Day in the Park

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     "Hey! Stop it!" I squealed in delight. Johnny, the boy who was messing with me, was my closest guy friend. His girlfriend, Ami, stood beside him, giggling along. We had been friends since we were toddlers and I could always rely on her to have my back. She was practically my sister and I couldn't put it into words, how glad I was, to witness how incredibly happy Johnny made her. They were born for each other, she'd say all the time.

     Johnny whipped the stick he was holding at me playfully. He was snickering as he pushed me further and further into the park. "Okay! Okay!" Ami giggled, giving a good slap to Johnny's hand that made him drop his 'weapon', as he called it. It landed softly and embedded itself into the ground.

     Johnny pouted at Ami, rubbing his sore hand. She stuck her tongue out at him, easily playing along with his childishness. Watching them, I plopped into the grass and crossed my legs. It was summertime and we had graduated from middle school. Knowing high school was around the corner excited us. We wanted to enjoy summer as much as possible so that school wouldn't tear us apart.

     "Hey!" Ami shouted. I looked up at her to see her smiling. She and Johnny had wandered off slightly. I could hear some other kind of shouting as well, in the other direction. Ami's eyes widened and she yelled this time, her voice cracking. Johnny turned toward me, only to react about the same way and yell my name.

     When I finally turned, I saw a group of kids in the distance, running toward us. There was also something else flying through the air towards me. Something large...

     Everything went black and my face was filled with instant pain. There was a shattering crack that must have been my nose. A warm liquid poured over my lips.  I fell into the grass, unable to move or get up. I was pinned to the ground, my chest getting heavy and breathing slowly becoming impossible. My throat burned incredulously. The blades of green spikes beneath me was the only thing keeping me cool. Everything else felt like it was on fire.

     There was no pain though, only the burning.

    Slowly, my consciousness began to fade in and out. Oh no, I'm going to faint!

     "Lilly... Lilly, get up...! Lilly, stop being so over-dramatic! It barely hit you! Look, see this?" My eyes popped open, only to realize I was lying on the ground with Ami hovering over me and several other boys I didn't recognize. The liquid pouring down my face was water, not blood. The crack was the popping of the water balloon I was hit with. The pain was obviously the impact it had with my face.

     "Hehe..." I giggled. "Did I get you?" I stuck my tongue out. Ami looked relieved, before hitting me and yelling at me about playing around to much, which she promptly ended with a swoosh of her dress as she turned and walked away. A boy bent down, offering me his hand. The sun was shining down on his face, showing me his charming, amused smile.

     "Need a hand?" He asked, grinning broadly.

     "Oh, do I?" I couldn't help but giggle in return. This boy was hot!

     He lifted me to my feet and I dusted myself off after. He stood there, waiting for me to finish and look at him. "Thanks!" I smiled at him.

     "No problem. You're a pretty good actor."

     "Oh, if only you knew..." I smirked.

     He looked confused for a second, but quickly recovered and scratched the back of his head. "Oh, yeah?" He held his hand out for me yet again. "I'm Nate."

I shook his hand. "Lilly."

     "Nice to finally be acquainted with you." He chuckled to himself.

     "Huh?" I tilted my head as he continued to hold my hand in his firm grip.

     "Oh, you're just cute is all. I've wanted to talk to you for awhile. You wouldn't mind going on a date with me, would you?" His smile was charming and sweet.

     "Sure." I smiled back.

     This was how I met Nate, the man of my dreams.

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