Chapter 17 *Ultra Sound*

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Today was finally Sunday. Did I forget to mention that I was having an ultra sound today. As crazy as it sounds cause I only have 2 months they want to check if everything is okay. I told eleanor that I wanted to go home but she didn't let me. She said that she wanted to come with me to see her 'nephew' Dereck and her keep thinking its a boy. Why a boy? Boys are nice and all but I don't know. Baby girls arw cuter. When they are small there nice baby dresses. It doesnt matter what I'm having the most important thing is that its healthy.

"Aww Paige you look cute." Eleanor giggled from half of her room.

"In what way? I'm only wearing red jeans and a strapless shirt." I say grabbing my stomache.

"Your baby bump. It looks really cute on you. It suits you." SHE said smiling at me.

"It suits me? Really? Then I should start having more babies."

"For god sakes hell to the no. I have enough with this one. Have you thought about a name?" She got me surprised with that. I hadn't actually thought about that. "Actually no. I don't have a name for him or her. I still have 6 1/2 monthts to go."

" I like Marcus, Caleb, Christopher."

"Eww no. Not Christopher." I snapped.

"Why not?"

"It sounds too religious." I smiply said

"I like Wyatt"

"Wyatt?" That was a horrid name.

"YEAH or Hunter." Oh I like Hunter.

"I like hunter" I gave her a smile.

"Hunter?" Someone came in. It was Dereck as usual. He's always butting in things.

"YEAH. Were trying to pick a name for the baby."

"How about if it was a girl?" I asked.

"Nicole. DEFINATELY Nicole."

"I don't like that name. I like Christine, Kelly, Abigail."

"I don't like Abigail."

"Why not?!"

"Because I don't want her to be bullied. She was not going to get bullied.

"Whatever." I said.

"Where are you too going?" Caleb asked opening the door yo walk in. He starred at my belly then gave me a warm smile.

"She looks really cute doesn't she dad." Eleanor asked him cause she noticed he was looking at my belly.

"The stomache kinda suits her." Dereck said.

"Thats what I said!" Eleanor said jumping like a happy kid.

"Hey were going to be late for the babys Ultra Sound."

"Ultra Sound?" Dereck asked surprised.

"Yeah she's having an Ultra Sound. How about you come Dad. So when you and Victoria have your own baby you can remember it."

"I don't know. Is Paige going to let me?" He asked looking at me.

"Shure. If you would like too."

"Is Matt going to go?" Eleanor asked putting her shoes.

"No. He couldn't make it. BUT he wants pictures."

No one said anything after that so we all left in Derecks truck just because we could all fit in there. The drive to the hospital wasn't that long. It was only 20 minutes. I already had my apointment at 2:30 and it was 2:15 when we arrived. We all sat down next to each other. Actually, no I sat at the end then Eleanor sat by me then Dereck by her.

"Paige?" A lady asked. I looked up too see a short black haired woman. She was really white. Dereck and Eleanor trailer behind me.

"How has it been going so far?" The lady asked.

"Its been going great. Except for the Cravings." I say half laughing.

"They can be such a pain." She said leading me to a small room. She took my height and weight. After, that we enterred the Ultra Sound room.

"Are you the dad?" The lady asked.

"Haha. No. He just came with me because I asked him too. Hes my dad." Eleanor said smiling. God, she saved us from a big one.

"Please remove your shirt from your stomache." I lifted my shirt as she asked. She got the jelly cream.

"Your stomache is quote big to bearly be turnibg 3 months. Its already noticable." She said fixing the jelly with the small looking microphone.

"Most People say that." Not that anybody has but still.

"Wheres the dad?" She asked.

"Hes working. He wasn't able to come."

"Oh Im Sorry about that. He must really have a bad boss " She said. Eleanor and I both eyed Dereck.

"What I didn't know." Dereck said giving an innocent look. At one part it was true but the other wasn't. I already knew that even if he knew I was having an Ultra Sound he wouldn't of let Matt come.

"Oh Jeez Im sorry. I didnt mean to offend." The lady looked really ashamed that it was very noticable she was starting to get red. We all laughed.

She loved the small looking microphone to place it on my right part of my stomache. We started to hear baby heart beats. I felt really emotional. This little life was growing inside me. How is this even possible?

"Aww." Eleanor said clapping both of her hands together looking at Dereck. Dereck looked stupefied looking at the screen.

"We still CAN'T tell the Sex because the baby has not developted really well. When you turn 5 months thats when you will be able to tell the sex." The lady cleaned my stomache with napkins. We told Her thanks for everything. We walked out and Eleanor said "Im starving lets go get some lunch."


First time I do 2 chapters in one night! My fingers are Falling sleep and so am I. Thanks comment, vote:D

My BestFriend's Dad (Rated R _Now Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora