Chapter Sixty Four // The End

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- Sophia's POV -

Everybody attending Rae's funeral entered the beautifully decorated church, it was filled with flowers at every row. The sun was shining through the windows and it brightened up the church more than a funeral should be.

I followed my mum down the isle while holding James' hand and dragging him along behind me, Iris followed after him then Dale and Leila. Everybody was silent as if they were admiring the church and the pictures of Rae which were hanging on the walls. It was as if this building was made for her; so bright and beautiful.

My mum sat down in the row which was six from the front of the church, James and Iris sat beside me and then Dale and Leila sat behind us. Elise was on the other side of the church with her mum. We sat in silence as the other guests pilled into the church and found a place to sit, Iris handed me a tissue before giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Thank you" I whispered before music began to play and everybody stood up, I jumped up quickly and I instantly felt my body shaking in fear. The doors at the back of the church opened and Rae's coffin entered the room, everybody began to sing but I knew if I opened my mouth I would probably be sick with the nerves I was feeling.

James and Iris tightly held my hands as her coffin passed our row, Gracie and Amy walked behind holding some flowers in their hands. I watched them walking as they cried, they looked as if they were trying their best to hold it in but couldn't anymore. Rae's coffin was a basket, it also had flowers sitting on the top.

They reached the front of the church and her family sat down in the first row, Rae's coffin sat on a wooden table. Everybody around us is already crying aggressively just like me and the service hadn't even started yet. We were told to sit down and then the music stopped, the church fell silent and all I could hear was the sniffing of people who were grieving over the greatest person to ever set foot on this earth.

Rae's mum approached the microphone which sat at the front of the church, I watched her breathe in before beginning to talk and then I shut my eyes as hard as I could.


(( The 20th Of September 2002 ))

"I don't want to go to school!" I cried while tugging on my mums shirt, she dragged me into the school office because I had made her late for dropping me off at my first day of primary school.

"You have to Sophia, this is what big girls do" She told me while wiping my eyes, the lady at the desk took my hand and brought me into the classroom where I would spend the next year learning. There were plenty of terrified expressions in the room, I felt calm once I realised that everybody else was new to school too.

The teacher brought me to the only spare seat in the class, it was next to a girl with glasses. She kept her head down and continued to draw something, she was hiding it from the teacher. The girl looked up at me and I caught a glimpse of her drawing, it was a fairy!

"I like fairies! I'm Sophia" I shouted happily at her, she stared at me weirdly for a moment before smiling.

"I'm Rae" The girl said, I grabbed my pencil and began doodling beside her fairy drawing. I drew a beautiful mermaid with a shiny tail.

"Wanna know a secret?" I whispered to my new friend Rae, she nodded and moved closer to me so I could whisper to her.

"I'm a real mermaid! But you can't tell anyone because it's a big secret, I only tell people I really trust" I whispered to her, she gasped in shock before agreeing to not tell a soul.

"Then I can tell you my secret too.. I'm a real fairy!" Rae whispered to me, I giggled and imagined beautiful blue wings on her back.

"You are a very beautiful fairy"

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