Chapter Fifty // Family Fury

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- Iris' POV -

It had been one whole week since Rae fell into a coma and since then the group had been silent. Nobody was spending any time together and if we ever did it would just be a crying session about how much we want Rae to wake up and be healthy.

I entered my front door after coming home from college, I kept my head down as I tip toed up to my bedroom. My mum was still being really harsh on me even though she knew about Rae, she constantly attacked me for being with Justin. I threw my backpack on my bed and sat down at my desk which faced the window. I had plenty of work to be doing for college but I really wasn't in the mood, Sophia hadn't been to college since she found out about Rae and now Louise was missing days. Somehow college was getting more boring without the drama.

"Iris are you home?" Mum shouted while stomping up the stairs, I put my head in my hands and then turned around to her when she entered my bedroom. She stared at me for a moment before squinting her eyes and then glancing at the floor.

"How was college?" She asked, I shrugged my shoulders and turned away to stare out the window again.

"Nice conversation" Mum snapped at me, I sighed silently to myself before she stormed out and slammed the door. I hope she realises I don't want to talk to her when she is being a rude bitch, there's no point in arguing with her because she thinks she is always right. I love my mum a lot but recently she has been hurting me more than anyone.

My sister began playing her loud and disruptive drums in the room next door, I gripped onto the table before getting up and rushing into her room.

"Can you please shut up?" I asked angrily, she stopped playing and laughed at me.

"Can you please find a boyfriend in this country?" Erin said rudely before she continued to play her drums louder than before, I looked at her in shock before running down the stairs and into the kitchen where mum was cooking dinner.

"You told Erin about Justin and me?! Why would you do that!" I told her off, she gave me the look of death and then walked to the opposite side of the kitchen.

"Why shouldn't I? Relationships aren't suppose to be hidden" Mum said while taking things out of the fridge and chopping them up, I closed my eyes to avoid having a breakdown and screaming at her.

"Justin cheated on me and you know this, why do you want me to be upset all the time? What have I done which is so bad?" I asked her while frowning, she approached me.

"You disobeyed me, I'm suppose to tell you when you can get a boyfriend" Mum whispered closely to my face, I laughed loudly and she took a step back like she was offended.

"I'm tired of this" I muttered before storming to the front door, mum grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the kitchen.

"You're not going anywhere, dinner is ready" She said while handing me the plates to take to the table, I sighed loudly and entered the dining room. I sat down at my usual seat and began eating the potatoes which mum made. Erin joined us a few minutes later with a smirk stuck on her face, I kept my head down to avoid being attacked like I always am.

It had been two months since my birthday party, two months since I spoke to Justin. I felt bad for ignoring him for all this time but I was terrified to talk to him, I didn't want to lose him but it was going to happen. I don't want somebody who sees another girl and cheats instantly, I want to be loved and cared for but I love Justin and the thought of never speaking to him again makes me want to cry a river. I desperately needed advice on this because 'leaving it until later' wasn't working anymore.

"How did you do in that history test today Iris?" Mum asked me across the dinner table, I looked up at her.

"I failed, I got an F" I lied with a grin on my face, she looked furious and Erin covered her ears because she knew I was about to be screamed at.

"YOU WHAT?! HOW COME?" Mum shouted, she slammed her hand on the dinner table which made the cutlery jump and rattle.

"It's probably because she is too busy with her internet boyfriend, isn't that right Iris?" Erin said as she stuffed vegetables into her mouth. I glared at her.

"That's it, you are grounded AND you are getting your phone taken off you" Mum huffed as she got up and brought her empty plate into the kitchen, this is not happening.

"Aw what a shame! No more talking to your future husband!" Erin pestered, I threw my food across the table at her and it got caught in her hair.

"Fuck you!" I screamed, I got up from the table and stormed through the house and back up to my bedroom. My mum yelled at me for a solid fifteen minutes just like she did when she found out about Justin. I locked my bedroom door and grabbed my phone to make sure my mum didn't see it sitting around and take it off me for no reason.

I dialled Sophia's house phone because I knew her mobile would be off due to her being so low, I waited for it to ring and then somebody finally picked up.

"Sorry Iris but Sophia isn't here right now, she's at the old swimming pool" Sophia's mum told me, I sighed sadly. There is an abandoned swimming pool outside of town and it is Rae and Sophia's favourite place to go. The pool has been closed for years and it is over flowing with rain water, I bet you would get sick if you jumped in it..

They always used to bring picnics to the pool and they would sit on the benches around it, it was just a peaceful place for them to go when they were bored.

"It's fine. Don't tell her I called" I told Sophia's mum before hanging up, Sophia already has enough on her plate and she doesn't need my love life stressing her out too.

I looked around my bedroom for a few minutes until I had an idea, I grabbed an empty backpack from my cupboard and threw some pyjamas and a spare outfit into it. I called my dad and told him I was coming to spend a few nights with him, I needed away from my mum and Erin. They were making everything ten times worse.

I left a note on my desk for my mum to read the next time she would burst into my room to tell me off;

"I'm going to dads for a few days, I don't want to be here when I'm being bullied by my own mother and sister. Thanks, Iris x"

My parents have always been hard on me when it comes to education, it's probably because they want me to do my best. They push me and most of the time it's extremely hard to cope with as I feel like if I don't reach their expectations they will disown me.

I left my house quickly with an over night bag, I told my dad that mum let me stay with him when in reality I didn't even ask. He told me he would meet me in the car around the corner from my house, I made my way around the street and spotted his car waiting for me. I got in the passenger seat and threw my backpack into the back seats.

"Why do you suddenly want to stay with me?" Dad asked with a grin, he drove off and I shrugged.

"Mum isn't treating me fairly" I explained, he didn't ask why which was surprising. I stared at him for a moment before realising that mum had already told him everything.

"She told you didn't she?"

He nodded while focusing on the road.

"If she is stressing you out about college just tell her, she will tone it down. She is only trying to make you the best version of yourself" Dad said giving his inspirational speech, I sighed and rested my elbow on the car door.

"..And the boy online? You really shouldn't have done that. You have no idea who these people are, they could be-"

"Paedophiles! Rapists! I know that dad! But Justin isn't one of those, I met him remember?" I interrupted rudely, dad sighed without a comment.

"I won't be seeing him anymore, he cheated on me" I muttered, my dad suddenly stopped the car and looked over at me in shock. I stared at him weirdly in confusion as to what he was doing.

"Where can I find this asshole?" Dad asked angrily, I began to laugh at him and he laughed with me.

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