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Luke was at his therapy session. "Luke, maybe one of the reason why you're still have nightmares is stress. Maybe if you relax a little bit more, they will go away, or you're letting the past get to you. I know about your past so maybe if they go to jail for life now they will stop, but you will have to protest against them. Would you want to do that?" His therapist asked. Luke nodded. "Okay, I will look more into your file and I'll do what I can." She said. It was over and Luke felt more safe than usual. He felt more happier.

"I see therapy went well?" Calum asked. Luke nodded with a smile. "Want to tell me about it?" Calum suggested. "In the car." Luke answered, Calum nodded taking him to his car.


Luke told Calum everything on the way home. Calum was so happy that Luke would actually be safe. He would actually be happy. He could go outside and not be scared every second. Calum wanted to take Luke on a date. Luke didn't know what to wear because Calum didn't tell him. All he said was,'Anything. You look nice in anything you wear.' That made Luke blush.

Calum set up a picnic on the beach hoping it wasn't too close to water so the waves don't ruin their date. But, Calum had a very important questions to ask Luke. A promise to be exact.


Luke arrived at the beach, seeing candles lighting up a pathway. There Calum was, dressed ever so fancy for the one he loved. "This is amazing Calum." Luke said. "That's what I was going for." Calum smiled, cheekily shrugging. Calum had made pasta and wine to go with it. Luke thought it was delicious and very thoughtful.

An hour into it, the dinner ended, but Calum had something to say.

"Luke, after the years we've been together, all our ups and downs, I will always want you in my life. No matter what I have to do. I will always help you with what I can. I will do everything in my life to protect you and go out of my way to spoil you. You're my princess, and I will treat you like one. You mean a lot to mean, a lot more than you think. I want you in my life forever and I plan on marrying you one day. So... I want to make a promise." Calum said. Luke gasped.

"A promise that one day we will get married." Luke nodded, tears of joy ran down his cheeks. Calum put it on his finger then they kissed passionately. "I love you so much Luke. Don't ever forget that." Calum smiled after. "I won't." Luke smiled too.


After their dinner, they may or may not have sex. Okay they did. Quite kinky in fact. They enjoyed it very much to be exact.

Luke knew he'd be limping the next day. He didn't mind. Calum was covered in love bites from Luke. Same to Luke. Luke woke up, forgetting it was his last day off then he has to go back to school. Luke got up from bed, feeling the pain for sure and almost falling back down. He felt old, having back pains already. "Babeeee come back." Calum mumbled. "I'll be right there." Luke answered, while putting his pajamas back on. He went to the restroom and brushed his teeth. Then he came back in bed with the love of his life.

"Yay! You're back." Calum said so dull. Calum brought him closer so he can wrap his arms around Luke's petite figure. "Can we stay like this all day?" Calum asked. "You can, but I have to do catch up on my homework." Luke said. "Awww, baby. Please." He begged. "I'm sorry babe. I need to do it." Luke pouted. Luke kissed his forehead and sat up. He went to and saw Zach was back. He probably knew what they did. Oh well. He sat on his desk chair getting all of his work out and starting out.


2 hours later, Luke was no where near done. Calum finally got up. Luke was so frustrated when he didn't get any of it because he wasn't there. Calum could see his frustration. "Relax babe, don't stress yourself." Calum rubbed his back. "I know, I need a good grade and I don't get any of it." Luke pouted. Calum slowly closed the textbook and brought Luke to the bed. "Babe, you're stressing out. I can see your wrinkles." Calum joked. "Haha very funny." Luke slightly smiled. "Aww come on, loosen up." Calum ruffled his messy bed head.

Luke groaned. "I'll just fail." Luke said. "Nope, I'm not allowing you to." Calum shook his head. "Isn't your first day tomorrow?" Luke asked. "Yeah I'm all ready for it too." Calum smiled. "Do we have any classes together?" Luke asked. "I believe we have at least 3 classes." Calum said. Luke smiled. Luke walked up and sat back down at his desk.

After about another hour Luke finally finished. He couldn't be happier. Luke has always wondered if he was ever going to walk down the isle, given is horrible life. He didn't think he would've made it this far. But, he's glad he did, and he's glad it's with Calum.


*Knock Knock Knock*

"Babeee." Calum mumbled. "The door." He added. Luke groaned and answered the door. It was a package for Zach. He tossed it on the floor and went back in bed. As soon as he got in bed his alarm went off. Luke groaned which cause Calum to chuckle.

"Haha, I don't start until later in the morning." Calum taunted. "Yeah yeah." Luke rubbed his eyes. "I love you." Calum gave him a cheeky smile. "Yeah I know." Luke half smiled.

Once Luke was done with getting ready; which took him about an hour. Calum was up. "Bye Cal, I'll see you soon." Luke said. "Bye babe. Love you." "Love you too." Then Luke left.


Calum went to his class and waited for Luke. "C'mon babe. Let's go." Calum said taking Luke's hand. "How was class?" Calum asked. "Tiring." Luke answered. "That sucks. Should've taken afternoon classes like me." Calum shrugged. Luke scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully.

Class started and Luke was bored out of his mind. He was falling asleep and Calum saw. "Luke, can you tell me what I was just talking about?" The teacher asked him. Calum quickly typed the answer on the computer.

"Erm... how Romeo and Juliet died was tragic to both families?" Luke was unsure. "Um... yes. Just sit up next time." The teacher went back to the lesson. "Thanks babe, I owe you one." Luke said. "Ooh, I know how you can owe me." Calum winked. "I'm still sore from the last time." Luke whispered. "Don't worry. I'll go easy." Calum threw Luke a cheeky smile.


Luke's classes ended and Calum's classes hadn't because he starts later than Luke. Luke started his homework, thanking the lord he gets it right away. By the time Calum came home–which was about 3 hours after Luke got to the dorm–Luke was done. "Hey babe, now... I believe you owe me something." Calum said. Luke just kissed him. Calum pouted,"Awww." "M'sorry babe, my stomach is still sore from the gun shots and my arse is still really sore from last time. Don't you remember?" Luke said.

"Yeah, good times." Calum grinned. Luke rolled his eyes playfully. "Don't you have homework?" Luke asked. "Finished it. It is really easy so I did it in class. My classes are super easy a 3rd grader can do it." Calum exclaims. Not literally though. Luke felt as if Calum was mocking him because Luke didn't really get it right away. Luke couldn't do it in class because he needed to wait until he got home so he could get help with his online tutor. Calum was making Luke feel dumb.

Luke had a frown on his face and he just laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. "What's wrong babe?" Calum asked. Luke decided against telling Calum. He knew Calum always felt as if he was stupid. Luke was the only thing stopping Calum from dropping out. He couldn't let Calum know because for once he's happy that he gets the work the teachers give him, unlike high school.

"Nothin'" Luke lied. "Are you sure?" Calum asked. "Yep." Luke said popping the 'p'." "Okay, let's watch a movie!" Calum shouted. "Okay. Pick one. I'll make popcorn." Luke said getting up from the bed.

Calum had picked Twilight. Guess they're doing a twilight marathon.

"Babe, I'm going to ask you a very serious question:Team Edward or Team Jacob?" Calum asked, joking. "Team Edward of course." Luke smiled. Calum gasped,"Get out." Luke let out a laugh. So did Calum. "Jacob his hot! I mean look at those abs." "Yeah yeah let's watch the movie." Luke said grabbing a handful of popcorn.

Promises -Cake Hoodings- (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now