He says quietly, "I made this for your mom, hopefully it gets you guys to calm it in there." He makes sure his fingers are in the right places and starts to play the song he sung for me not too long ago. It was called, Kissing In Cars.

"As we wake up in your room... your face is the first thing I see.
The first time I've seen love, and the last I'll ever need. You remind him that your future would be nothing without him. Never lose him, I'm afraid, better think of something good to say. But it's all been done, more than once so I'll keep on trying, Oh God don't let me be the only one who says...
No! At the top of our lungs,
there's no, no such thing as too young. When second chances won't leave you alone. Then there's faith in love..."

The kicking has gotten slower.

"He was always the one. I'll repeat it again, the one. No such thing as too young. Red lights flash in the car we're kissing in, call me crazy. I've always tried to remind him that the future's just a few heartbeats away.. from disaster. I'm afraid that I've thrown it all away. No! At the top of our lungs,
there's no, no such thing as too young. Second chances won't leave you alone...." He trails off. He looks at me smiling. The kicking comes to a stop. I smile right back at him.

Vic sings, "No at the top of our lungs, there's no, no such thing as too young. Second chances won't leave you alone. We'll repeat it again, there's no, no such thing as too young. Second chances won't leave you alone, 'Cause there's faith in...love. If you kiss me goodnight, I'll know, everything is alright. Second chances won't leave us alone! Won't leave us alone, 'Cause there's faith in love..." He trails off. My heart is filled with joy and happiness.

"You actually got them to sleep or at least stop." I smile. He smiles back and puts his guitar back in its place. He leans over and kisses me softly. Then he leans down and gives my stomach butterfly kisses. Then he lays down and turns off the lamp. "Cuddle with me?" I question. "You don't even have to ask. Come here." I lay down and cuddle into Vic's chest.

"I love you, Vic." I smile. "I love you too, Princess." He gives me a small kiss on my head. Then I fell asleep.


"Hey Princess, lets go upstairs for a second." He said. "Okay?" I say puzzled. Why does he want to go upstairs.

Vic gets up and then helps me up. "What are we doing?" I ask. "You'll see." He says. He helps me up the stairs and as we go up I hear other footsteps behind us. What is going on? We make it up the stairs and Vic and I walk over to the couch. "Can I sit?" I ask. I don't want my feet to hurt. "Yeah," he nods.
I see everyone else come up here too. What is going on??

Vic grabs my hand, I see him get down on one knee, and my heart starts racing.

"Kellin, my Princess. I love you so so so much. You complete my world. Ever since I've met you my life has been in a much better place. You're the reason I have a smile on my face, and now I get to wake up to you everyday. You're everything I've ever wanted or needed in one person. I didn't think it was possible to find a loving, amazing person. I would absolutely love to spend the rest of my life with that astonishing person." He picks up something from the floor.

It's a red leather box. "Will you marry me?" He ask revealing the ring. It was gorgeous but simple. It was silver and had a single diamond on it. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I looked at it.

"Yes!" I yell happily grinning from ear to ear

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"Yes!" I yell happily grinning from ear to ear. Every one claps and Vic smiles wide, then slips the ring onto my ring finger. Then we share a tight hug. "I love you so much!" I sob into his shoulder. "I love you too!" He says sniffing. Is he crying too?? "I can't believe this our boys are getting married!" I hear mom say.

We pull away and everyone sits down with us and I show our mothers the ring Vic got me. "Kell, you should check the inside of the ring." Mama says winking. I hesitantly I pull the ring off my finger and check the inside.  It has the date me and Vic first met. This is also where we first met.... Oh. My. God! That's why he brought me up here. I slip the ring back on my finger and hug up to my fiancé.

Few hours later we are home and it's about ten o'clock. I get into bed a smile still on my face. "I love you," Vic smiles. "I love you too." I say. Vic comes closer to me and hovers above me. He leans down and kisses me softly. He pulls away and says, "Listen, I know the ring isn't much. I promise you I'll ge-" I cut him off by kissing him. "The ring is perfect, okay? I love it." I say.

He kisses me once again before laying down correctly. I lay down on my side as he turns the light off. His arm wraps around my waist in a comforting way. "Goodnight Love." I say. "Night, Princess."

I close my eyes and within minutes I'm asleep.

I wake up to a horrible cramp running through my side. What the fuck? They've never been that harsh, maybe I should walk around a bit. I remove myself from Vic's grasp and start waking around. I turn on the light so that I could see. I'm also kinda thirsty, I'm already up so why not? I waddle to the kitchen and get a cup.

I feel another horrible cramp and my grip on the cup tightens as I lean on the counter. What's going on? As the cramp stops I go back to getting my water. I turn on the faucet and let it fill a quarter of the cup up. After taking a sip I sit the cup on the counter.

I felt another cramp which hurt even worse than the last ones. I put my hand on my stomach, and lean onto the counter. When the cramp has run through I stand up straight. Maybe I should go get Vic. Before I could fully make it out of the kitchen, I gasped as a very painful cramp shot up my lower back. Then I felt a warm liquid trail down my left leg. Oh shit!

I try to walk but I fail as more pain raced through my lower half. "V- ah!" I yell. I get no response. I decided to yell again. "Vic!"

He still doesn't answer me!! Why does he have to be such a hard sleeper?! When the contraction passed it gave me a little time to at least make it to the couch. I feel another painful contraction and I fall onto the couch. Groaning in pain. I feel another painful contraction on top of the other one that wasn't even done.

I started to feel pressure against my entrance. I cried out in pain. I slid my pants off kicking them off even though it hurt to do so. I lay on the couch and spread my legs. Another contraction attacked me, I could feel myself pushing.

"Kellin!" I hear him scream from the back. I soon see him run in. "What's wr-" he looked at me on the couch and ran to my side. He grabbed my hand. I started to squeeze his hand very very hard.


Shh I know that sucked xD Here's a chapter for you all. I love you my Darlings.

I Knew It Was You (Kellic) (boyxboy) MpregWhere stories live. Discover now