Chapter Eighty Two

Start from the beginning

It takes twenty minutes to convince Bella to lie down once in their bedroom, she ends up laying on top of Liam, while Zayn curls into them from the side, one arm around Bella and Liam his other hanging off the bed to pet the dog's head. Liam's got one arm securing Bella to his chest, his fingers tangled with Zayn's his other arm is scrolling through Netflix on the TV trying to find something for background noise. He settles on Dora, figuring it will help keep Bella calm, and it seems to have the desired effect as she relaxes slightly against him as soon as she hears the theme song. "I love you Arabella, you're safe I promise" Liam murmurs, Zayn echoing his sentiment before all three of them manage to drift off into a fitful sleep.

Liam's awake first in the morning, it's only a few hours later he realizes, but it seems to be all his body is willing to let him sleep. Liam grabs his phone and quickly sends Niall an email, he meant to the night before but forgot with everything going on when they got home. He explains quickly that he won't be in the office and why, but will be available at home most of the day, and that he'll call Niall later to fill him in more. Zayn stirs beside him as soon as he hits send on the email, pushing himself up slightly to see Liam, "what time is it?" Zayn mumbles, rubbing at his eyes, Liam chuckles "just before seven" he answers. Zayn groans before nodding and pushes himself carefully out of bed, Liam watches him grab his phone before he disappears into the bathroom and Liam just assumes Zayn is calling into the school for the next day or two. There's a noise in the hall before Louis carefully peeks his head into the room, "how's she doing?" he asks and Liam shrugs as best as he can from where he's still pinned underneath the toddler, "probably about the same as last night" Liam hums. Louis nods, "right so Harry is coming over with breakfast for everyone, I hope that's alright" he mumbles, just as Zayn comes back into the room, tossing his phone onto his bedside table. "That's great Louis, thanks. But you guys didn't have to do that" Liam hums, rubbing up and down Bella's back with one hand, Louis shrugs, "I wanted to, and so did Haz as soon as I told him why I wasn't coming home last night" he explains before backing out of the room.

Bella wakes up with a whimper about five minutes later and immediately makes grabby hands for Zayn, who happily scoops her into his arms. Liam sighs in relief because he really needs to pee and bolts into the bathroom moments later. When he comes back into the bedroom minutes later his heart breaks a little more as Zayn is sat on the bed the Bella curled into him as tears slide down her cheeks. Furrowing his eyebrows Liam moves to sit beside the pair, "what happened?" he mumbles and Zayn shrugs, "I think it all just came back to her" he murmurs and Liam nods just as his phone rings. Liam reaches to grab it, grinning slightly when he sees it's Niall, "I'm gonna take this, or he'll just keep calling" he mumbles as Zayn nods and Liam presses accept.

"Hey Ni, I told you I'd call you" Liam greets, "yeah 'cause I'm gonna wait for that, what the Hell happened Li?" Niall retorts. Liam moves so he's out of Bella's hearing range and leans against the wall, "Sadie happened, she grabbed Bella off the playground right in front of us, she's terrified" he mumbles. Niall sucks in a breath and Liam just counts to himself as he waits, "that fucking bitch I'll kill her" Niall snaps, and Liam's impressed because Niall usually can and does come up with a lot worse. "You're gonna have to wait in line, I think even the police wanted to hurt her last night. And I think Zayn has dibs on first" Liam chuckles. Niall growls "how are you and Zayn?" he asks and Liam can hear the genuine concern that comes from years of friendship in his voice, "and is there anything Josh and I can do?" he adds. Liam smiles, "I think we're all a little shaken up, but we're okay" he murmurs, "and thanks Ni, but I think we're alright right now, I'll let you know though" he adds. Niall's quiet for a minute, "okay, take care of her yeah?" he murmurs "and take as much time off as you need the rest of this week is pretty open for us anyways, and I can handle everything at the office" Niall says seriously. Liam's instantly grateful for his best friend slash business partner, "thanks Niall" he mumbles. "Seriously though Liam, anything you need just call me. I'll let you get back to your family. Love you all" Niall murmurs, "thanks Ni, we love you too" Liam hums before hanging up and moving back over to where Zayn has managed to calm Bella down once again.

"Daddy" Bella whimpers, as Liam opens her door and works at unbuckling her straps, "what is it Princess?" Liam hums as he pulls her into his arms, "wanna go home" she mutters. Liam smiles sadly, they've just arrived at the police station to give their statement against Sadie, then they were headed over to his mum's to assure his parents everyone was alright. "I know Lovely, but Baba and Daddy just have to talk to the police officers from last night for one quick minute and then we can go see Grandma okay?" he asks bouncing Bella lightly in his arms, Bella crosses her arms and pouts but doesn't protest further and Liam's grateful for it, he doesn't want to be here any more than she does if he's honest. Zayn is beside him then, reaching over to tangle their fingers together, "you ready?" Zayn murmurs and Liam sighs nodding, "let's just get this done so we can get on with our day" he mumbles, Zayn nods and the three head inside the station quickly.

"We're here to see Officer Hardwick and Officer Jones" Liam says to the perky looking receptionist who nods, before smiling sympathetically at the three and pressing something on her phone. "Right this way" she murmurs after hanging up the phone, standing up to lead them to a small room, "they'll be right with you" she hums, before turning to look at Bella, "hey cutie, do you wanna colour?" she asks. Bella whimpers and digs her face into Liam's neck "sorry, she had a rough night" Zayn apologizes for her but the receptionist waves him away "I completely understand, I'll grab her a colouring book and crayons, and some juice just in case" she murmurs before disappearing from the room, only to return a second later to pass the mentioned items to Zayn. "Thank you" Liam murmurs before she disappears again, Liam moves Bella around as he sits in one of the chairs, Zayn sitting beside them and passes Bella the colouring book and crayons, she smiles slightly and pulls one out and starts scribbling across the pages.

The door opens again after a couple minutes and Bella jumps in Liam's lap, "you're okay, it's just Officer Hardwick and Officer Jones" Liam murmurs, "they're the good guys remember" he adds. Bella just squeaks and leans more into Liam, "we'll make this quick, we really don't need a lot from you guys, just what happened before we got there" Officer Jones explains. Liam nods as Bella reaches for Zayn who happily lets her climb into his lap, Liam then leans forward on the table, launching into the events of the night before without hesitation. Officer Jones is taking notes, while Officer Hardwick does his best to make Bella smile, succeeding a few times even managing to make her giggle twice. "Anything to add Mr. Malik?" Officer Jones asks, directing her attention to Zayn and Bella once Liam's done speaking, Bella whines and hides her face and Liam is confused until it clicks, Bella's been acting shy around women more than men all day, the whole thing with Sadie has made her nervous around women. Zayn shrugs arms wrapping more tightly around Bella as he explains the few encounters he had alone with Sadie. Officer Jones finishes writing everything down and smiles at them, "thanks for everything you two, and she won't be bothering you or anyone else for a long time" she says standing up and offering her hand for Liam and then Zayn to shake. "Enjoy the rest of your day, and take care of this gorgeous girl" Officer Hardwick grins, shaking Zayn's, then Liam's hand and reaching out to fist bump Bella who giggles as she knocks her tiny fist against his much larger one. Liam can't help but smile at the scene because despite everything, he thinks they're going to be okay. 

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