Twenty Nine

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In order for Calum to go back to California to go see Luke he need to get a job. There wasn't any job that would hire him, not because of looks, although his looks were intimidating, but because of his background and his past. He walked downstairs seeing his mum washing Mali's dish. "Hey mum, can you help me with something?" Calum asked.  "Sure honey, what is it?" His mum asked. "I need help to find a job." He stated.

"Okay honey, may I ask why?" She asked, curious.  "Well, Luke h-he hasn't answered my texts and I-I'm worried about him. Plus, I just I want to make sure he's okay. I-I want him back mum." He announced. "I know you do, but shouldn't he be the one to apologize?"

"Yeah, but it's my fault for breaking all those promises we made." Calum frowned. "That's not your fault." His mum said. "I think it is. I should've kept my word. I-I'm just not the same without him. My life it's not the same. I need him back." Calum said truthfully. "Don't worry. I can tell he loved you very much and you love him. That won't change. You guys will be okay. Now, what kind of job did you have in mind?" His mum asked.

Calum just shrugged. "You know what? This is stupid never mind mum. Thanks for the help though." Calum frowned. "Calum Thomas Hood get your tushy back here." His mum used a stern voice. "Mum, I'm hopeless I'll never get a job." Calum groaned. "Never say never honey. I heard the music shop downtown is hiring. I know you love music so try applying."  His mum suggested. "Okay. Thanks mum." Calum smiled. "Go! Right now!" Joy raised her voice at her son. "Oh! You mean right now?" Calum asked. Joy nodded with a smile. Then, Calum left.


Calum finally came back after about 2 hours. At first they didn't want him because of how he looked, but Calum persuaded and convinced them that it doesn't matter what you look like, it's about the ability they can do. So Calum got the job.

"So how'd it go honey?" Joy asked anxiously. "I got the job mum!" Calum exclaimed. "That's awesome dear. I'm so proud of you." She smiled. "Thank you mum. I couldn't have done it without you." Calum beamed. "Does it pay good? What are the hours? Are you working on holidays? Do you have any days off?" His mum bombarded him with questions.

"Mum slow down, but as a matter of fact I work holidays, but I get to come home in time so don't worry. I work Sunday to Friday. 11am to 8pm, so I'll be here to watch Mali just in time for you to get to work. The pay is actually better than I expected it to be. Since it's like the only music store in town lots of people go there. 10 dollars a day." Calum explained to her.

"That's good. Speaking of, I need to head on to work now. Please watch Mali. I'll be back soon." His mum kissed his cheek and Mali's as well.

"Mali, what are you doing with my phone?" Calum asked. "Oh, I texted Lukey. You looked sad and I don't like seeing you sad." Mali frowned. "I'm not sad. Let me see it." Mali gave him his phone.

Me: Lukey I want you back pleaseeeeeeeee I luv u

"Mali, I know you're trying to help but Luke and I aren't exactly on good terms." Calum explained to his baby sister. "But you still love him." Mali said. "Yeah I do, but we're not dating anymore, so it's not my place to tell him I love him anymore." Calum sighed. "Sorry I made you sad. I'll go to my room and play." Mali said and ran upstairs before Calum could talk.

He figured Mali would take a nap anyway since she always does around this time anyway. So he took this time to write in his journal. At first Calum thought it was lame and stupid but it actually does work.

March 15, 2016


I feel pathetic because I loved Luke, I still love him very much and after all the things I did for him and all the things I said it was just wasted. Now, I feel like he didn't appreciate what I did for him. I feel pathetic

I feel empty because when Luke was around my heart it would be so full with love, now he's gone I don't feel anything anymore. I feel empty.

I feel lost because Luke was my everything, my whole world. I'd still do everything for him. He was like my light through the dark tunnel and now he's gone the light is gone and I can't see anything. I feel lost.

I feel miserable because I'm still not over our break up and he's probably doing so much better without me and I don't like the thought of that. He belongs with me, but I know he doesn't. I miss him so much. I miss his kisses, his hugs, his cuddles, everything. I feel miserable.

I feel like I'm still hurting because I am. And I know I am. I don't like the feeling but the feeling will not go away. And it's driving me crazy. I'm still hurting.

After that, I felt like crying, but I also got another huge weight off my shoulders. Calum decided to check on Mali. When he went in her room she was sprawled out on the floor sleeping. Calum smiled fondly at his baby sister. Calum picked her up and tucked her in. It was about 10 now. Calum realized that his mum does a lot for them so he cleaned the whole house just for her so she didn't have to.

He started with the dishes. Then, he went to clean Mali's room since he knows his mum always cleans her mess.


His mum came home later than usual. Calum wanted to wait for her so he could tell her what he did for her and why he did it for her. But sadly, he couldn't stay up in time for her. Calum felt someone shake him. "Cal, honey wake up." His mum said. "Mum?" He called, still being half asleep. "Why are you sleeping on the couch?" She asked. "Well, I was waiting for you to come home." He told her.

"Why?" She asked. "'Cause I realized you do a lot for us and so I cleaned the house for you. I was waiting to tell you but you came later than usual and I guess I fell asleep." Calum explained. "Oh honey, that's really sweet of you. But, I'm a mum, I live to clean I don't mind. But I appreciate what you did for me. You look tired Cal, go too sleep." She told him. So he went upstairs and went to sleep.

A/N: My friend _shewillbeloved__ is writing a new story. It's his first one. If you'd like you can read it, it's Cake. It's called heartless. Calum and Luke hate each other and they banter with each other but it's not in a friendly way. Please check it out. I'm also helping him. He's my best friend. I'd appreciate it very much :D

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