"I dont like dick, I love pussy!"

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Chapter 1

Lauren loved looking out at the stars at night. It was her favorite time. She felt as if she could just be at ease with everything. Looking out at the stars, hearing all the bugs and seeing the lights. It really made Lauren forget whatever was on her mind that day.

She looked over to the neighbors house and saw one of the bedroom lights on. It's alway something weird going on over there. Lauren never knew what, but she knew she would sometimes hear crying and after a while it would just stop. So she would come up here to try and see what was going on but never would find anything, or anyone.

Lauren stayed up there a bit longer and sighed as she figured it was time to go back into the house. Jumping down from her roof and onto her balcony with no problem she went into her room.

"Sweetie it's time for dinner." She heard her mother.

Lauren rolled her eyes at the sound of her voice. "I'll be down in a minute." This really makes her upset. Her mother is never home. Always working. The only time she is, is when she's trying to pretend for one of her dates just like now and she's not fooling Lauren. She must want her to meet some loser.

Her mother knew that Lauren had found an interest in girls. But she refused to believe that it was true, instead she felt like Lauren was just going through a short faze. So this was her way of proving to Lauren that she was attracted to boys in some way.

As Lauren made her way downstairs she could already hear the sound of her mothers annoying voice. Talking loudly through the kitchen. Lauren sighed as she saw the reason her mom was yelling and laughing.

She was right. Her mother had brought another one of her "male friends" by to talk to Lauren. Thinking that it would change Lauren's thoughts and feelings on women at all.

"Yeah mom?" She asked even though she already knew exactly what it was about.

Clara turned her head to the sound of her daughters voice. She had a huge smile on her face seeing as she felt as if she had found her daughters match.

But what her mother seemed to not realize was that she was not a normal teenage girl. Lauren had been born with an extra part that not most females had. She was always different, but in her mothers eyes that problem didn't exist at all. But Lauren was used to it by now.

"Lauren. Your finally down, Zayn, this is my daughter Lauren. Lauren this is Zayn." Lauren nodded her head towards the unfamiliar man and walked right past them to the refrigerator.

"Lauren Michelle." She sighed as she heard her mothers voice again.

"What?" She asked as she shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her a bottle of water and turned to look at her.

Clara glared hard at her daughter. But not the wanting to cause a scene in front of her daughters company. Because she knew just how much Lauren needed this.

"Sit down and join us for dinner." She spoke slowly. Lauren threw her head back in aggravation, but she knew that there was no way to get around this. Knowing her mother, she would go to unbelievable ends just to get her to even have a simple conversation with this stranger.

So Lauren sat down as she brung her water to her lips. She kept her eyes on this Zayn character, but it wasn't the type of look that her mother would have rather her be using at this moment. It was more of a hard glare towards him.

The young man felt the hard stare on him, which made him feel a bit uneasy. But he had a job to do, and he was going to do it.

Zayn smiled at the dark haired girl that sat across from him, just trying to ease the tension between the two.

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