Chapter Twenty Four // I Have You

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- Elise's POV -

It was a busy day in the hospital, I barely had time to think. It was an all hours visiting day in ward three (the ward I volunteer in) so the place was a mess and I was the one who had to clean up everything.

I was finding it hard to see Rae because she was in a new ward and I wasn't allowed to leave the one I volunteered in until I was going home. By the time my shift was over she wouldn't be allowed any visitors, only being able to text her was killing me.

"Elise there has been a spillage next door, get on with it?" My boss said with a strict look, I sighed and grabbed some paper towels. I kept looking over at Rae's old hospital room, missing when I could just walk in, take a deep breath and instantly calm down when I see her smile. I shouldn't miss those times though because she's now in a better ward where she can finish her treatment and get better, I'm so proud of her for that.

I finally got a half an hour break to de-stress, which meant watching the sky from the window. It was completely silent at the end of ward three which is where the window was located, that's what I liked most about it. Also the sunrise and sunset, but you already knew that.

I glanced over to my right and remembered when Rae was here with me, we watched the sky and talked about things that were bothering us. That was my favourite day volunteering at the hospital.

I got a phone call from my school friend Kelsey which interrupted the silence.

"Hello my dear!" She shouted enthusiastically, I laughed.

"Hi Kelsey, What's up?" I asked before sitting down on the cold floor beside the window.

"We are having a night out tomorrow, me, you and the girls!" I sighed quietly so that she couldn't hear. I really do not want to go partying with Kelsey, she looses control and drinks too much. I don't want to be looking after her all night.

"Do I have to?" I whined while scrunching my face up, she laughed loudly down the phone.

"Yes, you do. See you tomorrow night!" ..And with that she hung up. Looks like I'm going out tomorrow night!

"Elise?" My boss shouted from the other side of the door, I got up and quickly approached her waiting to be told off for something.

"You can go home, there won't be much more people coming in to visit today and you have been working really well" She said before patting my back. I can see Rae!

I ran as fast as I could to the locker rooms to get changed and pick up my things before heading to ward five with a huge smile plastered on my face.

When I made it up the stairs and to Rae's hospital door I instantly stopped, I looked through the window and my smile dropped. There were a few nurses around her giving her more medicine of some sort, I didn't really understand what it was or what was happening but all I could see was Rae and her frown. She was tensing up and pale as ever. After a few minutes the nurses left Rae alone in her room.

"Can I go in there?" I asked one of them as they walked passed me.

"Do you know her?" She asked, I nodded and she opened the door for me. Rae looked over and just smiled, she would usually jump around or ask for a hug but this time she just lay there looking at me.

"How are you doing?" I asked quietly, she shrugged her shoulders and looked away. There were numerous wires and extremely loud machines around her bed. I sat down slowly beside her unsure of what to say.

"Rae, you said you were going to get better by being in ward five right?" I asked nervously, she nodded.

"I know what you're thinking, I look like I'm getting worse" She said. I didn't say anything but that's exactly what I was thinking.

"The treatment is going to be really hard on me, but that's what it's suppose to do. I'll be fine" Rae explained, I nodded. She kept her focus on the ceiling as if it pained her to look at me.

"I'm being forced to go out clubbing tomorrow, that's going to be exciting" I laughed nervously while trying to change the subject, Rae looked over at me and giggled.

"Where are you going?"

"Oceania probably, Kelsey loves it there" I said before rolling my eyes, Rae gasped.

"My friends are going there for a birthday party!! If you see them tell Iris I'm sorry I can't be there" She shouted excitedly, but by the end of the sentence she was back to frowning.

"I'm sure she understands why you can't attend her party Rae, but I'll definitely say hello if I see her" I nodded, Rae thanked me and then we were back to silence.

I grabbed the TV remote and turned on the huge TV on the wall facing Rae's bed.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked her, she started to shuffle over in her bed and then patted it as if to tell me to jump in with her. I took off my shoes and snuggled up close to her.

"Any music channel" She said with a smile, her beautiful smile was back once again. I nodded and put on the music charts, we held hands and sang loudly to the random songs that came on. The low mood was gone, we were laughing and being silly together.

"Thank you Elise" Rae said when the music channel was on a break, I looked over at her in confusion.

"For what?"

"You make everything better. I may be really sick but I have you" Rae said while smiling widely, I felt my eyes tear up slightly but I held them back.

"That's a really nice thing to say Rae" I said quietly while still trying to hold my tears back, Rae reached out and wiped my eyes slightly.

"Why are you crying? Stop it!" She shouted while laughing, I hid my face behind my hands and laughed with her. She kissed my forehead and then we continued to sing.

This must be happiness.

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