Is it me or normal parties look like this only?

Start from the beginning


"She'll come." I looked at Aiden in astonishment. He threw an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer.

"I will?"

"You will."


"Everybody! Astrid and I are throwing a party at our empty penthouse tonight. If you're a team member, a nice cheerleader or one of our friend, you will get the address through text. Dare forward that text and I will make sure that you leave party with a black eye!"

With this, he steered me away and I kept staring at him in absolute confusion.

What the hell happened to my brother?


"Is it me or normal parties look like this only?"

Aiden and Asher chuckled.

"You're so clueless. It's actually entertaining."

"Well, I am sorry if my overprotective jerk brothers never let me attend a party." I bit back sarcastically and they glared at me in return.

"Not funny." Asher grumbled. I rolled my eyes and marched towards Ryder who was standing with Liz.

"Ryder!" he looked up and greeted me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Am I in trouble?"

"Your best friend is! Where the hell is he?"

Liz chuckled.

"The guy takes more time to get ready than me." Ryder laughed along, totally betraying his best friend. I rolled my eyes and looked around.

My eyes landed on a scared and irritated Liam who was flocked with a few cheerleaders. This reminded me of the fact that Liam is probably one of the most good looking guys around. I bit back a chuckle when he removed a brunettes hand from his chest and she pouted.

Deciding to save him from misery, I walked towards him.

"Liam!" his frustrated gaze landed on me and I swear I saw them soften with relief.

"Your boyfriend was searching for you." I told him in a serious tone and his eyes almost popped out of socket. The redhead and brunette who were stuck to him like leeches, immediately let go as if he burned them.

"My what?!"

"That's why he wasn't turned on by Me." redhead concluded and marched away with brunette hot on tail.

"I saved you!" I chirp and he removed his eyes from the retreating leeches to glare at me.

"Thanks, Astrid for not only helping me get rid of those girls but also my reputation. I won't be surprised if Wade or Jack come to take their place now."

I laughed. Wade and Jack both were proud gay members of my team.

"Why thank you. I told you that I will be your princess in shining armour."

I beamed at him and he rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his beer.

"Why are you drinking?"

"Maybe, because I can?"

"No you can't!" I snatched the bottle out of his hands and handed it to random lacrosse jock.

"Why?" Liam whined.

"Because I am not drinking."

"And your point is?"

"I need a sober company, duh!"

"Wow! My first party and I am not allowed to drink."

I did a double take.

"Your first party? Why?"

"Hm. Never got invited before." He shrugged.

"Oh." I nodded. "It's my first party too. I have no clue what is happening here."

I pointed towards the makeshift dance floor where music was playing loudly but not loud enough to kill me. It's my party after all. People were drinking, grinding, making out or making a fool of themselves. And here I am, having the urge to throw up seeing all of this.

Honestly, it looked so much better in movies.


"Uh. I am prone to excessive headaches and passing out because of stress or anything that inflicts migraine." I shrugged, not meeting his eyes.


Awkwardness settled between us and I took this as my cue to leave. I excused myself and looked around for Neal. My eyes landed on Rose and Asher who were dancing and laughing. Liz and Ryder were next to them. Alex and Aiden were standing with Wade, Jeremy and Sebastian. I saw Felix flirting with Tiffany, a nice cheerleader. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Where are you, Neal?" I whispered to myself.

"In your heart." I shrieked and turned around to slap him.

"Ow. Why would you hit me! Admit it! It was cute!"

"Stop freaking me out every time! And I am not talking to you, I thought you stood me up!" I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Let me kiss it better. Eh?" Before I could protest, he uncrossed my arms and guided them to his neck as he leaned down to kiss me. "Better, pumpkin?"

I rolled my eyes but couldn't bite back a giddy smile.

"You look hot." I blushed and looked down at my outfit self-consciously. I was wearing one of Rose's outfit as none of mine was fit for the occasion.

Well spare me if I didn't knew that my brothers will actually throw a party for me.

The top was a sleeveless gold piece with a sweetheart neckline and a little flare at the end. I paired it with black skinny jeans, a gold clutch, a black stone ring and golden earrings. Rose squeezed me into a pair of wedges too.

"Uh thanks?"

"God! You're so damn adorable!" he chuckled and pecked me. I swatted him on shoulder but laid my head on his chest as we subconsciously swayed to the beats of 'Don't let me down'.

We danced for a while until the loud music along with beer stench started pounding my head. Neal excused himself for a drink, totally unaware of my state. I saw him talking to Ryder after 5 minutes. Not wanting to spoil anybody's fun, I silently slipped out of there towards the huge balcony of our penthouse.

I did a double take when I saw Felix sitting there with a beer bottle.




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