Thank you and A/N please read

5.3K 52 12

Okay guys! I am having a bit of a technical difficulty with the Hermione x reader that I recently put up. On my tablet, it is only showing half of it avaliable to you guys but on my phone is is showing the whole thing published. I tried re-publishing it but I still can't see the whole thing up. So if you can please see, it should end with an authors note! Please can you leave a comment on this a/n saying whether you have the whole thing or not.
Thank you all! Love you and I appreciate all of your support!

Thank you for the 5.2k reads and 215 votes! It means so much to me and I can't express how much I appreciate you all!

Thank you and I am sorry for any inconvenience!
Wonkydonkey xxxx

x reader Harry Potter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now