Sophia snapped her fingers in front of Gwen's face and Gwen realized she had been dozing off to wonderland once again. It was a habit that Gwen had ever since the whole thing with her father, but Sophia understood it to. She knew her best friend was going through a lot and she also notice that her best friend was handling it in whatever way she could.

"Your coffee's getting cold," Sophia mumbled with a small smile. Gwen straightened back her shoulders and forced a smile upon her lips. The cup in between her palms was once a warm brew, but now the steam was gone and it felt a slight chill to it. Gwen laid it on the table and gave it a slight push away.

"I am sorry..."

Sophia reached over and placed her hand on top of Gwen's. "No need to apologize."

Gwen placed her other hand on top of her friends and she leaned her head into Sophia's as they sat in the high up chairs in CC Jitters. The TV behind them was switched to the local news and Sophia reverted her eyes and Gwen followed.

"It has been two weeks since famous the Flash and the mysterious, screaming girl took on the Iron Rhino. There has been no confirmed identity of who the screaming girl is, nor has there been any reports of her being seen. The Flash is still out saving our city, but the fans of the screaming girl is still waiting and we all on the edge of our seats. Who is this screaming girl and where did she disappeared to?"

A woman with a short blond bob finished with her eyes set onto the camera, but Gwen could feel them being directed to her. The t.v. switched to the news recording of Gwen and Barry fighting the Iron Rhino. Gwen watched as her face was not shown behind the dark hoodie and she watched as her scream shook the camera and everything around her. It amazed her how she used her powers that day.

Since her father, Gwen had more control on her powers than ever. She found that she could control her kinetic energy more as a telekinesis. Now, she used her powers to move objects around when she was too lazy to do it herself or when she needed to save something from falling. The girl she was seeing on the t.v. was nothing more than what the news report was saying, disappeared.

"I still can't get over how famous who have gotten in the last few weeks when you just fought once." Sophia turned her attention back to Gwen.

"Yeah, I know. It baffles me really. They already have Barry... I don't get why they are demanding me so much."

"That's because you are a kick ass women who has a scream that can do some real damage... You're pretty badass and there is not that many badass women in today's society..." Sophia cocked her eyebrows towards Gwen and then took a sip of her coffee.

"I don't like the name though... Screaming women just sounds so pathetic. Cisco and I think you should go with something like Scream-O."

Gwen furrowed her brows and raised her hands. "Woah, wait... Let me understand what you're saying. You and Cisco, together, are talking about me?"

Sophia smiled and tilted her head with a smirk. "Yeah, Cisco is a really cool guy and I think he likes me. He's not that bad actually and don't worry we will let you decide on the cool, but badass superhero name for you."

Gwen sighed and brought her hands up, resting her head in the palm of them. She was happy that Cisco and Sophia was getting along, but it also made her feel like she was missing out on something great. Not meaning she wanted Cisco, but because her heart desired someone. She just didn't know who it was, yet.

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