Chapter Twenty // A Disappointment

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- Louise's POV -

My ride home from college was in Shannon's car, her parents had bought her a baby blue Mini for her 18th birthday. For my 18th I want everything.. A puppy, a car, a private jet, a modelling career. I know I'll get it all so I'm not worried.

"What're you doing for the rest of the day?" Shannon asked me as we pulled into my house.

"Probably just hanging with my mum, I haven't seen her in a few days and I'm sure she misses me" I said while laughing.

"I'm so jealous of you and your mums relationship, it's honestly adorable" Shannon said with a smile, I thanked her for the ride then entered my house. As soon as the door shut I heard my mums high heels making their way to where I was, I smiled when I saw her and went in for a hug but she refused.

"What on earth did you do at college today? I got a phone call saying you upset somebody in your class" She said with an angry look, I began to laugh loudly because I knew she wasn't serious.

"Do I look like I'm laughing Louise? What did you do?" Mum said with her hands on her hips, I stopped giggling like an idiot and sighed to myself.

"I did nothing, she is threatened by me. Even when I walk passed her she gets nervous and acts weird.." I explained while glancing at the floor, mum stood still and continued to stare at me.

"You're lying" She said before storming off into the kitchen, I ran after her.

"I didn't do anything mum! I promise! I swear!" I said as she walked over to the coat hanger and lifted her brown fluffy coat, then her bag. I stood there silently in confusion.

"Where are you going? I thought we could have dinner tonight. We haven't actually had a conversation in days, you know that right?" I muttered, she looked over at me with disappointment and that's the first time I've seen it in her eyes.

"I'm going to work, if I didn't we wouldn't have dinner.. We wouldn't even have this house" She shouted while strutting away from me and slamming the front door. Fuck her.

I grabbed my phone and invited all my girls around..

"-Bring anybody you want, boys are needed! x" I smiled to myself before running up to my bedroom and finding something nice to wear, it's time to tear this house down. Apart from my bedroom obviously.

I got quickly changed into a summer dress and then tied up my hair before locking my bedroom door so nobody would trash it, knowing the people around here they would want to do that.

My friends arrived a few minutes later with tones of people following after them, I greeted everyone and told them to do whatever the fuck they wanted.

"I thought you were spending the night with your mum?" Shannon said when she showed up, I shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess I'd rather get fucked up than spend time with family" I laughed loudly, my living room was already crowded with random people I had never seen in my life. They brought huge music speakers and extra drinks which made the party 100% better than I had expected.

"Let's fuck this place up!" Somebody screamed and everyone cheered, the music began to play loudly which definitely deafened everyone's ear drums. I watched my house get messed up by rebellious fucked up teenagers who were drunk out of their minds, on a week night.

"This party is dope!" A random dude screamed across the hallway as I made my way to the kitchen, I had lost my shoes and my summer dress was slightly ripped from dancing around too many rough boys.

The kitchen was empty, there were a few people sitting around chatting but they were quiet. The garden was also a mess, somebody brought toilet paper and it was all over the hedges and around the swimming pool.. This is what my mum gets for being rude to me.

"Hey, you're hot" A tall blonde guy said while tapping me on the shoulder, I looked up at him and nodded.

"I am aware of that" I said while fixing my hair quickly, he grabbed me by the waist and aggressively pulled me close which I wasn't expecting.

"Easy there tiger" I laughed while looking up at him.

"Why don't we go to the bedroom? You're drunk, I'm drunk, we won't remember this tomorrow" He said while slurring his words, fuck it.

"Sure!" I shouted enthusiastically before taking his hand and dragging him through the house, my friends noticed me taking him upstairs and they nodded with approval.

We were only in the bedroom for at least five minutes before the door knocked loudly.

"It's occupied!" I shouted.

"Louise! It's me Shannon! James is here!" She shouted nervously, shit! I jumped out of my mums bed quickly and got dressed, I left the drunken boy there alone and sprinted out of the door. Shannon took me downstairs and pointed into the living room where James was looking around in shock at the mess of my house.

"James! Hey!" I said while walking over to him, he stared at me and then looked around again.

"What the hell is happening here, Where is your mum?" He asked, I rolled my eyes and ignored the question as I am not being told off again tonight.

"Come dance with me!" I shouted while grabbing his hand, instead of entering the crowd of drunk dancing teenagers he pulled me out into the hall.

"I'm not here to get intoxicated with your mates and dance, I'm here to ask you something" James said, I nodded and waited for him to continue.

"Why did you tell Sophia about the secret? The one I specifically told you that you could never tell anyone?" He asked with his head down, I closed my eyes and tried to think of an explanation quickly.

"It slipped out alright? I was trying to comfort her" I lied while looking up at him, I gave him the puppy dog eyes but I don't think he was buying it.

"I'm really mad at you" James said calmly, he doesn't seem it?

"If you're mad then why aren't you shouting?" I asked, the music got louder and more people crammed into my house.

"Shouting solves nothing" James said with a sigh, then I saw that look of disappointment in his eyes even though I've never seen it before.

"I'm gonna go, you're going to be in big trouble with your mum when she gets back so I'll leave the shouting to her. Enjoy your night" James said, his voice was quiet and lower than usual which meant he was sad.

"James wait" I said as I tried to pull him back but I missed, he left my house with his head hanging low. I stood there in silence for a while knowing that I had fucked up. Maybe I don't give a shit about me and James' relationship, but I still care about him. I've known him for a long time and I know when he isn't okay, it terrifies me when he isn't okay.

"Did he break up with you?" My friend Rochelle asked me with a bottle of wine in her hand, I looked at her in disgust before snatching the bottle out of her hands and walking off with it.

Time to drink until I can't feel anything.

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