Tom walked through the doorway, buttoning up a shirt in the mirror, "-Nah, we'll take the car I think."

"Alright." I answered at a normal volume this time, switching off the hairdryer and dumping it on the bathroom vanity. My clothes were much more underwhelming compared to Tom, his designer brand blue button-up and skinny jeans making him look just like a rockstar should. Me? I was stuck in blue jeans that were one size too big and a plain white top and a cheap green jacket. I didn't even have the right foundation colour with me, so my makeup didn't look the way it normally did either. I felt boring, mismatched and uncomfortable.

"Ready to go?" Tom asked as I picked up my shoulder back, swinging it over my shoulder. My cracked IPhone 5 buzzed in my hand, notifying me of a new email from LPAC.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged, following Tom out of the room. He scooped my hand into his as we walked down the stairs, nobody seemed to be around this morning- the house weirdly quieter than usual. We ducked into garage and Tom lead me to a flash, glossy black car that I hadn't take much notice off last time we were in here.

"Who's car is this?" I asked as he opened the passenger side for me. I smiled politely, slipping inside.

"Tony's." He answered, "-but he lets us use it because he doesn't need it much anymore."

The interior of the car was as luxurious as the outside, a cool leather seat greeting me as I sat down. As Tom turned on the car, the desk lit up in bright digital colours, each button rimmed with a line of brightness even when it wasn't dark. I slouched back into the seat, clipping into my seatbelt and getting comfortable.

"That's generous of him." I wondered what made Tony trust the boys with his precious belongings. He never used to trust them with a pen, let alone with a luxury car.

"Yeah I know, don't ask me." Tom shrugged his shoulders as he pulled out of the garage, the car smoothly gliding out onto the road.

Hollywood was popular- obviously- but I never realised how many people actually lived here. The city itself was massive, mansions, apartment buildings, malls and bustling highways lined every corner, boggling my mind at the thought of Tom having a house here.

Another thing that boggled my mind; the thought of being on stage with him in three days.

"Tom, are you sure me performing on Friday is a good idea?" I asked him, gliding my fingers over the soft leather, admiring the busy city as we drove through it. We pulled up to an intersection, car's whirring past and onto the highway.

"Yeah, of course!" He replied excitedly, turning to meet my eyes, "-Listen, I know how scared you are, but Netty this is going to be an amazing experience not only for you, but for the band and for every single person in that stadium. You can do this baby."

I'd performed so many times before, on so many different occasions, in so many different environments. Small pub gigs, festivals, theatre productions, solo auditions, even my own solo performance to the study body of LPAC- yet every time I had to, the fear would rack through my body until I was weak at the knees.

Still, every time I'd been almost perfect, and I loved the rush of performing, but a stadium? A stadium of thousands. THOUSANDS. It was a new playing field- more than that even- a whole new game to begin with.

I wanted to do it. I had the fire in the pit of my belly. I wanted to throw myself into stage and prove that I still have the spark everyone claims I had when Chaos first formed, but my anxiety was getting the better of me once again.

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