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We finds ourselves at these certain moments where everyone else in your life seems to be doing something more with their life and you're just stuck in this constant loop every day where everything is plain and boring.

Gwen's eyes were focused on the teenage boy in front of her. He was babbling on how he was in love with this girl once and she wanted to listen and help him, because that was her job to be exact. But part of her was off in another world thinking about something else entirely.

"So what do you think I should do?" Ethan said and Gwen snapped up from her notepad where she has been scribbling about nothing and smiled.

"Umm..." Gwen coughed out. Ethan, a tall, square shoulder boy with light blonde hair and hazel eyes sat up on the couch and raised his hand.

"Dr. Oswald. It's okay..." He said and Gwen cocked a brow.

"You weren't listening to me weren't you?"

Gwen exhaled in relief and shook her head with slight embarrassment. "I am sorry Ethan... It's my job to listen to you, but right now I have a lot going on in my mind."

Ethan tilted his head to the side and rested his hands against his jeans and smiled. "It's quite okay. You do usually. What's bugging you so much?"

Gwen looked down and she could feel the sweat building up near her stitches. What was really bugging her was the fact that Lucifer or Blaz has not been seen anywhere. It's like they disappeared or that they are making sure they stay hidden. It was almost bugging her that she knew the Iron Rhino, but Dr. Wells would not recall her ideas or her presence.

It was all complicated and Gwen thought that work would put into her state where she wouldn't have to worry about anything, but nothing seemed to be working.

Gwen glanced up at Ethan and caught him with his green eyes narrowed on her. He was just a teenage boy looking for some help after his mother was murdered by a meta-human and someone referred him to Gwen. To Gwen... And here she is not paying attention to him.

"I am sorry Ethan. You're right I do have a lot of my mind, but it's difficult to talk about. I am being very unprofessional right now and I apologize, but shall we get back to you?" She paused and look down at her notepad and flipped through her previous notes. "How did you feel about, um, Katie breaking up with you?"

Ethan relaxed himself back in to the chair, but kept his eyes locked on to Gwen. She smiled and firmly held her pencil tight in her hand so she would make sure she would write down anything he says.

Ethan cracked open his lips to speak, but just a small smile formed on his lips. "I guess you could say I am miserable, but aren't we all?"


Barry's phone rang and he glanced down in a hurry in hope it was Gwen, but it was just Joe. He swiped over to unlock his phone and pressed it against his ear. Barry sat at his desk at the police station and studied a piece of evidence.

"Hey Bar. You hungry?" Joe asked in his comforting, fatherly tone. Barry looks through a microscope and nodded, but realized he was on the phone.

"Uh yeah, Joe. Are you going to bring by food?" He asked softly and then swung himself off his office chair and walked over towards the window. His eyes darted down towards the streets with the slight chance that he could catch the glimpse of Gwen waiting for him, but his hope to hear her voice and to see her face without him pushing it was just in fact hopeless.

"Bar?" Joe coughed and Barry spun back around and removed the phone from his ear when he saw Joe standing in the doorway of the forensic lab with a pizza box tucked in his hands and a gummy smile. Barry smiled and flung out his arms in a welcome. He hung up their phone call and travelled over with his arms open and gave a Joe a much deserving hug.

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