The Arena: Day Two - Part One

Start from the beginning

‘’ They’re gone now.’’ I say and Caspian sighs.

‘’ Damn.’’

Osmo Overton’s POV:

‘’ C’mon, just a bit further!’’ Calls Echo as we swim towards the lighthouse.

We really underestimated the effort it takes to swim with clothes on and bags of gear over our backs. The water seems to soak into every possible nook and cranny of our outfits and it adds greatly to the weight. If not for the tide moving out, helping me to move towards the lighthouse, I’m sure I’d have had to turn back.

As Echo pulls herself up and I swim closer and closer to the lighthouse, I feel myself beginning to tire. I won’t make it.

‘’ Almost there Osmo! Keep going!’’ She calls, lying on her stomach and stretching out her arms towards me.

I kick my legs in no clear pattern, switching between different strokes every few seconds, doing what I can to simply keep my head above the water. I continue forwards though, and feel Echo’s hand grab me by the wrist. While she pulls, I climb and join her outside the lighthouse.

‘’ This thing better be open!’’ She says, only half joking.

Before I can reply, the sound of the President booms throughout the arena.

‘’ Good morning tributes and happy Hunger Games to you all! Day two has just started and I have a huge surprise for you all. Like it has been done the past twenty five years, the Capitol has been voting on special attractions to make these Games more interesting. There will be three special attractions, each spread out over three days and today marks the start of the first.’’

I glance at Echo, she looks both frightened but also ready for whatever the Capitol have to throw at us.

‘’ The Capitol have been voting like crazy, and I can now announce the first of three special attractions. Entering the arena right now, are mermaid sirens! May the odds be ever in your favour. Until tomorrow!’’

As he finishes, his words echo until they vanish completely. The two of us wait in anticipation for something both of us are silently hoping doesn’t come.

‘’ Mermaids?’’ Echo finally utters. I simply shrug my shoulders.

The door to the lighthouse is unlocked, we step inside and enter what seems to be a small hallway. The place looks empty, as if nobody has set foot inside it for weeks at least. Echo leads the way and we cautiously scale the stairs, there is a small kitchen on the next floor. There is a gas stove in the centre with pipes leading upwards to the next floor. There are shelves lining the walls, however none have anything edible in them. On the third floor, there is a small living quarters, a bed and drawers and the pipe from downstairs stretches around the side of the room and out by a window.

‘’ This is great.’’ Smiles Echo cheerfully. ‘’ This swim was worth it!’’

I do not respond to her, I hear a noise outside. Singing. It is beautiful, more beautiful than Echo herself, or my mother or anything else in the world. I begin to walk from the room. Nothing is important anymore. Except this music, this voice.

‘’ Osmo?’’

I walk down the stairs, push open the door and stare into the water. The voices are coming from there. I slowly approach the edge of the small island and glance into the water. I step forward.

Ravina Quill’s POV:

‘’ Shh.’’ I order as myself and Adaline hide behind a tree on the edge of a clearing. Belle and Margo are in the clearing in front of us, standing beside the pond looking down into it.

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