Rule Number One.5

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A/N: Thank you everyone for voting and all. I've been having some downs recently and I'm lucky to have met all you good people here on wattpad. It's alright if I don't make any sense but just remember I love all of you reading this author's note!



Zayne started pacing towards the door where I was standing and leaned down to my height, which was only up to his shoulders. “Sometimes you make me forget about my job,” He sneered so closely to my face that I took a step back.

His face kept getting closer and I just kept moving backwards in the direction of my room. How did I do that? Maybe I really was born with ninja skills or just eyes on the back of my head.

Finally when I could feel my bedroom door just behind me, I violently pushed it open and ran in, reaching to slam it shut in Zayne’s face, mumbling an apology. It’s a habit alright?

That was when life threw me lemons once again, as Zayne easily held the door open and stepped in with ease while I gave my all in trying pushing the door shut.

“Don’t you need to sleep like Ayden?” I frowned and gave up, crossing my arms and heading to my bed.

He raised an eyebrow at me, “Ayden told you about our sleeping habits?” Zayne looked taken aback.

"Yeah, am I not supposed to know? I'm sorry." I muttered guiltily but Zayne snickered and ran a hand through his smooth hair, his glistening eyes boring into mine.

A cloak of silence enveloped the room, but it was soon lifted by Zayne’s question, “Do you think I’m the bad guy?”

That question was simple, really. He didn’t harm me, but he did try to harm my sister… It was his job right? Nobody could blame for that. “You’re just doing your job, so, nope. Just try to be nicer to people and not possess them.” I piqued happily.

Zayne avoided my gaze and fixated his gaze on the ground, mumbling something I couldn’t catch.

Suddenly, he was standing in front of me with a hand tucking back a stray lock of my hair. "It's time for me to go, but let me tell you something. Don’t be nice to me – the bad guy – because I’m-" Zayne stopped abruptly and I simply stared up at him, “Ah, screw this. Sweet nightmares, Hays.”

Sweet nightmares?

He then disappeared into thin air and I shrugged, going back to my bed and let sleep take over.

That night, I had a fitful sleep.

"Riesa?" I called out to my friend who was curled up in the corner of the black and white room, a single spotlight lit up right above her. She didn't reply so I drew closer, hoping she'd hear me.

"Riesa..." I beckoned once again but she ignored me. Instead, she held out her both her hands, one equipped with a familiar-looking dagger and the other with her palm facing up. In a swift movement, she slashed her wrist open.

Blood splattered against the wall, just as how my screams reverberated around the room. Hurriedly, I bolted to her and stopped her self-mutilation attempt. "Riesa, snap out of it!" I cried, tugging at the handle of the dagger.

However, she overpowered me easily and slashed her wrist once again, a pool of blood already forming on the ground and some even splashing onto me. Her maniacal laughter rang in my ears and her light crystal blue eyes pierced into mine, her laughter never-ending. She wasn’t the Riesa I knew, she had the crazed look, just like Axel before.

“You… You’re the root of all my problems, Hays.” She sneered tauntingly, clutching the dagger tighter till her knuckles started turning white.

Rule Number OneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum