Hateful Truths

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     I am so, incredibly mad, so outraged! My boyfriend just broke up with me and over a stupid reason at that! It was all my dramatic mothers fault! My boyfriend couldn't stand my mothers advances on him, but neither could I! That was no reason to leave me...

     I slam the front door behind me, my sharp teeth grinding against each other in agitation. My mother's standing in the kitchen doorway in front of me, grooming her long nails. Her fangs glisten in the light and her eyes gleam dangerously. She looked to be in a bad mood, but so am I.

     "Mother!" I screech, ready to charge at her if she didn't acknowledge me.

     "Yes, what is it?" She mumbles back, not even glancing my way.

     "It's all your fault, mother! If you weren't such a slob, I'd still be in a relationship!" I scream at her, throwing my backpack to the ground.

     She finally looks, glaring daggers at me. "My fault? Young lady, don't you dare raise your voice at me! How could it be my fault if your pathetic excuse for a boyfriend broke up with you?" Her insult rings in my ears, loud and clear.

     "Could you possibly get any worse at being a mother?! I can't stand you!" I take a step closer as my voice reaches a screechy height. 

     "Could you possible be any worse at being a child? And, be quiet, we have neighbors you know!" She hisses at me, now facing me with her hands on her hips. Her lips stretch to a thin line, showing me how quickly her irritation is growing. I couldn't care less though because I was tired of caring about her. From now on, she was no mother of mine. She had never been a mother to me. No, she was always a women before a mom.

     "I hate you! I hate you so much that it hurts! Do you hear me!! I hope your black heart rots in your ego filled chest!!!" With that, I kick my backpack towards her, blowing out air through my nose.

     "Does it look like I care? Go run into the street or something. Good riddance..." She rolls her eyes at me, something she did more often than not whenever it was about me. I never understood why she hated me so much. That's what made me hate her in return.

     "I think you should run out into the street! Why did you even have me?" I'm exasperated. What was the point of giving birth to me? I had always believed, that deep, deeeeeep down, she loved me, even a little. Why else would she give birth to me?

     "Really? Do you know how much child support I get? Why else would I keep an annoying thing like you around? I definitely would have sold you when you were born if your daddy had been poor, sweetheart!" She barks out a sharp laugh as she mocks me.

     For the first time in my life, her words actually hurt me. I felt my heart cave in and I couldn't help but feel completely alone. I had no friends, no support, no one but her. My MOTHER had given me nothing but took everything away. There was nothing more for me here, nothing at all.

     "Well, I think it's about time that you lost that support..." I say, looking up at her with tears in my eyes. She looks utterly shocked, more shocked than she's ever been before. I turn around, erasing her from my memories as I walk out the door.

     I want a better life...  I want my life.

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