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Luke texted Calum his schedule. So Calum thought he would surprise him. He put his shoes on and walked to his class. He got a call from Harry.

"Hello." He spoke.

"Hey Calum. Do you see Edward?" Harry asked. "No not yet." He answered. "Okay when you do see him tell him to call me." Harry demanded. "Will do. I got to go bye Harry." Calum said. "Bye Cal." Calum took his phone from his ear and continued walking to Luke's class.

"We meet again Calum." I heard an oh so familiar voice I thought I'd never hear again. I turned to be met with his famous smirk plastered on his face. "What do you want Edward." I say. "I want Luke and you know me. I always get what I want." He spoke. "I know that, but you will never get Luke. He is mine. Don't even think about laying a finger on him, if you do, I will end you." Calum threatened.

"Oh Calum. So naïve. I already got him." He said. "No you don't. You're bluffing." Calum says. Then his class room bell rings. Calum didn't see him walk out of the room. "Believe me now." He said. "What did you do with him?!" Calum screamed. "You know when he first got kidnapped. I paid the guy to kidnap him. He didn't kill him so now he's finishing the job." Edward smirked. Calum grabbed the collar of Edwards shirt. He got up close to his face. "Tell me where he is you little piece of shit." Edward smirked. "Oh, he's right there." He pointed. Luke was standing right behind Calum. "I fucking hate you!" Calum screamed. He punched him square in the jaw.

"Luke baby, be careful please." He told Luke. "I know. I will." Luke promised. Luke walked to his last class of the day. Calum dropped him off and gave him a kiss. Calum forgot to tell Edward that Harry wanted him so he had to go find him again. "Hey Edward." He called. "Harry wants you." He said. He chuckled with a smirk on his face. "What does my brother want now?" He said grabbing Calum's phone.

He put it on speaker. Calum didn't know why. "Calum?" Harry said. "Nope." Edward spoke. "Oh. Edward, still have that parole officer." Harry said. "Okay Harry. What do you want?" Edward scoffed. "I want you to stay away from Luke. He is taken. Let's face it, you can't always get what you want." Harry spoke through the phone. "We'll see." Edward said pressing the button to hang up.

"You can't get Luke. I won't let you." Calum said. "Oh yeah. What about when you leave? Who will protect him. God knows he can't fight that's why you always have to fight for him." Edward laughed. "Why can't you go bother someone else. Why Luke?" Calum asked. "Because, Luke is special. I want him. I'm going to make him fall in love with me, then I'm going to fuck him hard and just toss him to the side like the rest." Edward smirked. Calum's blood boiled. Calum had enough.

Calum punched him over and over until a random person had to rip him off of him. Calum had enough of his shit. "Never talk about my Luke like that ever again. You hear me!" Calum spat. Calum thought it got to that point where Edward is scared of Calum because Edward nodded. But, it could just be he is tired of getting beat up. Calum walked angrily to Luke's dorm. Calum really hated him, if you guys couldn't tell by now. Life now, is so stressful for the both of them. If Calum's being honest, he doesn't think they'll survive. College is very stressful let's not forget that. Maybe it'll be for the best. Calum kept thinking about the negatives more than the positives. Luke would want someone with out tattoos. Calum thought. He needs someone who doesn't get into fights almost everyday.

He got distracted by his thoughts when Luke walked in. "Hey baby." Calum said. "Hi Cal." Luke said sitting next to him. "How was your day?" Calum asked. "Stressful and boring." Luke sighed. Calum didn't want to think about breaking up with Luke because Luke loves him. Anyone with eyes could see that. Calum obviously loves him too. "Do you want to take a nap?" Calum asked. Luke didn't even respond because he was asleep already. Luke has his head on his lap. Calum had to pee, but he didn't want to move Luke. But he didn't want to pee on his bed. So, he carefully moved Luke so his head was resting on his pillow.

After Calum was don't peeing, Luke was awake. Tears running down his face. Sweat clear on his face. "Babe. Baby, calm down. It was just a dream." I say. "Was it same one?" Calum had asked. "Worse." Luke spoke, obviously terrified and shaking. "Can you--like c-can, do you think--l-lay with me, p-please." Luke stuttered, panicked. "Of course baby. I promise I will always be by your side." Calum promised.

Be careful at what you promise.

Calum wasn't tired so he didn't go to sleep. He had to stay awake just in case Luke has another nightmare again. Calum didn't have to do it, he wanted to because he hated seeing Luke crying or hurt. Calum played with Luke's hair and the bow that was in Luke's hair. It was a sparkly pink one. It matches Luke's outfit. Luke bought it because it was pretty and to Calum it really was. "We'll look what we have here." "Get the fuck out Edward." Calum whispers, not wanting to wake Luke. "Why should I? Can you play with my hair?" He mocked. Calum grabbed Edward and shoved him out of the door. Before he could lock it Edward barged in. "Edward! Leave!" Calum shouted. "I think I'm going to stay." Edward said, sitting on Zach's bed. "What do you want!?" Calum asked. "I want Luke." He spoke. "You're not going to have him. Just find someone else to mess around with." Calum said, watching his every move. "You know what, I just might do that because Luke is a slutty crossdressing freak." Edward smirked. "Don't. Ever. Say. That. Again." Calum said, getting angered. "Oh come on Calum, you know it's true. You know that you want to change him because you're embarrassed to be with a cross dresser." Edward laughed. "Get out!" Calum yells having enough of Edwards bullshit. Calum pushed him out and locked it. "C-Calum, you're embarrassed by me?" Luke asked. "No baby, I could never be embarrassed. It was just Edward being Edward." I say. "D-do you want me t-to change?" Luke asked. "Babe, I do not want you to change. I love you how you are." Calum reassured Luke. Luke nodded. Calum pecked his lips. "I love you." Calum smiled cheekily. Luke let out the cutest giggle ever, at least to Calum it was cute. "I love you too." Luke smiled. "Now since its late already, lets go to bed." Calum said. Luke nodded, making room for Calum. Once Calum got into the bed Luke cuddle with him. "Good night my princess." Calum said kissing his forehead. "Good night Cal." Luke smiled. Then they went to sleep.

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