«Good Times»

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«Good Times»

She looked across the street with her eyes locked on the countdown of the crosswalk. The morning brought slight fog in the valleys and humidity all around. It was horrible for Gwen's hair, but today she didn't really care.  

A red Honda honked it's obnoxious and slightly girly horn. "Alright! I get it!" Gwen yelled and let out a frustrated exhale.

She hurried herself across the street and for a moment she thought about turning around. Her friends were starting to get upset with her—ever since the night Barry and her went out and Elijah and Sophia woke up with a slight headache and finding out that their best friend was gone.

She opened the door to CC Jitters and stepped inside, escaping the thick air. This place always made her feel comfortable, especially during her college years when she had a late night paper to write. Their coffee was good, but the presence of the whole place was better.

"Well look who's alive." Elijah blurted out after Gwen pulled up a seat.

"Yeah that afterlife sucked so I am back." She retorted with a small giggle. Her eyes wandered around the shop and then rested on Elijah.

"Where's Sophia?"

Elijah cocked a brow and then smiled. "She's in the restroom. Here I got you your favorite."

She watched him slid over a hot chocolate with a mix of coffee. It smelled so sweet and very strong.

Her hand placed around the cup instantly making her feel a jolt of warmth. She smiled and then saw Sophia emerge from the restroom with her perky boobs and a bright smile.

"Ahh look who's back—" She started, but didn't finish when Gwen jumped up and wrapped her arms around Sophia's torso. The smell of sweat pea perfume and lotion entered Gwen's nostrils, making her feel nostalgic.

"I am sorry I have been on the edge of the cliff. Not telling you guys where I am going and all..." Gwen started and took her seat again.

Elijah picked up his glass and took a sip of his coffee before speaking. "Where have you been other than work?"

Gwen looked down at her cup, but looked away. "It just been work."

She felt bad for lying. It was Elijah and Sophia for goodness sake and she felt so bad for not telling them about all the amazing things going on in her life. All the scary things too. She could really use Sophia's advice and maybe have Elijah's shoulder to cry. But things are too much and it would be just be too much for them.

"Right. Just work. Last time I check Harrison Wells was your only patient..." Sophia spat out with a slight tone.

"He was, but then after awhile things started to pick up for me. I have about 10 new patients. It's very exciting, however, stressful." Gwen tried to explain.

Elijah and Sophia exchanged a look when the t.v. was turned up and all eyes reverted towards the screen. Gwen followed everyone else and saw Barry standing in the middle of the street. Around him was a cloud of smoke, circling him.

"Barry..." Gwen mumbled. Elijah looked over at it. "What?"

"Oh nothing... The Flash is pretty amazing right?" She stated. Sophia turned around patted the table.

"He is seriously the coolest! I mean he can run super fast! Isn't that the coolest! And I bet whoever is under that mask is super hot. I would love to meet him!"

Gwen curled her lips with a fake smile. It was funny that she actually knew The Flash. It was this secret that she could keep, because it made her feel like she was holding dorm thing sacred.

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