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The air in Niall's apartment was dense. It was filled with the musk of sweat, perfume, cologne and a variety of foods. The sent of beer was also prominent against Anna's nose, but that smell she didn't mind. There were people everywhere. She knew Niall was outgoing, but she never thought of this. Each square inch was filled with a limb. There were beautiful girls and handsome men, they mingled, sang, and laughed just as hard. His friends were nothing short of his own self. It seemed like whoever Anna met was just another variation of him. Sarah was his bubbly best friend, Dave was Niall's talkative work partner. The names went on, and they all welcomed her with open arms.

She felt safe, happy even.

The sounds of music filled her ears as she walked through the kitchen and towards the living room. The night had begun hours ago and most of Niall's friends had left the party to continue the celebration on the roof.

"Anna!" Niall called her from across the room. He had a beer in his hand and a smile so wide it light up the darkening room. He was surrounded by people and was laughing towards her as he waited for her to come.

Niall couldn't believe she was here with him. He watched her saunter around the room. Her shirt was low cut, with enough skin showing that he knew she wasn't wearing a bra. Her jeans were tight, she looked like a goddess smiling slightly as she met him and wrapped her arms around his back.

"You told me 15 minutes ago you were going to get a drink. I thought one of my friends stole you from me."

The timing was impeccable. Harry sauntered through the door without a care His foot was stable enough now to walk on but the white cast across his arm shun in the moonlight.

He didn't know why he was here. He shouldn't have been driving in the first place, but all he had been doing was sitting at home. The dent his weight left on the couch cushion was evidence of how bored he had became. Harry had stopped catching up on shows and eating junk food hours ago, he spent the time going over what had seemed to go wrong within his life from the accident to now.

God, he missed work so much.

Niall nor Anna had seen him yet, but he saw them. Through the still dense crowd he watched her laugh, and lean into him. Every so often Niall would look down at her and whisper something into her ear that made her bite onto his shoulder or giggle against his side.

It was like watching a movie, the lighting was perfect, the music was flowing. It annoyed Harry to the core and he quickly walked towards them.

"What are you doing here?" Niall groaned. He didn't want any trouble, not tonight. It's been such a good night.

"I just want to talk to you." Harry was clutching his hands within his pockets. He's never been good with words. Without hesitation Niall followed him down the hallway. Harry knows this place like the back of his hand. The hallway was a warm color of oak, and there were modern pictures Niall only bought because they 'looked grown up'.

"It's been a good day Harry so if you're here to yell at me again just leave okay?"

"I'm not here to yell. I just wanted to tell you that you were right. This accident has fucked me up bad and I guess I was taking all my frustration out on everyone around me." Niall was looking at him with listening eyes. That's one of the many things he loved about his best friend. Despite his personality of joy and excitement when seriousness would creep into the conversation Niall would welcome it with open arms. He was never inattentive.

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