«After Shock 1.0»

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«After Shock 1.0»

Cisco came in behind Barry and placed a hand on his shoulder. As soon as the Flash brought in Gwen, they took her off, and two hours later she is just now wrapping up surgery. Barry stood in the waiting room and glared at himself in the window and then glanced at Cisco.

"The doctors said she'll be fine..." Cisco mumbled. He hoped that Barry would turn around to look at him to make sure he was okay and that after this all was over that he would be okay.

"I know she is..." Barry mumbled and finally turned around. Cisco spotted some blood on his neck and he pulled his friend over to the small waiting room bathroom and knocked on the door before opening it up and pulling Barry in.

"You can't be going around with Blood on your neck," Cisco said and took a paper towel and started to dab away the blood while Barry allowed him. He hated the fact that Gwen was so badly hurt and he was here letting Cisco wipe away her blood. Her blood. Seeing her on the ground in that basement made him want to puke.

"Thanks Cisco..."

"Yeah sure, what are friends for? To get blood off that's what." He chuckled out, but Barry didn't smile at his attempt to make him laugh.

They exited the bathroom and Barry gazed around the waiting room, seeing people read their magazines, and play on their phones, while waiting for their news of whoever they are spending time here for.

It was inevitable, Barry thought. Gwen was someone special, someone strong, and he knew that when people got close to them then harm would follow. It was inevitable, just like all these people waiting here.

Caitlin came in followed by Dr. Wells rolling behind him. She carried a sad face and a cardboard carrier with four coffees. Barry took his seat in the middle of the room and the rest gathered around him.

"Any news?" Dr. Wells asked, trying to mask his nerves.

Cisco shook his head for Barry. "The nurse said they were wrapping up surgery. We won't be able to see her for awhile."

Caitlin slightly nodded and then sat down the coffees on a table. "Did anyone contact the two friends?"

Barry looked up and glared at the clock. It was two in the morning... It's been almost been six hours since he last saw Elijah and Sophia. They are probably worried sick about Gwen; Elijah already not liking Barry was not going to help this situation.

"Crap... No, but we were hanging out with them before this all happened. I should call them..."

The waiting room door opened and Joe came in wearing a black snow cap on his head. Barry and him made eye contact and Joe tilted his head up to greet him.

"How you holding up, Bar?" Joe asked and stood next to Caitlin.

"I am okay... Did you guys find anything at the scene?" Barry questioned. Joe bit the inside of his cheek and shurgged.

"We kind of need you to look for anything really, but the warehouse was once used as a holding place for containers. About three years ago they were shut down and moved to a new location. Right now we are trying to find the old owners. Also, we found a van parked behind the room you said was fixed up and found this inside of it." Joe explained and then pulled out a silver iphone. Joe reached over and handed it to Barry.

He turned it on and saw a picture of Gwen with Sophia; they were both smiling and Gwen's eyes were looking over towards the other direction. He felt the back of the phone and flipped it over to find the case being a collage of photos. His lips started to curve up as he looked at all the photos.

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