Chapter Two // Sophia

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When I got back to class after leaving Rae at the front door everyone was packing up getting ready to leave for lunch, I grabbed my bag quickly and approached Iris. She was rolling up the ends of her cake covered sleeves and struggling to stuff her books into her already crowded bag.

"I have room in my bag" I said while laughing, I took the history book from her hands and neatly set it in my bag. Iris is one of my favourite people on the planet, she is incredibly funny and she always knows how to brighten my day. We haven't been friends long but we are already really close.

"Where are we going for lunch?" I asked her as we left the classroom and linked arms. College corridors are completely different from school corridors, there isn't any pushing or bullying going on and they are usually quiet.

"I was thinking maccies if that's good with you" Iris said with a huge smile on her face, I nodded in excitement. We go to McDonald's very week but it's always worth it. Dale caught up with us and tapped on my shoulder, I turned around to him.

"I'm having a party tomorrow night, you're both invited alright?" He said to me and Iris, we nodded and he messaged us both the details.

"The police better not show up like last time, my mother wanted to murder me" Iris mumbled while shaking her head in shame, Dale laughed loudly.

"I thought they knew I was selling drugs but it was just because we were making too much noise.. and also my house was trashed but who gives a fuck!" He shouted before walking down the corridor while lighting a cigarette, he really doesn't give a shit about anything.

Me and Iris exited college and made our way down the huge path which lead to town. The town is always busy no matter what time of the day, people just love to shop! Before we reached the gates to leave college grounds I spotted James standing on the grass by himself, my face instantly lit up and I sprinted towards him.

"James!" I shouted excitedly, he waved at me and I jumped on him to give him a hug. James has been one of my best friends since I was two years old, we are neighbours. He hugged me tightly then set me down on the ground again as he is like a giant to me (well everyone is).

"How was college?" He asked while fixing his shirt which I messed up, I shrugged.

"Rae left today so it was upsetting" I explained with a frown, he nodded and pulled me in for a hug again. James gives the best hugs, they make me feel okay even in the worst situations. Iris approached us and sighed loudly.

"Can you guys stop being goals now, I want my McDonald's" She huffed while crossing her arms, I rolled my eyes and James laughed. Suddenly there was the 'clip clop' of heels getting louder as if they were coming towards us.. we all know who that'll be.

"Get your hands off my boyfriend sweet-cheeks" Louise said before pulling James away from me, I sighed slightly and stepped back.

"Calm down babe" James said with a straight face, Louise gave me the look of death then grabbed James hand and pulled him away from us.

"I'll see you later Soph!" He shouted while waving, I smiled and waved back. Iris stared at me as if she was analysing my face and I felt creeped out.

"Lets go then" I huffed while walking out of the gates, Iris followed after me while skipping. We linked arms again and started to loudly sing The 1975 while walking to McDonald's, they are her favourite band and they're slowly becoming mine too. I hated going into town most of the time because I always feel like everyone is staring at me. They probably look me up and down while thinking,

"What on earth is she wearing?"

"Why isn't she in school? She looks ten years old"

"Why does she have a ribbon in her hair? Is she two?"

We entered the three stories high McDonald's in the middle of town, it was crowded like always. Iris took my hand and pushed through the groups of people standing in the middle of the restaurant. Iris is incredibly tall and I feel like a new born baby when I am standing beside her, it's so unfair. We made it to the line and I struggled to get my purse out of my bag due to all the books including Iris' history book. We got our mcnuggets, chips and coca cola then walked up two flights of stairs to find a seat, is all this struggle really worth it? Iris seems to think so. When we sat down we stuck into our meal because we were so hungry, I was too busy worrying about Rae to notice what was going on around me.

"Sophia.. Don't turn around" Iris whispered while sipping on her coke, I was confused so I glanced across the room to see Zane sitting with three of his friends. SHIT!

I looked back at Iris and began to panic. He can't see me, I know he will say something if he does!

"Don't worry he won't see you" Iris assured me while setting her heavy bag at the end of our table so we could hide behind it, she began to throw chips at me to keep me distracted and I did the same.

Zane is my ex boyfriend, we dated for eight months and it was the worst eight months of my life. I was crazy about him before we dated and he seemed like such a nice guy back then but when we finally got together it was a completely different story. He would force me to do things I didn't want to do and I felt so unsafe around him, I never want a relationship like that again. Now every time he sees me he shows off and kisses random girls, basically he is a fuckboy.

A few minutes later Zane and his friends left McDonald's without noticing me, thank god for that. He goes to the same college as me but does engineering while I do history, he is in a different building so I never really see him there. Me and Iris sighed with relief and continued to eat.

"So what're you doing later after college?" I asked Iris while flicking through my twitter.

"Probably just Skyping Justin all night, the usual" She said with a grin, I nodded and continued to creep on my followers. Justin is seven hours behind us in time so Iris and Justin barely get to speak, they try to Skype as much as they can to talk to each other. Justin is from New Jersey and is in a long distant relationship with Iris if you couldn't already tell, I don't know much about him except for the fact he makes Iris incredibly happy so I like him for that.

"Come on, we need to get back to college" Iris said as she lifted her heavy bag and we left our messy booth which was covered with the chips we threw across the table at each other.

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