Boy I Loved

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     There was this boy... this really cute boy. He was tall and pale and very quiet. Well, that was until he met me. His name was Eli,  but I never found out what it was short for because whenever I asked, he would shrug his shoulders and say, "Whatever you want it to be short for."

     I was used to comments, such as these, because he did it so often that it was practically who he was. All in all, he was a cute guy that I had met through pure coincidence. Yeah, I know that everything is coincidental, but the way we met was 1 out of a hundred chance. I know my story may be biased but I'm telling this with as many factual points as I can because I want whoever reads this to know that none of the things that I tell are exaggerated at all.

                                                                                         June 18th, 2001. 8:49 p.m.    

     I can't bring myself to sleep and I know why. Something happened today, something very strange. I mean, it wasn't that, oh my god, that was so weird strange, but the strange that made my day. It's the kind of strange that you hope to happen to you at least once in your lifetime. I met a kid today; a kid that goes to my school that I've never seen or heard of. He's one of those kids that you would just pass by in the hallway and never actually notice him, even if you pass him by everyday. He's quiet and pale and very tall. His hair is dark black and long, covering most of his eyes in this cool way. He was wearing a oversized, plain white, long sleeved shirt, even though it was kind of hot outside today.

     Anyway, my mom had been picking me up from a friends house that I had been staying at for the first time. Our mom's hadn't met yet and I was hoping they wouldn't meet, since I was itching on going home and eating my ice cream in the fridge and if our moms met, they would talk for hours. But, of course, I couldn't really keep them separated and once they started talking, they just couldn't stop. They instantly clicked and rambled for who knows how long. As experienced as I was with my mom's behavior, I knew keeping myself occupied in the meantime would help me to not think about my sweet, sweet ice cream. Luckily, my mom had brought our nice little dog along and I decided to walk her before our long journey home.

     Since this will come in handy later, I will bring up my dog's obsession with apples. Don't ask me why she loves apples so much, because not even I know the answer to that. She can't be within 20 feet of an apple because for some reason, she can just sense it. She'll start barking all happily and wag her tail like she's having a seizure. If she doesn't get that apple with her puppy dog act, she'll run around you and bark and whimper and eventually jump on you. So, because of this antic the dog is prone to having, she isn't allowed to be walked without a leash, which I did not have at this moment in time and I thought that it would be okay for this short little walk.

     We walked for a couple of blocks in peace, listening to the birds tweeting gently. It was quite nice and I was glad that I didn't have to worry about my dog or have to hold her leash in my swaying hand. We rounded the corner of a desolate park that had a bench about 40 feet away from were we stood. It was a very old looking park and I could see someone sitting on the bench that was slightly hidden in the tree line. Of course, I thought this person wanted to be left alone and was about to turn the other way.

      I was throwing a stick for my dog, and having such a good arm, I had thrown it a little too far from me. To notify her that we were turning back, I called out for her. "Come here girl! Come on Miya, we are going this way! Miya!" I was getting ready to roll on my heels and turn the other way when I saw her stop. I watched her carefully and saw her sniffing at the ground, turning in circles. In that instant, I panicked. Her head shot up and she started barking, waging her tail in a frenzy to find out where the smell was coming from. I instantly knew what was up.

     "Miya! Miya, no!" I chased after her as she ran toward the park like a lightening bolt. She was running toward the lonely bench where the lone person was seated. "Miya, no! Leave them alone! Miya, come back here!" I squealed, out of breath from running and yelling for my dog. Once she made it to her target, she barked and barked and ran in circles, trying to act cute. I could see now that it was a man on the bench and he was slightly surprised from the sudden appearance of my dog. Once I finally caught up to them, I was panting and saying, "Sorry, sorry, she just gets a little excited!"

     That's when I got a good look at him and I instantly shut my mouth. He was quite cute and young looking, around my age it seemed to me. He was staring at me through his hair, holding an apple in his sleeved hand since his shirt was too big. He hadn't even taken a bite out of it. "Oh, sorry. She really loves apples, I didn't mean to bother you..." I whispered, trying to nudge my dog away.

     "I'm not bothered..." He murmured, teasing my dog by wiggling the apple just out of her reach. She only grew more excited and barked in squeals. Well, he seems to be good with dogs. "You're London, from school. I didn't know you lived around here." He tossed Miya the apple and she ate it gleefully. He looked at me as he brought his knees to his chest.

     "Oh, you know me? I feel slightly rude for not knowing your name now. Oh yeah, I don't live here, I was visiting a friend." I smiled nervously. How could I not know someone from my school! We only had around 450 students, you'd think that I would at least recognize him.

     "I'm Eli. It's fine if you don't know me, I'm not really noticeable..." He watched my dog quietly.

     "Oh... I see.." I felt awkward yet, as ease at the same time. It may have been from how quiet he was. "Can I sit next to you?" I asked weerily.

     "Don't you have a friend to be visiting...?"

     "Oh, my moms here picking me up but she's currently occupied with my friends mom so I was walking my dog, since my mom talks a lot." I giggled slightly as he nodded his head in understanding.

     "Mine too... I don't understand mother's..." He scooted over to give me more room. I sat next to him, wiggling to get comfortable on the old, wooden seat. We sat in silence for a while, watching my dog scramble around, chasing the leaves that fluttered along the sidewalk. The breeze was fresh and cooling, and I lifted my head to the air, letting the wind weave through me hair. When I looked over, I saw Eli watching me with intrigued eyes. "Your hair smells of flowers." He murmured.

     My face flushed quickly and I scrambled to turn the other way from him. Out of everything this boy could say, he said that. I had to give him credit for being so honest. After that brief, flustering moment, we sat and chatted in intervals for some time. I hadn't even noticed how the time flew by as the sun began to set and it grew darker and darker around us. I may not have even noticed if it hadn't been for the headlights that blinded me and the screaming of my name from the owner of the vehicle.

     "London! London, I've been looking every where for you!!! How could you just disappear like that?! How DARE you! You are in so much trouble, young lady!" My mother squawked from inside the car. She hadn't even bothered to step out, let alone notice the company I was with. My dog jumped into the front seat, since the door was open, and I sheepishly said good bye to Eli as I made my way to my doom.

     "Try not to get into anymore trouble on your way home..." He meekly mocked me as we drove away. That...had been the start of my heartbreaking journey with Eli...

                                                                To be continued...


Hello friends and fanatics! Sorry about that cliffhanger!  :p (sorry not sorry) I just wanted you guys to participate a little. My idea was that, if you liked this story or wanted me to continue, to comment on this and tell me what should happen next. Whoever's I like best will get a shout out and I'll use their idea!! :D Isn't that nice! Please help me make this account a success and to continue to make more wonderful stories! Well, until next time my friends!


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