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Calum was worried that Luke might try to kill himself again when he leaves, but he should trust Luke. Luke was still sleeping, Calum didn't mind. Luke had a rough week, so Calum wanted him to sleep. Luke looked so soundly and peaceful when he's sleeping, reckon Luke still has his nightmares, but they have died down since Calum came.

Luke woke up a few minutes after Calum did. "How long were you up?" Luke asked. "About 20 minutes." Calum shrugged. "Oh, you should've woken me up." Luke said. "No, don't worry babe, you need sleep." Calum said. He was happy because he got to call Luke babe and baby and sunshine and princess and most of all he can call Luke his again.

"And you do too." Luke folded his arms. "You need it way more." Calum said. "No I don't. I'm fine." Luke said. Calum smiled and slightly shook his head while he brought Luke on his lap. Calum kissed his temple.


Calum was very bored, but he wanted to watch Luke and Luke couldn't really do anything. "Calum, can we go get Starbucks?" Luke asked. "I'll get it and you stay here." Calum demanded. "But—" Calum interrupted Luke. "No buts, baby. You stay here and rest." Calum said, Luke pouted. "What do you want?" Calum asked. "Just a regular mocha." Luke said. Calum nodded. "I'll be right back. Do not move from that spot." Calum said, while he kissed his forehead. Then, he headed out the door.

Calum went to the Starbucks that was on the campus, which really was a smart idea because people love Starbucks. Then, he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Edward and William. "Oh William, you're back I see." I say. William had a feared look on his face. "Back from where?" Edward asked. "N-no where." William stuttered. Edward gave him a suspicious look, but he decided not to talk any further. "So, anyway, Luke's okay?" Edward asked. "Yeah why?" Calum asked. "Oh no reason. It would be such a shame if something happened to him." He said, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

Calum didn't react because that is just what Edward wants. He simply got the drinks and headed back to Luke's dorm. He wasn't in his bed. Panic flushed over Calum, but it all went away when he saw Luke come back from the bathroom. He sighed in relief. "Babe, you scared me. I thought something happened to you." He said. "Like what?" Luke asked. "I dont know–what if someone came in here and did something?" Luke gave him a weird look. "Anyway, you should be resting." Calum said, changing the subject.

"I know, you should be too." Luke said. "But–" Calum tried to protest. "Nope, come on. Let's rest." Luke said, slowing making his way to Calum because his sides, back, and stomach hurt really badly. He took Calum's hand in his and laid him on the bed. "Babe, I know you're hurting, lay down." Calum said. Luke shook his head.

Luke was sore, everywhere. Calum knew he was sore, Calum had to make sure he rested because the Doctor said so. But, Luke wouldn't listen because he wanted to take care of Calum for once.

Luke tried to get him his drink, but failed. He set it on his desk right before he collapsed. "Luke!" Calum exclaimed. "Cal, it hurts. My stomach." Luke groaned. "I know. Listen to me next time, yeah?" Luke nodded,"I-I know. I'm-I'm sorry Cal." Luke apologized. "It's alright babe." Calum said getting an ice pack and putting it on his stomach.

Luke winced at how cold it was, but soon got used to it. Calum laid down next to him. "How's your stomach feeling now?" Calum asked. "Bad." Luke frowned. Luke tried sitting up, but winced and gasped as it hurt really bad. Calum saw and quickly laid him back down. A tear fell down Luke's cheek as it hurt really bad. "Luke just try and rest."  Calum said as he wiped the tear. "Now, let me take care of you." Calum kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to take care of you for once." Luke pouted. "I know babe, but that's my job. You don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself." Calum smiled. Luke smiled and closed his eyes. He soon drifted off to sleep and Calum did as well.


Calum woke up at around 11. Panic and fear washed over him when he saw Luke wasn't in bed. He got up and tried to think where could Luke be. He then heard whimpering and maybe crying coming from the closet. It was Luke. Calum opened it and took Luke out of the closet. "Babe, what happened? You had me so scared." Calum said. "I-I had a nightmare again and I don't want to wake you up so I got a water. Then I saw a shadowy figure standing right at the door frame. I got so scared I got my blanket and hid in there." Luke shook. Calum engulfed him in a hug.

"It's going to be okay. It was probably your imagination." Calum suggested, trying to calm Luke down. "Y-you think?" Luke asked, petrified. "Yeah." Calum rubbed his thigh. Calum wanted to make Luke forget what had happened, but they couldn't do anything. So Calum locked the doors, windows, closed the curtains, and checked the closest and bathroom.

"There's no one in here. I'm sure of it." Calum assured. Luke timidly smiled. They didn't know what else to do, they were trying out the new snap chat filters. They especially liked the face swap one. Luke may have hacked Calum and put it on his story, but little did he know Calum saw and saved it, because to Calum it was a cute picture. Calum thought Luke was adorable.

"You know I love you right?" Calum said. "Yeah." Luke answered. "And you know I'm going to marry you one day." Calum said with a cheeky grin. "Yeah I know." Luke giggled. "Do you know why?" Calum asked. "No, tell me." Luke demanded. "So I can make you breakfast in bed, so I can wake up to your beautiful face every single morning and I don't have to worry about you being 13,000 miles away from me. So I can go to sleep with you. So we can cuddle whenever and wherever. So we can be with each other for our birthdays and the holidays." Calum said, truthfully. "And I can't wait for that day, I always hate the feeling when you're not there and when we marry each other I won't have to worry about it." Luke smiled.

"When you're walking down the isle, I will be the luckiest man alive because I got to marry the most beautiful person ever." Calum said, which made Luke blush. Luke yawned, he was very tired since he was scared and he always had to sleep in his bed, if not he'd never be able to sleep. So he was very tired. "If you're tired princess, go to sleep. I don't mind." Calum shrugged. With that Luke fell asleep with a smile on his face thinking about his and Calum's future together.

Promises -Cake Hoodings- (Boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang