Chapter 8 *My Boss*

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OMFG i just got a new cover picture and oh my god. Im totally in love with it. I sware so thats why I decided to dediacte this chapter to the girl who made my cover. I just simply love it. I got like 4 covers but I really liked hers alot so i kept it. In case you need any covers i suggest you try sith her shes really really good.

Chapter 9 *My Boss*


Ugh I hate saturdays first of all I have to wake up early and everything its just so annoying! Then eleanor is here wich means I leave her and kol alone. Should I trust him? Yah I can trust him. I quickly rush to the shower just to get a 5 min shower. After, I've finished my shower i change into something casual. My black jeans and tank top. Quickly straightening my hair. I couldnt lie of I told you I wasnt excited about today. I was super excited cause I was going to see dereck and all but I had to keep it cool cuz then eleanor would suspect something. I rushed out to the kitchen grabbing one of the pop tarts that was out by the table. Damn I need a ride. I guess Im just going to hafto take the bus. I noticed the figure of kol coming towards where I was so I said,"Can I trust you?" I asked taking a bite of my pop tart.Taking a sip of my apple juice. He looked alittle taken back of what i just said.

He was wearing his pajamas with a tank top. He turned his hand into a fist as he rubbed his right with his right hand. "Huh? What..... Oh yah dont worry I got this besides shes my girlfriend." I spit out the juice that i had causing it to land on kols shirt. I was expecting her and kol to get together but wasnt it too soon? He better treat her right cause if not hes getting killed. He looked at me then back at his shirt.

"Oh shoot im sorry. I... Uh.. Eleanor didnt tell me anything." I say while getting a napkin giving it to him As he started to clean up his shirt.

"Oh My God paige! If your gonna spit your drink out on meh might as well not drink anything." He says complaning.

"Blah Blah Blah. Im serious kol can I trust you" I ask while throwing away the trash if the pop tart.

"Yah paige I got this. Shes my baby boo. My future wife" Kol says laughing at himself.

"Wow kol. Tell me that when you too out of college.Eleanor is only 17 and your 19." I say opening the door knob to get out.

"Ill take care of her like shes my life" He says from behind.

"Yah use a condom," I say while rushing out of the door not waiting for his response. Sorry im being rude but ima miss the bus! I quickly rushed out to the stairs practically running my way out.Once i got to the first floor i stopped when I saw a small little white car, with only 2 passanger seats. I wondered Whos car that was. But something inside of me had this feeling like ive seen it somewhere. But where? I looked over over at the driver. I couldnt exactly see his face cause he was looking over to his right. There was something very very fishy about this.

He had his arm over the window his hand on his chin. His hair! Oh My was that? Nah..... Wait it is.

"Good your here. Now get in the car." He says smiling at me. It was more like a smirk. Is he really ordering right now! Gosh so early in the morning and hes starting! Annoying!

"Ill see you after I get home from work. Gotta catch a bus" I say turning to my right looking down speed walking.

"Hey, get in the car" He says from behind.

"I said no. Now leave" I say stopping looking down.

"C'mon stop being bratty and get in the car."

"I said no! When its a 'no' its a no. So bye" I say walking again.

"Ive never really liked 'nos' from you anyways now get in the car." He says again

"No. So leave me alone."

My BestFriend's Dad (Rated R _Now Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora