Leah X Jacob

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Leah's POV

Its been six years since the Cullens left Forks, and to this day I still have to deal with Jacob mourning Renesmee leaving. When they first moved I couldn't be happier, I thought since the bloodsuckers have left that maybe things could go back to normal - maybe I'll stop shifting and be normal. That happiness soon changed to annoyance. I had to constantly deal with hearing and seeing Jacob wined and complain every time I was in my wolf form. And during the past year, that annoyance changed to pity. The poor kid's depression just seem to get deeper. Lately he's seemed so mechanical. He's like a robot. He gives us orders to rome around apparently trying to make sure there are no vamps around the area, when we all know he's doing this in hopes that we might catch Cullens scent.

"Leah do you mind getting your brother from the Black's house? no one is answering their house phone. And tell Billy and Jacob they're welcome to join us. Charlie will be here in 30 minutes, and heaven knows he'll be hungry." my mom called out to me from the kitchen. "Yeah ma, I'll be back in a few." I said as I grabbed her car keys.

As I drove to Jake's house, I started contemplating weather I should even ask him if wanted to have dinner with us. He always turned the invite down. I knocked on the door, no answer. "Jake? Billy? Seth? Anyone home?" I called out. This is weird. I walked around the back and saw Jacob sitting on a tree stump. "Hey Jake! Where's your dad and Seth? I called out as I walked around them. Jacob shook his head as if snapping out of a day dream "You're mom called and asked them to come over for dinner. What are you doing here Leah?" he said sheepishly. "Oh well I guess someone finally answered your house phone. My mom had me come over to get you guys for dinner coz no one was answering your phone. Well, are you ready to go?" I asked nonchalantly hoping he would just say yes. "Neh Leah, I'm not really in the mood to be around people" He said looking away. "Oh well in that case we can go hunt. You don't have to be around any 'people' per say." I said with a smile, he said nothing. "Oh come on Jake, people usually laugh or at least smile when someone says a joke" I said as I nudged his arm. "They don't when the joke's not funny" he said with a smirk. "Jerk." I said jokingly. "Come on Leah, everyone knows you don't like eating raw meat. What do you really want?" He said looking a bit annoyed. I don't understand why he treats me like a pest sometimes. I've been more than nice to him about this whole situation - at least as nice as I could. "Listen Jacob Black, I'm here trying to be nice to you and you have to turn around and be an ass." I said as I walked away. "Leah, stop, look I'm sorry." Jacob got up from the stump and started following me. "Just leave me alone, I'm so tired of your this emo crap!" I said and continued walking. I was about to reach the car when I felt his hand grab my shoulder. With one swift movement he was able to turn me around and to my surprise his face was only two inches away from mine. He was looking at me with apologetic eyes and I couldn't help but stare back. My anger melted as I felt his sweet breathe brush my face. My heart began to race - I've forgotten how to breathe. "Leah?" he said breaking my trance. I was finally able to inhale and without warning I felt blood rush to my cheeks. I looked down hoping he wouldn't see me blush. He raised his hand to my chin and pulled my face up "Let's hunt" he said with a smirk.

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