Chapter Fourteen // Opening Up

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- Rae's POV -

I spent almost an hour telling Sophia, Iris and James about how lovely Elise was and how I really wanted them to meet her. James bought us tones of chocolate and we ate every bit of them while talking about what has been going on recently, Iris told me a bit more about her long distant relationship with Justin and I tried to keep a straight face the whole time as I knew Sophia's sneaky plans to get him here for her birthday.

"SHIT!" Sophia shouted suddenly while looking down at her phone, her face was covered in chocolate. James stared at her and laughed loudly before wiping her face, she didn't seem to care about her appearance as she began to freak out.

"What's wrong Soph?" Iris asked while leaning over and looking at Sophia's phone.

"My parents just got home, mum sent me an angry text message about the broken door. I should go home" Sophia said anxiously, she grabbed her coat and began to pack up her stuff.

"I'll come with you too as it was my fault" James sighed, Sophia gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll call you later okay fairy?" She said as her and James left my hospital room.

"I love you Soph!"

"Love you too Rae!"

Iris was the last person standing in my room, she smiled at me and glanced around while finishing her chocolate bar.

"It must be really hard loving someone you can never physically see" I said to Iris with a frown, she nodded and sat down again.

"It is, I'd do anything to see him in person" She explained before sighing, I bit my lip trying to hide my smile.

Suddenly the door knocked and there stood Elise with a smile on her face, she entered and gave me a hug

"Hello my Frozen friend! How are you today?" Elise shouted enthusiastically, I hugged her back tightly.

"I'm doing okay, this is Iris" I said while pointing to the end of my bed, Iris waved to Elise.

"So you're the famous Elise, Rae was telling me and my friends about you" Iris said with a grin, I giggled nervously. Elise was in her usual cleaning uniform, she began to tidy up the mess that Sophia and James had left behind.

"I should go too, it was lovely to see you Rae" Iris said, I thanked her for coming and then she left.

"How are you Elise?" I asked as I sat up properly in my bed, sitting around all day was getting me down but knowing I had friends thinking about me kept me sane.

"I'm okay I guess.." She said quietly while continuing to clean my room, I watched her for a moment before realising that something was up with her. She wasn't her usual bubbly self.

"Something's wrong isn't there?" I questioned, Elise stayed silent for a moment before looking at me and shaking her head.  It was lunch break for most of the nurses which meant the wards and corridors would be silent, it's my time to break the rules!

I slowly removed my blankets and got out of bed, Elise ran over and helped me stand up.

"I can stand up on my own you know, I haven't broken my leg or anything" I laughed before taking her hand in mine, she looked at me but didn't let go of my hand.

"Would you like to come on a walk with me?" I asked her with a smile, she looked out the window of my hospital room and into the corridor as if she was looking for her boss.

"It's lunch time, everyone will be in the cafeteria" I explained as she looked out the window.

"Are you allowed to go on walks?" Elise asked, I shook my head and began to walk towards the door.

"You're going to go anyway aren't you?"

"Yep!" I shouted while laughing, Elise held my hand tightly and walked with me. We exited my room and walked out into the corridor.

"I told you it would be empty" I said with a smirk, Elise nodded and looked around. We began to walk down the corridor slowly but saying nothing. I knew she wasn't okay but I didn't know what to say, being with her made me happy though.

At the end of the corridor there was a huge window which overlooked the motorway, we walked towards it and stopped at the window. I let go of Elise's hand and pressed my head against the window.

"I like to come to this window sometimes to look out and see other people, people who aren't sick and in hospital, you know?" I said quietly, Elise stood beside me and looked at me.

"It reminds me that there is life outside of the hospital, that people still carry on with their day elsewhere than here.." I explained, Elise nodded and stared out the window too.

"I come here as soon as I arrive every morning and right before I leave every evening, the sunrise and sunset makes me happy" Elise said, I looked over at her and grinned. We stayed silent for a moment and just watched the world go by, it was comforting having someone with me and not being on my own like I usually am all day.

"There is something wrong.." Elise mumbled before lowering her head, I knew it! I looked over at her waiting for an explanation.

"Basically my family are very good friends with my ex boyfriends family and my mum is having a 'family and friends get together' meal tomorrow. Which means my ex boyfriend will be at my house" Elise explained before sighing loudly.

"That does not sound fun.." I said quietly, she nodded.

"He is an asshole and I hate being around him, I get so sad seeing him" She said while frowning, I nodded as if I understood but really I didn't. I've never had a boyfriend or even kissed anyone, my relationship advice would be terrible.

"Mum said I could invite some friends but my school friends are always busy with their boyfriends and amazing social lives. I would bring you but obviously you aren't allowed out of hospital" Elise looked really upset at the fact I wouldn't be able to attend her meal, I sighed and reached for her hand.

"Hey.. Cheer up, I'm with you in spirit always" I whispered before giving her a huge hug, she held me tightly and I smiled. It was a real smile, I always put on this fake smile for my friends and family but this time it was real, this time it was good.

This time I felt okay.

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