Chapter Fifteen // Abandoned

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- Louise's POV -

I quickly fixed my make up in the dirty mirror of my bedroom, I can't believe my dad has a new woman in his life. I was always certain him and my mum would get back together because before the arguments and family problems they were so in love.

I was so happy when we all lived under the same roof, I would spend so much time with my family because they made me feel loved and wanted but now its completely different.

I heard James pacing up and down outside my locked bedroom like he was waiting for me to come out and be comforted by him. Suddenly his pacing stopped and there was silence, I opened the door slowly and peeked out to see an empty hall.

"James?" I shouted, the guest bedroom where James was sleeping was down the hall from my bedroom. The door was wide open and there was lots of rustling coming from the room, I made my way down the hall and entered to see James packing up his bags and putting on his coat.

"Did I offend you or something? What're you doing?" I asked with my hands on my hips, James looked back at me and sighed.

"Louise please don't be mad but I have to go.." He said quietly while putting his backpack on, I looked him up and down in shock.

"What? Where the fuck could you possibly be that is more important than supporting your girlfriend?" I said in anger, he lowered his head.

"Sophia is in trouble and I need to look after her. I think you being alone with your dad and his new partner will be good, you can bond and get to know her" He said, I raised my hand as if to tell him to shut up. I didn't want to hear another word.

"You always chose Sophia over me, do you realise that? It makes me really upset" I said with an emotionless face, I couldn't handle dinner without my own company.

"No I don't, I love you so much Louise but you don't give a shit about that. I feel like you just use me most of the time" James said while biting his lip, I rolled my eyes and began to laugh.

"Just fuck off, go back to your favourite person and leave me alone!" I shouted as I began to tear up, James tried to comfort me but I pushed him away.

"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you" He said before rushing out of the room, fuck him. I really need support tonight and James is the person I trust the most yet he still chooses that slut over me.

I couldn't hold in my anger any more, I began to trash the guest bedroom by throwing the ornaments off the dressing table and pulling down the posters and family photos on the wall. I cried loudly and hid my face with my hands.

"Louise what the hell are you doing!!" My dad screamed as he ran into the room, I stared at him angrily then looked away.

"Everyone leaves me, Okay?! First you, then our whole fucking family and now James! I can't handle it!" I shouted while frantically crying, I couldn't breathe properly. Dad walked towards me and gave me a hug but I couldn't be bothered to tell him to go away, I dropped my hands to my sides and just stood there trying to breathe.

"I never left you, I left your mother but not you" Dad said quietly, I shook my head and sighed.

"Mum is my best friend, we're like a package. You can't have one without the other" I said while grinning and wiping the mascara from my cheeks, he nodded with a frown on his face before looking around the bedroom and shaking his head in shame.

"I think I should just go home, this was a waste of time" I muttered as I left the guest bedroom and grabbed my bags, I've had enough of this place already. My dad didn't even stop me, he didn't come out of the guest bedroom until I had left the house.

What a great evening this turned out to be.


The next morning I woke up in an empty house, my own house for that matter. Mum was working over night at the photo shoot which is why she let me go to dads, I hadn't told her that I returned a few hours after leaving last night.

I got up and began to get ready for college as it was a Monday (kill me).

A black sparkly shirt, the shortest skirt I could find and black heels. I looked hot! I smiled at myself in the mirror as I tied up my hair and perfected my make up like I do everyday. Surprisingly I had no text messages from James begging for my forgiveness, that usually happens when we fight.

I began to get worried, what if he did something last night with Sophia? What if the 'she's in trouble' scene was just a plan to get away from me so he could spend the night with her? I'm just getting paranoid, everyone knows he loves me more than anything and would never cheat.

I sighed loudly as I grabbed my purse and my keys before leaving the house and lighting my usual morning cigarette which keeps me going through the day. I didn't mind Mondays, I found it funny judging everyone at college as they always looked so ugly and hungover from the weekend.

When I arrived at college I got my usual fair of stares from random guys, their eyes almost falling out of their heads. I strutted in through the entrance and made my way to history class. The room was almost filled with people but nobody had stolen my seat as I claimed it at the start of the year, I walked to the front of the room and sat down beside the window. Iris glared at me from the back of the room and I gave her an evil grin.

"Alright! Good afternoon everyone, today-"

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Sophia shouted as she burst into the classroom and hurried to her seat, I tried to hold in my laugh at how stupid she looked. Pigtails? Really?

"As I was saying.. Everyone collect your books at the back of the room" The teacher said before everyone made their way to the back. I stood up and strutted passed Sophia to grab my book, I walked passed her again and stopped before kneeling down at her desk and giving her a sympathetic smile.

"Louise?" Sophia said while staring at me weirdly, I smiled wider.

"How are you? James left me stranded in my dads house and I had a breakdown because of you!" I shouted sarcastically, she looked at me with horror.

"I didn't ask him to come see me, you know that right?" Sophia said, I rolled my eyes and moved closer to her face so I could whisper.

"Did you try to kill yourself again? Oh what a shame" I whispered before laughing. Sophia's face turned white and she couldn't speak.

"H-How do you know about that?" She stuttered, I shrugged and looked around the room.

"James tells me everything" I said before patting her on the back, she jumped off her chair and stormed out of the classroom. Iris gave me the look of death before running after her.

"Louise what did you do to Sophia?!" The teacher shouted angrily, I began to laugh loudly.

"All I did was complement her hair!"

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