34. You're my Parabatai

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I sat my bags by the door of Amatis's place and Clary followed. I looked around expecting furniture and stuff to be thrown and broken, no on knew how Sebastian had gotten to Amatis. The place was untouched.

I saw over by the fireplace that there was a recent photograph of Clary, Luke, and Jocelyn at Coney Island, arms around one another, smiling.

I felt a pang in my chest. Luke walked over to examine the photos and winced at the pain in his side. He hasn't fully healed from the wound but I don't think that's why he winced. Jocelyn went over to comfort him and Clary and I gave each other knowing looks. Soundlessly we picked up our bags and walked upstairs. We sat our things down and Clary went to the chest that held Amatis's clothes. She found a wedding dress.

"Clary?" It was Jocelyn, leaning in the doorway, watching her.

"What are those-Oh." She crossed the room, touched the fabric of the dress, and sighed. "Oh, Amatis."

"She never did get over Stephan, did she?" asked Clary.

You see while Jace and Clary still thought Valentine was their father and Maryse had just gotten back from Idris, the Clave sent the inquisitor. Her son, Stephan, was apart of the Circle. He was married to Amatis but Valentine wanted him to divorce and marry a younger person. So he did. But when he died she was pregnant and committed suicide. Valentine got the baby, Jace, out and raised him til he was ten.

"Sometimes people don't." Jocelyn's hand moved up from the dress to Clary's hair, tucked it back with quick motherly precision.

"And Nephilim-we do tend to love very overwhelmingly. To fall in love only once, to die of grief over love-my old tutor used to say that the hearts of Nephilim were like the hearts of angels. They felt every human pain, and never healed."

I thought of Severus. If that was true how could I be able to love another? Was I a traitor?

"You should wear the mourning jacket," Jocelyn said making me snap into reality. "Tomorrow."

Startled, Clary said, "To the meeting?"

"Shadowhunter have died and been turned Dark," said Jocelyn. "Every Shadowhunter lost is someone's son, brother, sister, cousin. Nephilim are a family. A dysfunctional family but..."

"Amen at that!" I said at the dysfunctional part.

She touched Clary's face, her own expression hidden in the shadows. "Get some sleep, Clary," she said. "Tomorrow is going to be a long day. Goodnight Alice." She walked out.

"Night bestie!" I called out and I turned to Clary.

"I'm gonna go take a walk. Night." With that I opened the window and jumped down landing in a crouch position.

I began to walk and let my thoughts wander off. I remembered the night Simon had become a vampire and I ran after him to help him.


"Simon!" I called. I turned a corner to see him cowering in an ally.

"Simon..it's me. It's Alice. You're okay. I know this is confusing and hard but you're gonna get through this." I held my hands up slowly walking towards him. He looked up at me and I knelt beside him.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up and we can watch Star Wars." He slowly nodded his head unsure. I held out my hand and he took it.

End of flashback

I hope Simon was alright. I hope everyone was alright. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

Tomorrow was going to be very interesting.
The morning sun sparkled off the new gates in front of the Gard. The old ones had been destroyed in battle I was guessing.

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