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"Okay, okay Harry we need to go." Anna pushed him away from her lips, making sure no parts of him were touching her.

"It hasn't been that long." He began walking back towards her, taunting her with his hands, and sculpted chin.

"People might be looking for us, people might be suspicious."

Finally after arguing Harry followed her lead. They pushed past the masses of people flooding his house and made their way into the dinning room. The air smelt of expensive food, and wine. Anna could feel eyes burning into her skin. She dropped Harry's hand immediately.

"I would like to purpose a toast." Charlotte's bright hair could be seen across the room, she walked towards the center, where their couch once stood, but now pushed to the side. A gentlemen helped her stand on their coffee table, and with a click of her heels she was shown

She looked beautiful, Anna thought.

She looked fake, Harry thought.

Her dress was tighter then it needed to be, making her ribs seem to be trying to escape her. The structure of her was thin and frail, from malnutrition. She was nothing like Anna. Anna was full and healthy.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming here tonight." Charlotte's glass was half empty, as she looked across the room. "These last few months have been hard, and not on just me, but on the people I care most about." Her eyes burrowed into Harry's soul, making his stomach twist in guilt. But only just enough for him to brush the feeling aside. "In this world there are many challenges to be faced. There are many problems that go unsolved; some within the world, and some within ourselves. It is in my fortune that my job entails helping the world. But I believe it is people like us, that need to most help with facing our own demons. So let's toast, to changing the world, ourselves... and each other."

The words came in riptides towards Anna as Charlotte lifted her glass, tipped it her way, and gulped with the rest of the room. People cheered, and clapped. They were brainwashed by her phantom kindness. Harry knew it, Anna could see it. Her smile, although warming was forgotten by her eyes. They cut the air like a knife and Anna stood her ground.

"Wait wait wait! I have shit to say!" His words were coated with alcohol, and as he stood on the stage, the assumption was confirmed. His body contorted as he grabbed a drink from a caterer, and lifted it to the sky. "First off! Let's applaud that beautiful speech. Really Charlotte, I've known you for years, and I'm shocked that with all the things Harry has said about you, being a shit speaker isn't one."

"Harry what the fuck is Niall doing?" Anna's heart was beating in her chest, pushing at her ribs to escape.

"Like Charlotte said, tonight is about helping the world, and ourselves! And what helps humans more then the truth!" Niall spun around, laughing as he wobbled on the table. His chest burned, and the thought of what he was going to say. But he was done being nice.

Without notice, Harry left Anna's side. Walking through the crowd and towards the opening. "Niall why don't we get you some water!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen! The man of the night! Just who I wanted to see! My best fucking friend! Get up here with me Harry! Come on - stand right. next. to. me."

Niall latched onto Harry's arm and pulled him onto the wooden table. There was enough secrets between the two of them to break the structures legs in half.

"I have known Harry for years! I've kept all his secrets, took all his shit! Heck! I even forgave him for hooking up with my sister."

"It was one kiss." Harry tried to explain.

"Shut the fuck up!" Niall was a maniac. He laughed through the pain. Chugged his drink and handed the bottle his old friend. If Anna were to have seen him like this before, she would have never let this happen. He was crazy from the pain, and Anna was terrified of the outcome.

"So. The truth." Niall tapped his fingers to his lips, the crowd stood still waiting for his words. "You all know that Charlotte and Harry have broken up. It's quite obvious, Harry's hated her for months, but that's not the big problem here. "

"Niall. Don't do this." Harry squeezed his friends shoulder, holding his booze filled body up.

"The real problem is much greater then that. " Anna wanted to leave as she knew what was coming. It would be easy for her. She could slip out the back, and rush to their oak door. She could leave a note or, maybe text her an apology. She could call Niall once she got home and -

"The real problem is that my best friend can't let me be happy. My best friend has to take everything away from me, including my girlfriend, in his office."

The crowd was filled with gasps, and broken glass. Eyes turned to stare at Anna. Harry stood his ground twisting his hands into Niall's shoulder.

"Oh and look, there she is! Crying, as if I'm the one that hurt her. Get over your fucking self!" Niall's voice hollered as Anna's legs finally let her leave.

She ran through the front door, down towards her car, in the first time in a long time let tears trickle down her cheeks.

She wasn't sure what pained her more.
The fact that Niall would humiliate her, instead of talking to her, or Harry never calling her the whole week after.

This chapter is horrible. My writers block is horrible. I'll get back to the old me soon.

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