"I hate horror movies!"

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"D-Did you pay her or...or something!?" Brad sputtered as he paced back and forth around my bedroom.

I chuckled and laced my fingers behind my head, leaning back against the headboard. I had just told him that Lilly had agreed to go out with me and, Brad, being the sore loser that he is, accused me of paying her. My eyes followed Brad's figure as he walked in stiff lines around my room.

"No. She said yes because she likes me," I smirked as another groan fell from his lips.

"She hated you two days ago!" he shouted, now standing at the foot of my bed.

"Why can't you just accept the fact that I'm going to win?" I said with an arrogant roll of my eyes.

"No. No. No," he repeated. "The challenge isn't over. She may have agreed to a date but there is no way she will ever fall in love with you."

"Don't be so sure," I smirked. "Lilly may be difficult, but she's still a girl. And every girl eventually falls for this," I said as I motioned to my face.

Brad scoffed, grabbing my bookbag from the floor and tossing it towards me. I caught it quickly and swung my legs off the bed.

"Let's see how your date goes first before we jump to conclusions," Brad said as he walked out of my room, both of us preparing for another grueling day of school.

I stepped in through the double doors of the classic cream colored walls of my high school. As soon as my feet made it through the doorway, everyone's eyes were focused on me. The loud conversations that filled the halls slowly decreased to murmurs as every person waited for me to make a move.

I smirked, casually scanning the heads around the halls. I walked further into the school, people moving out of my way as I passed by. The girls stuck out their chests and flipped their hair, not so descreetly trying to get my attention. I noticed them from my peripheral vision but walked on past, mainly because I've dated most of these girls before. And I only have two rules when dating girls, never date the same girl twice, and never ever fall in love.

No exceptions.

I strided through the halls, drawing everyone's attention, when I finally saw her. She stood at her locker, her back towards me, and her face buried in a book. Her friend, who I now know as Anna, stood infront of her with her eyes wide as she saw me.

I smirked as I strolled up to Lilly who still hadn't looked up. The halls were silent now, everyone knew what was going on, and their mouths were shut not daring to miss a second of this. This was a custom that they have all become used to. Each week they wait in high anticipation to see who would be my next target.

As I walk up to Lilly, the entire school watches, fully aware that she is the one I'm after this week. I stand directly behind her, peering over her shoulder to see her choice of reading material this time. The girls in the hall watch dumbfounded as to why it was her instead of them.

The guys in the hall watch eagerly, mentally taking notes of what to do. Anna stares at me, her jaw dropping to the floor. Lilly is probably the most oblivious girl I've ever met. How can she be so absorbed into the book that she hasn't noticed the dead silence surrounding her.

I examined the brown leather book she has in her hands and I recognized it to be the same one she carried around with her since elementary school. A brown, worn out pencil was gripped tightly in her right hand as she scribbled furiously on the page. She paused as she bit her lip in concentration. I squinted my eyes, trying to read the words only to find that there were no words. The page was completely filled with music notes.

The notes neatly filled the pages and there were a few words scribbled into the margins of the pages. I read the notes and quietly hummed the melody, surprising myself at how great it sounded.

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