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Friday, August 7th | 2:21pm | Four Seasons Hotel

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Friday, August 7th | 2:21pm | Four Seasons Hotel

Cam wasn't surprised that Jukes had booked the most extravagant hotel in Saint Petersburg as their temporary home as they continued to look for Viktor.

For once, it was much deserved. After barely escaping the safehouse and traveling for an entire day to Russia, Cam could use some five star treatment. On his agenda today was a hardcore workout in the gym followed by a full body massage at the spa.

To say he was stressed was an understatement. There were tons of emotions swirling around in his brain that he couldn't even focus on any specific one to tackle.

He was anxious, drowning in constant paranoia at the possibility of death around every corner. Of course, he was used to the feeling by now, but because of recent event, it was heightened to a peak he had never reached before. He had to stay extra cautious about every move because he needed to be prepared to attack at any given moment. This time, it wasn't just his life on the line, there was also Belinda, Owen, and Alex to think about.

He was terrified, that he'd never get another chance to do the things he wanted with his life, or say the millions of words he had left unsaid to the ones he loved. There was fear that consumed him, at the idea of dying unsatisfied with his life. If there was ever a time to come to terms with that, it was now.

He was angry, exceptionally livid. If Viktor hadn't screwed up their mission, they wouldn't be here in the first place. He was even more upset that they didn't have a single clue how to find the bastard, causing them to head back to this country where it was obvious their lives were at stake.

Lastly, he was exhausted. He hadn't been able to get a good night's rest in ages, it felt like. He would only be able to put his mind at ease for a few hours before it began running full speed like a bullet train, thoughts and delusions waking him up in the middle of the night.

The last time he had been this upset, this on edge, was when he and Fox had broken up. He remembered being outrageously paranoid that she was in danger without him to protect her, but he eventually learned that she was capable of taking care of herself.

And that she didn't need him to survive.

He tried to empty his mind and focus on a productive day ahead. They decided that today would be a rest day and they'd resume their plan of attach full on tomorrow, but for now, it was unanimous everyone needed a break.

Just as he was headed out the door, headphones in, ripped tank, athletic shorts and sneakers on, he was stopped by a body at the door.

"Where are you going?" He saw Fox's mouth move.

Whipping off the headphones, her sudden appearance brightened up his shitty mood. "I'm going to the gym to work out, want to join?"

She paused but eventually nodded. "I could use a release. Wait for me here, let me grab some headphones."

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