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Luke woke up and Calum was happily spinning on his desk chair. Luke smiled because Calum was giggling so happily. Calum then saw Luke was awake and stop. Still dizzy. "Did you see that?" He asked. "Yeah. But don't worry it was really cute and adorable." Luke said, smiling. "It wasn't manly. I think you're rubbing off on me." Calum groaned. "And that's a bad thing?" Luke asked. "Oh no, it's just that I'm too...masculine to be feminine, I guess you can say. I'd be to buff to be a girl. I'd look weird." Calum said. "Oh." Luke nodded.

There was a silence. Not that awkward silence, but the silence when both of them are just enjoying each other's presence. Luke felt a sting in his stomach. He lifted his shirt up and realized it was nothing. Luke was looking at his scars from the past. He hated how it just lived with him, he felt like he could never get a break from the past that still haunts him to this day. Calum traced his scars gently. "You know I'm proud of you." Calum finally said. "How?" Luke asked. "Well, you put up a hell of a fight back then. You kept going and didn't give up on life because if you did, I wouldn't know what to do without you." Calum said. "I wouldn't do that because I need you. You are the only person I have. Michael and I just stopped talking one day and I don't know why. I miss him. He's my best friend. So you're the only person I have. So I'm sorry if I come off as clingy sometimes." Luke said.

"Don't worry, you have me now. I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. I'm here for you, always." Calum smiled. They both sighed at the same time. Luke stood up to go to the bathroom, but he didn't make it. Something got in the way. Let's just say it was really surprising.


Calum couldn't respond for seconds. "Cal?" Luke said, with fear in his voice. Then Luke fell to the ground. Calum looked out the window and no one was the here. They're 3 stories high. Who could possibly shoot him from up here? Unless... it was the dorms across from his.

Calum quickly rushed to Luke while he dialed the police. Calum tried making it stop bleeding, but he couldn't do it. It was too much. "Calum?" Luke asked. "Yeah babe." Calum tried so hard not to cry. "If–if I don't make it—" "Don't say that babe, you are going to make it." Calum cried. "If I don't make it, I just want you to know: I love you so much and I'm so happy I got to be with you. I'm very lucky. You make me so happy and you always bring a smile to my face, now please keep a smile on yours. I will always love you please don't ever forget that." Luke sobbed, which got Calum. He was crying a river.

The police and paramedics arrived, but Luke's eyes were closed and we all knew what that meant.

One of the paramedics yelled,"I got a pulse!" Calum sighed in relief. "Sir, can you tell me what happened?" A policeman asked. "Um, Luke and I were laying down and then he stood up and was walking, to the bathroom I'm guessing and then two gun shots fired." Calum explained. The policeman nodded writing stuff down. "And, what is your name, son?" He asked. "Calum Hood." He said.

"Thank you." The policeman said then left.

Luke was being pushed away on a stretcher and Calum by his side. Everyone was shocked and sad because Luke was a friendly person, he made lots of friends and lots of enemies obviously. Luke never knew his life would end like this. At least it was with the person he loves.

They put Luke in the ambulance and rushed to the hospital. Luke awoke from the darkness behind his eyes. Calum was so glad and relieved. "Babe, you're going to be okay." Calum assured. Luke just smiled.

They arrived at the hospital and it seems like they lived there since they come there a lot. It wasn't a good thing.


Calum was biting his nails, anxiously. Finally, the doctor let him see Luke. He always hated seeing the love of his life in the hospital. It wasn't a pleasant sight. Luke was awake, but he lost a lot of blood so his energy wasn't there. He was really pale. Luke just hated his life at the moment, it seems like every time something happy or good comes, something has to ruin it. He felt like he could never be happy. He wanted to tell Calum, but he decided against it since he didn't want to worry Calum. Luke just was full of bad luck.

One of these days, he always thinks he won't wake up from the dark blackness that over takes his body. Calum was softly crying. He didn't like seeing Luke cry because he wanted to be the tough one, the manly one. Luke was okay with it, everyone cries. When someone cries it shows that they have been strong for too long. Luke sat up, groaning in pain. Calum wanted him to lay back down but Luke wouldn't budge. "Baby, lay back down." Calum said.

Luke didn't listen. He wiped Calum's tears and kissed his hand. "I know, it's not tough to cry." Calum said, not looking Luke in the eye. "It's alright, crying doesn't show weakness, it shows strength. It shows how someone has been strong and they finally need to release all their emotions. It's fine." Luke smiled. That made Calum smile as well. Luke liked being the reason for Calum's beautiful smile. Same with Calum. They were each other's happiness.

"Princess, please sit back down." Calum said. "No need to be worried, I'm fine." Luke laughed slightly. "I know but you're sore. I need you to rest. I don't want to see you hurt anymore and I definitely don't want to see you in a damn hospital." Calum said. Luke laid back down. Since they were both adults they could sign their own release papers. And they did.


Luke hated the hospital and he demanded to be released. Luke's dorm elevator broke down and he insisted on walking by himself, but Calum wouldn't let that happen so he picked Luke up bridal style and went to his dorm. Luke giggled at how cliché Calum was being and leaned his head against his chest. Calum really found that cute. Calum gently laid Luke down on the bed and Calum jumped into bed with him, literally. Luke giggled because Calum was acting childish. "I'm really happy you're still alive." Calum said. "Yeah me too." Luke sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Whenever I'm finally happy, something always has to ruin it. I can never be happy and that's one of the things I hate about life. It's not fair." Luke said. "I know, but I'll be here as much as I can." Calum tried to make Luke happier. "Yeah, but it sucks that you have to be like 50,000 miles away from me." Luke pouted. "Yeah, about that... I was looking into their website and I found an exchange program. Now, I'm an official student here." Calum smiled. Luke's face filled with joy and excitement. "Now way! Oh my gosh!" Luke exclaimed. Calum nodded.

Then, Luke smashed his lips with Calum's. Calum was on bottom and Luke decided things changed. Luke tried so hard to turn Calum on without actually hurting himself. Luke slid his body up and down with Calum's, caused Calum to moan. Luke felt Calum's hard against his. Luke unbuttoned Calum's jeans and pulled his boxers down. Luke's lips trailed all over Calum's body, leaving little marks everywhere. Luke was teasing Calum, Calum knew it too, he hated it. Luke motioned Calum to turn over and so he did.

He licked his lips and started licking Calum's tight pink hole. He grabbed Calum's length and started rubbing it faster as well. Calum was a moaning mess. Calum reached his high and now he wanted to take charge. Calum quickly locked the doors and went on top of Luke, making sure to not hurt him. Now Luke was the moaning mess. Calum played with the hem of Luke's panties and pulled them down teasingly. Luke growled. Calum tsked. "That's what you get." He smirked. He took it off and threw it on the floor. He then prepped Luke and thrusted in him fast and hard. That's what Luke wanted.

They were a panting mess. Chests rising up and down fast. "Did I hurt you babe?" Calum asked. "No, don't worry. You didn't." Luke smiled. "W-was I good?" Luke gulped, looking at Calum with those innocent eyes. "Yes you were baby." Calum said. They were both tired. Both naked. They had no energy left to get up. "Did you like it princess?" Calum asked. "Mmhmm." Luke nodded. Calum chuckled. Luke cuddled closer to Calum, putting his head on his chest and Calum wrapping an arm around Luke. Then Luke fell asleep to Calum's heart beat, as cliché as that sounds, he did. Calum did the same too.

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