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"Harry, no offence but this is my hospital. I know it inside out. What could you possibly show me?" They were walking side by side, their shoulders barely touching. Anna could feel a small shift in him. He couldn't stop smiling at her, and every so often his hand would brush hers.

"You don't have much patience do you?" Harry chuckled, itching the spot just above her eyebrow, and fixing his hair right after. He played with his hair a lot. When he first became a doctor, he was asked to cut it, but that request never stuck.

"I have patience, I just don't think you should bring your date to their workplace. It's a bit tedious." She didn't even notice what she said until she glanced at Harry waiting for an answer.

He stopped dead in his tracks. Squeezed his hands against his thighs, and wiggled his eyebrows in the most teasing way. "So this is a date now?" His smirk was ear to ear. Just a sliver of his teeth could be shown through his pink lips, and a nervous laugh fell from Anna's.

"Shut up." She coughed.

"Let's keep walking girlfriend." Harry grasped at her hand, laughing when he saw the look on her face.

"Stop it Harry." Anna looked around bristly, making sure that none of the nurses or the rest of her coworkers saw his affection. Despite feeling the pulse that ran up her body from his touch she knew she had to stop him.

"I'm just joking." He smiled, still feeling a tingle from her soft palm, "My something is just around the corner."

When she looked up at the sign she knew exactly where he was taking her. It was her favorite place in the hospital. She'd only come here for special occasions, or when a pick me up was needed.

The color on the walls had changed from a hard white, to a calming blue. Everything was dainty and small. There were stickers that plastered the walls and everywhere you looked was filled with happiness.

She looked through the glass into the room. There were dozens of babies, sitting in their incubators, waiting for their parents. Some were crying, most were sleeping, but they all had something in common. They were new to the world, where they could make their own choices, have their own free will. It was the most beautiful room she's ever seen.

"This is where I knew I wanted to be a doctor." Harry's hand was up against the glass, he was smiling at a new born to the right. A nurse had just checked up on him, and as she passed by his bed a small smile appeared on his small face.

"Why this hospital? Why did seeing new borns make you want to become a doctor?" If Anna was anyone else, the amount of questions she'd ask would annoy Harry. But all he did was smile.

"My father died in the hallway over. My sister was 18. Crying her eyes out on the hospital room floor. I was 16, and all I could do was stare. He still looked alive to me. His eyes were open, his face still had color, but it was the way his hands looked." Harry gripped at his fingers.

"His hands?" It was only thing she could ask. Anna knew better then to apologize for death. It's knowledge that comes with the PHD in medicine. The last thing you should do is apologize, the first thing you should do is let them speak. Apologies are for the people that don't care. For the people that feel the need to say it to stop their own guilt.

"My dad was a very dramatic speaker. Always moving his hands when he'd speak. It's how he'd draw you in." Harry acted out his father's gestures, making sure to get them just right. "And when I saw them there, so still. His smile gone, his hands by his side. It was terrifying. Even in his last hour he moved them to say, 'Harry you need a Harry cut!' There was no goodbyes with him. Only small talk, stories, and then, nothing."

Tears were pricking at her eyes. He couldn't look at her the way she looked at him. "So I walked out of the room. My mom was screaming my name. I don't even remember why I came here I just did. I turned the corner and here I was, staring at this. There were 27 new borns. I counted them over and over again. 27 new lives, that replaced my fathers. They would grow up, have their first kiss, go to prom, fail a class, go to university, fall in love. All this bullshit they'd do. Some will die sooner then others but all will live. And then die. I just want to help people get that chance, to live so they can have these moments. I don't even know what I'm saying It makes sense in my head."

"I understand Harry." Anna gripped his arm, pulling him closer so his eyes met hers. "Your father had a good life, you just want to help people have their own."

Harry shook his head, a glaze of water fell over his eyes, but he dared himself to push them away. "I haven't told anyone that either."

Their was always silence with them... but it was the good kind. The kind that said a million words. The kind that would only draw them closer. Harry leaned in to kiss her, and Anna let him.

Their lips were a dying star and when they touched, a supernova. It was lights, and unimaginable sounds. He pushed her against the glass window. She moaned deeply into his tongue. It was nothing like the office, where desperation was their leader. It was filled with the start of something. The feeling of new beginnings. It was so hard to explain and even harder to pin point, but they felt it.

Their kiss could heal all wounds, swim any sea, touch any star.

"I think these babies are a little to young for this." Anna whispered in his mouth.

"You're not stopping me though." Harry pulled her in tighter and walked her away from the glass and towards the wall.

"I can't be doing this... Gemma... Niall." There it was again. The plague in her brain, seeping in and taking over.

"Then stop me." For the first time he kissed her neck. It brought shivers to her skin, and he realized that there was no place on her body he wouldn't kiss. Anna's skin was precious, she pushed her body into his. They folded together in the most appropriate way.

"Take me home Harry." She pleaded, not knowing what she meant by it.

He left her skin and leaned his head against the wall. Shaking his head he looked up to the white ceiling trying to catch a breath. "Okay." He mumbled.

They walked hand and hand back to the car.
"Wait, what's the song?" She asked as they sat in the car.

"I'll show you at your house."

Am I updating to much. I sometimes feel like the suspence and waiting is always better. but my ideas are flowing and drama is starting so so soon. what do you guys think? is there relationship moving to fast?

the more you comment the faster i update. might take a break if i don't see enough interest. i feel like thats what keeps me going.

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