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If this was a year ago, he'd think she was beautiful. He'd sneak up behind her, kiss against her neck, and for once be careless; but this wasn't a year ago. It was today, and all Harry could see was a broken, mean girl, with tears streaming down her eyes, as thick of the steam coming from her cup.

She sat by her fire. Her long hair wrapping around her shoulders. Her body seemed thin, and her eyes were distant as she drank her tea.

"I think I might go back. You're healing, and I think it'll be best for the both of us."

"Okay." Harry didn't know what to say. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, her mouth was hidden behind the mug. She sat at their fire, the flames illuminated her face.

"I should have known." Charlotte's head shook, and a sad smile took over her face.

"What do you want me to say?" Harry knew this was the best thing for them. If she left, if they finally broke up some of this weight on his shoulders would fade away.

"Nothing Harry. Nothing." She couldn't stop shaking her head. She couldn't stop watching the flames. It represented them. Heat, anger, short lived. A fire always burns out.

"We can't go on like this." Harry was pacing now. She infuriated him. No matter what she did.

"We could fix this." She was desperate now. Change, was never good to Charlotte. Same old was safe and comfortable. 'Fear scares me like no tomorrow. No pun intended.' She'd always say. And Harry would always laugh.

"I don't want change, Harry. Fear scares me like no tomorrow." But this time, Harry didn't laugh.

He just stared at her. His green eyes tired, his hair astray. He stared at her, and try to feel it. Anything. He does this often when she' not looking. Whether she's cooking dinner or getting changed as he watches TV. And usually he would feel anger, but that seemed to fade away and grief took over him.

He truly missed the old her. The one that was broken but clung to him with love. The one that would kiss him like there really was no tomorrow. He found grief in knowing they had both changed, and he wanted to just end it now so this feeling would go away, and the weight would be lifted.

"So what now?" Harry was speechless and clueless. He knew what he wanted but when it came to Charlotte he had no clue how to end it. It was maddening. Harry wasn't like this. He wasn't speechless, he always had the answers.

They didn't leave the room till morning. Charlotte crying in her cooling tea. Harry pacing, sitting, anything to make that space seem much larger than it really was.

As the night turned to morning, and the tears turned to stained cheeks. He left the house. The keys were gripped in his hands, and the snow was melting against his tires.

He drove past Niall's house on the way there. He bit on his nails as he walked through the halls. He pulled on his hair as he knocked on the door.

"Harry?" Anna spoke. Surprise was clear on her face. It had been two days since she drove him home.

"Can I come in? I just needed to see you." His bruises were beginning to fade, she could see the lingering imprints under his white shirt. She could also see his tattoos. It intrigued her for just a second. He looked as if he was on a mission.

Harry's eyes were frantic as he stepped in. He paced as he did the night prior with Charlotte.

Harry took three steps towards her. His bottom lip was tugged deep between his teeth and his hands shook as he wrapped them around her round waist.

With a shove he pushed her to the wall. Need slipped from Anna's lips in a form of a gasp, and she whimpered as soon as he smashed his lips to hers.

It was impulsive on both parts. She tugged her hands deep into his locks, ripping at the scalp. He pushed her rough against the white painted walls. The framed diplomas shook just enough for them to notice, but they never did. They were completely consumed with each other.

His lips were soft, hers were softer. He breathed rapidly into her soul, and she inhaled his exhales. It was a magical thing and he couldn't believe the feeling.

Her touch started at his toes and was infinite through space and time. He couldn't even think of kissing the rest of her because her lips just felt too good. What would it feel like to hover over her at night? Surely the pleasure would kill him.

"Harry." She squeaked. Anna had surrendered enough to him. He had her wrapped around his finger now, although he didn't know it.

"Don't stop." He breathed, not wanting to leave this moment of bliss. He knew as soon as he opened his eyes he'd be back in his cycle. It would be the new Harry trying to get back into the old Harry.

He pressed their foreheads together. They breathed in unison, just for a little while, letting their chests and hands speak.
Until the door to her office opened.

I'm back! Exams were stressful but with the time I took off I got extra studying and I am confident with all of them.

So Anna and Harry kissed. He just had to do it.

The more you comment, the faster I update.

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