Chapter Eight: Alone

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I wasn't paying any attention to how much time had passed by. It had been a while, that's all I knew. Not that it really mattered, let her take her time, it wouldn't hurt her to have a moment alone.

I huddled down inside my jacket, away from the cold, and leaned against the balcony rail.  My breath clouded in front of my face as I stared out at the night, overlooking the car park, the road leading into it, and past. Nothing came along, no headlights gave away anyone approaching. It would have been obvious if anyone was coming this way, but, so far so good.

A plus to it being the coldest fucking night of the entire winter was that there were no bugs flying around the neon sign in front of where I stood. Bugs pissed me off, but, then, so did the rain. Tonight was shaping up to be the single, worst night of my life.

So, imagine how it must be for her.

Alright, fine, I'll shut my whiny ass up.

The light tread of her footsteps from inside made me turn back, and I waited for her to open the door for me.

And waited.

But the door stayed firmly shut, leaving me outside. I thought about opening it, checking in to make sure she was okay, but I'd promised her that I'd wait, so, I did, just in case. It wasn't like I was opposed to walking in on her naked, that might make up for having to wait out in the cold, but I doubted that she'd appreciate it the way I would have.

Another sound, a startled gasp. I frowned, leaned against the door, listening. Footsteps again, more like a scramble.


A loud thump from her side, and my heart lurched at the abrupt sound, adrenaline coursing through me.

Had someone found us, gotten in there?

That was my first, and only thought before I threw the door open, tense, expecting... well, not what I was seeing.

Her back was pressed to the far wall, a knife in hand, light flickered from the sharpened steel, glimmering as she trembled. I braced myself, glancing around the room, ready for someone to spring on me, or her...

But, she was alone, no one else in there, no one struggling with her. And that look of horror, teeth bared in a savage grimace, that was directed at me.

I stepped inside the room, closed the door behind me, locking it. What was she doing? What was she freaking out over?


"Stay away from me."

Her voice was a growl, staring across the room at me, and she thrust her knife toward me.  My knife, I realised, recognising it. The one I kept in the bag

"Bonnie," I took another step closer, and glanced down at the sound of crinkling paper beneath my feet, photos.

Oh. Shit.

Because, obviously I recognised the grainy, over exposed pictures, as well.  I must have studied them over a hundred times in the last couple of days, memorising every detail of each person, of her. Where I would find her, where they would go to find her, and her family.

Why the fuck had I brought them with me? How could I think that she wouldn't find them? Why did I think she'd believe me, whether I was telling her the truth, or not? Things already looked bad, but now they were even worse.

"I know how this looks," I held out my hand, showing her it was empty, and she inched along the wall as I took a step closer. "I'm not going to hurt you, Bonnie."

"Why do you have those?" She demanded, glancing down for just a second to the photos scattered around me.

"Because..." I faltered, hesitated. God, she was not going to like this, but why would she?

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