Chapter Fifty Seven // Starry Night

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- Sophia's POV -

After binge watching an entire show on Netflix I decided to actually get out of bed and open my curtains. It was 7:00pm and I hadn't moved all day but it seemed like my family didn't care.

I got up and stretched as far as I could before my whole body tensed up, then I made my way to the window before pulling the curtains open to reveal the biggest and brightest rainbow I had ever seen in my life. My face instantly lit up with a huge smile because I had an idea.

I threw on an over sized shirt, my baggy jeans and then my blue vans. I looked awful but I had no time to freshen myself up because by then the rainbow would be gone. I tied my hair up while rushing down the stairs and out of the front door.

I jumped over the hedge which separates me and James' garden before banging my knuckles on his front door loudly. I jumped up and down with excitement as I looked up at the sky, it had never looked so beautiful before.

James was taking ages to answer the door so I peeked through the small window on his door, I saw him sitting in the kitchen on his phone. He was smiling widely at it and then he noticed me being nosy, I waved at him and then he approached the door.

"Are you alright Soph?" He asked nervously when he opened the door, I nodded quickly while jumping around.

"There's a fantastic rainbow right over your house, we need to go on the roof!" I shouted while pointing up to the sky, James rolled his eyes and I pushed passed him. He followed after me up the stairs and into his bedroom, the window was already wide open as if Dale and Leila were up there.

We both climbed out and up onto the roof, it was empty and quiet on top. I was out of breath by the time I sat down, James was speechless at how beautiful the rainbow looked.

"See? I told you!" I said happily, he nodded and smiled at me. The bright rainbow stretched over our houses and crossed over the whole of town, it looked like we could walk on it.

I reached my hand out and parted my fingers so I could see the rainbow in between them, I could see James staring at me in the corner of my eye.

"I'm not weird" I muttered to him while focusing on the rainbow which I was touching with my hand, he laughed slightly.

"I know"

I looked at him and smiled, at least somebody agrees.

I'd never noticed how blue his eyes were before, have they always been like that? I continued to stare at them until I realised how odd I was acting, James was looking at me as if I had three heads. I looked away quickly and put all of my attention back on the rainbow.

"Do you believe in heaven? Angels?" I asked James a moment later.

"I believe in angels" He answered, I looked over at him again as he stared up at the rainbow.

"I think there are angels everywhere, some of them are disguised as humans" I told him with a grin, he nodded in agreement.

"I don't know how they hide their wings though, maybe a huge coat.." I muttered to myself while thinking deeply, James shook his head and laughed at me.

"You are weird Soph" He said, I gasped and looked across the roof at him.

"You just said I wasn't! I'm offended!" I shouted sarcastically, he rolled his eyes and looked away from me again.

The sky was getting darker which meant it was time for us to go back inside, it was beginning to get cold too. James climbed into the house first and then I followed after him.

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