Neymar's Fucking Ex.

Começar do início

"That's exactly what they are, players. Just keep that in mind." I mumbled turning to smile at one of the camera's that seemed to pop up out of nowhere.

"Fucking kill joy!" Shauna whined tugging on my arm.

The dress that she had especially made for me, hugged my body, it was nice, it wasn't really my taste, but I made it look great. It went all the way to the floor, dragging a little bit of trail actually and reached all the way up to my shoulders, but it had a really wide neck, so it was like barely hanging on to my shoulders. It had little gems and designs running all over my body, and I sparkled like a disco ball. But looking at some of the other ladies dresses I would probably be the last one to stand out.

We walked into the huge ass room the dinner was being held at and I held my breath, a lot of people I recognized where here tonight. Shit. This will be my death.

Too bad.

Oh my God Neymar is here. I just saw him with some other girl, and I didn't even get to go for my drink! As soon as I saw him I ran! Like a pussy, I'll admit.

"Here." Shauna said quietly handing me a shot. I downed it quickly, only slightly wincing at the bitterness.

"You know you should really try to get over him, like meet someone else tonight. Flirt a little make sure he sees it." I nodded slowly but really wasn't planning on any of that. I needed a little time of independence first.

It had been a few minutes since, I had seen Neymar and as far as I know he hasn't seen me yet. Well I think that is good.

Until this dinner walk around and greet stuck up people, turns into a fucking dance. Seriously? Did they have to do this. So apparently we were an even number of women and men, and apparently they had someone watching and no one was leaving until everyone had at least one dance.

Well shit that is awkward. I am like the only person who isn't dancing with anyone right now.

Why is life so fucking cruel?

I was about to hang my head and cry like a baby, but someone tapped my shoulder.

"Umm. Excuse me?" I turned around and looked up at him. My breath caught in my throat. That hot defender.

"Yes?" I asked quietly.

"Damn..." He said and just stared at me. I blushed and looked down. "I'm sorry, I just didn't think that it was possible to have that much beauty in just one person." I blushed deeper and sunk back into myself.

"I'm sorry.. Again.... Do you want to dance?" He held his out to the dance floor and one toward me.

"Well I don't want to hold everyone up, or turn down that offer. So.... Sure." I agreed smiling and putting my hand in his.

We walked over to an empty spot farther away from all of the chairs and people then we were previously in, then he pulled me to him and we started dancing. It was a slow song so we swayed back and forth to the music a bit.

Then I started humming the song, when I recognized the tune, I didn't know the words though.

I looked up at him again and smiled when I found out he was already looking at me.

"What was your name?" I asked him.

"Marc. Yours?" He answered.

"Y/n" I mumbled quietly. I wondered if he knew who I was, or if he just asked me my name to not make it awkward or something.

"Oh....wait. Your Neymar's girlfriend right?" He pulled away slightly and my face fell. Shit, why didn't I come up with a fake name or something?

"Was." I said slowly. "He broke up with me, said something about needing something better than me." By this time he stopped swaying so I kind of let my hands fall away from his.


"Yeah oh." I took a step back and was about to excuse myself but was stopped when he reached out and grabbed my waist.

"So there is like no reason I'm going to punched for dancing with you or something right?"

I laughed lightly and shook my head, shuffling towards him and wrapping my hands around his neck. Then we resumed swaying as his chin rested on my head.

The music had ended and he invited me over to a drink. I happily agreed and followed him over to the bar, my hand in his. He didn't let go of my hand when he asked for our drinks and didn't let go until we were both sitting in different stools. He turned a little to face me and gave me a lopsided grin.

"So where are you from?" He asked quietly.

"Well, I'm actually Mexican, I was born there but my mother was an American so I grew up speaking both English and Spanish. I lived over on the other side of Mexico." I made motions with my hands to kind of signal the other side of Mexico. I was pretty sure I just ended up looking like an idiot. "On the Baja Peninsula, it's really nice there. Soccer is a big thing to." I smiled and nodded clasping my hands together, looking for the bar tender and my drink. I really needed one to make me a little less awkward.

"Mexico? I've never met a Mexican." He said thoughtfully leaning on the counter and rubbing his jaw.

"Well, now you have." I grinned and reached for my drink which had just arrived. "So tell me about your self." I requested downing my drink then turning to him.

He told me about himself for a while, then he invited me to dance again, so I said yes. Getting up to go to the dance floor, he turned to me and took a step back, crashing into someone in the process.

"Watch it! Do you know how much this suit costs?" My stomach dropped. Fucking Neymar.

"Sorry man I didn't know you where there." Marc apologized grabbing my hand and starting to lead me around Neymar.

"Y/n?" I gulped.

"Who's y/n baby?" I wasn't nervous anymore, I remembered what that little piece of shit did to me and I wasn't nervous anymore.

"Yes Neymar?" I hissed stopping Marc for a second, I felt weird dragging him into this.

"What are you doing here with him?" Neymar asked pointing at Marc, then turning to him and sneering.

"I didn't come with him, I came with Shauna, but I'm kind of glad I met him, he saved me from a whole night of loneliness and awkwardness."

"You shouldn't be here with him." I rolled my eyes and walked away, well tried to. Neymar grabbed my arm and yanked me back. I squeaked lightly but luckily no one but Marc heard. At least I think luckily. Marc just glared, really, really hard at Neymar and his hand shrunk away from my arm. The other girl that Neymar came with just seemed really confused and a little mad.

"You shouldn't be here with her!" I pointed at her and tried to clear all emotion from my voice and face. It seemed to work because everyone in the little argument seemed to be trying to study me and read me.

"That doesn't matter, you are here with him, that is what we are talking about."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." Neymar got up into my face and the girl started to pull on his shoulder. Marc just squeezed my hand, letting me know that Neymar wasn't getting far if he wanted to try something.

"Back off Neymar!" I hissed pushing his chest away from me.

"You don't tell me what to do y/n your mine remember?" I groaned and pushed him away some more. Grabbing Marc's hand a little tighter I escorted him to one of the balconies of the buildings.

"I'm sorry about that." I mumbled as I opened the door to the outside of the balcony.

"No worries." Marc shrugged, well at least from the movement of his hand, he shrugged.

I sighed and leaned up against the railing.

"y/n?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning to look at him a second later.

He didn't say anything else to me he just planted his lips on mine.

*Part two or nah?*

Marc Bartra ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora