising awareness for?
3: She told me ALL of this, why?

     Ok...maybe three questions. I thought the second would be my best choice. "Uhm...Jamie, what ARE you raising awareness for?" I wanted to be excited, I could feel it bubbling inside me. But, I had to hold it in. Camille, for some odd reason, did NOT freak out over anything but...makeup?

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