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Calum really hoped they would keep their promise that they're are going to marry each other because when it comes to promises one or the other seems to break it and they have no idea why. Calum woke up next to Luke, but it was back to school. "Babe, come on. We got to get up." Calum groggily said. "Noooo. Stay with meeee." Luke said muffled by his pillow. "Come on, we need an education. I need an education." Calum said. "Fine." Luke said. Luke was still hurt by what Calum said whether Calum knew it or not.

He always thought he was smart in school, but now he realizes he isn't. Which is the sad part, he lost all his confidence in himself that came to school.


When Calum got home he had no homework, once again since he understood everything and he did it in class. On the other hand, Luke had tons, he didn't get any of it. He felt stupid asking for help in class. He never participated because he always was scared to have to answer wrong. He never knew why he was scared he just was.

Calum offered to help, but Luke refused. "Are you sure babe?" Calum asked. "I'm fine." Luke snapped. It came out ruder than it was supposed to. Calum thought Luke was mad at him. "Babe, are you mad at me?" Calum asked with a hurt voice. Luke never intended for it to come out like that. "No, I'm sorry it came out like that." Luke apologized. "Then..., what's wrong?" He had asked. "I-it's nothing." Luke said sitting down on his desk chair.

Calum didn't want to pressure Luke into telling him so he just let it be. Calum was on the bed he had put in his and Zach's room and he was on his phone. Hours passed by Luke didn't make any progress, he didn't understand. He flipped back and forth on his notes, but nothing helped. It was past his curfew, Calum was asleep. He was getting more and more frustrated. Whenever he gets frustrated or angry he starts to cry. Just all the pressure and the negative thoughts make him cry.

"Princess? What's wrong? What happened?" Calum said sleepily, rubbing his eyes. Luke quickly wiped his tears. "N-nothing." Luke said. "Babe, it's 1 in the morning, let's go to sleep." Calum said. "No I can't. I need to finish my homework." Luke said. "I'll help you." Calum offered. "No babe, it's fine. Get some rest." Luke told him. "Not until you tell me why you're denying my help and why you won't tell me what's wrong." Calum demanded.

"Fine. The truth is, you understand every single one of your homework assignments and I don't understand any of it. You always tell me how easy it is then here I am just wondering how? It makes me feel dumb and stupid. You used to tell me how hard high school was, how you couldn't do any of the work because you didn't get it, then you came to college, you understand everything. I didn't want to ruin your happiness." Luke said. "Oh baby, I didn't know I made you feel that way, I'm sorry. I'll help you as much as I can and if that doesn't work lets find a tutor for you." Calum said. Luke nodded. "You're stressed right now. Let's gets some rest." Calum said walking to the bed. Calum felt bad for making Luke feel that way. He had no clue.

Soon, they were both asleep.


Luke woke up around 11. He didn't go to his classes because his homework wasn't done and he already missed 3 classes so what was the point?

"Hey babe, you woke up late, but I thought you'd still come to class." Calum said coming back from his classes. Luke just shrugged. "What's wrong babe?" Calum asked. "I'm dumb. I don't get any of it. Maybe I'd be better if I just drop out." Luke said sighing depressingly. "Don't say that. I will help you." Calum said. "No babe, you can't. It's helpless. Thank you though." Luke kissed him before walking to his desk to work. "No you don't." Calum pulled him away. "I need to do my homework." Luke said. "Nope, today you are having fun." Calum smiled. "What are we going to do?" Luke asked. "Hmmm..." Calum trailed off. "I don't know yet, but we will figure it out, besides it's always fun with just the two of us." Calum pointed out. "That's true, so let's go have fun." Luke said. Calum's smiled grew wider and he grabbed Luke's hand. They both went out the door.


So Calum's idea of fun is "accidentally forgetting" to put the stuff back on the rack in the store and also skinny dipping. "Calum, what if we get caught? They had cameras. What if they find us?" Luke was being so paranoid. "Babe, that's why I went in because I know where the cameras are I purposely avoided them." Calum cracked that cheeky smile. "Now, come on. Let's have fun." Calum got out and so did Luke. "Have you ever went skinny dipping?" Calum asked. Luke looked at Calum with a blank stare. "...huh?" Calum let out a chuckle. "Okay I'm taking that as a no. Skinny dipping is swimming..." Calum said. "Oh. I love swimming." Luke smiled. "...without your clothes on." Calum finished his sentence. "On second thought I'm not the best swimmer, maybe I'll just supervise." Luke said. "Come on babe, it'll be a blast." Calum tugged Luke's hand. "That waters dirty." Luke whined. "Everything is dirty." Calum said. "I'm going to have fun. If you change your mind just jump right it." Calum winked. He took off everything, but Luke couldn't help, but stare at Calum's bum. "Like what you see?" Calum chuckled and winked. Luke's faced turned a crimson color as he stood there awkwardly while looking at his hands. "I'm just fucking with you, babe." Calum said before he pecked Luke's lips. Now, Calum has said that before 'fucking with you' Luke knows it means playing around or joking. Calum doesn't use that term often but he does use it.

Calum then jumped in, then he yelled out a,"Woohoo!" Right before he did a cannonball. "Come on babe, the waters warm." Calum smiled. It wasn't really warm, but Luke didn't know that. "Okay..., but don't look at me." Luke said nervously. "Oh babe, it's nothing that I haven't seen before." Calum said. "Please." Luke pouted. "I love your body. It's like...... words can't describe because it's so perfect and beautiful and too pure." Calum said truthfully. Luke gave in. Calum turned around.When Luke was taking his last piece of clothing off Calum turned around. "Calum!" Luke screamed. "What?" Calum laughed. "C'mon, the water can't stay warm forever." Calum winked again. "I hate you, you know that." Luke said. "Aww come on, you know you love me." Calum smiled. Luke playfully rolled his eyes. Luke jumped right in, it was that moment when he realized he got tricked. Luke came above the water and screamed. "You said the water was warm!" Luke yelled. "Yeah, once you get used to it." Calum snorted. "I hate you so much right now." Luke said. "You love me." Calum swam up to him. "Ehh, I don't know about that." Luke joked. Calum then pecked his lips.


Their fun was over because it was midnight already. Luke was getting cold. So was Calum. Calum brought the towels he brought with him and gave the bigger one to Luke because he was colder than Calum. "C'mon babe, once you're dry I brought your pajamas to change into." Calum said. "Then, we'll stop for hot chocolate." Calum smiled. Luke smiled as well before he kissed Calum. Once they were dry Luke got changed into his pajamas in the car because it was too cold. "Extra marshmallows?" Calum asked. "Yeah, thanks babe." Luke said while eating the bag of chips Calum "bought." "This was fun, just spending time with each other. Thanks Calum." Luke smiled. "See, I'm lots of fun. What can I say?" Calum shrugged. "I love you babe." Luke said. "I love you too sweetheart." Calum said and drove off back to their dorm.

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