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" You came back to my office for more? If you show up to my work every day I'm going to have to start charging you." Her smile was evident against Niall's neck. It was different. He smelt like peppermint, and caramel. It was such an odd smell but with Niall it made sense.

"I would pay any amount for you." She was sitting on her desk. Her legs spread out and Niall in between them. It's been days and all they've done is this. Of course Niall wants more. He seems to always crave more with Anna around, but he knows she isn't like other girls, so he's subconsciously going at her pace.

"So now I'm a prostitute." She pulled back from his red skin. She couldn't leave evidence of his visit for the hospital to see. The love marks were just red enough for Niall to notice.

"Oh just shut up and kiss me." He pulled her by the waist, and kissed her hard against the mouth, and Anna wrapped her arms around his neck.

Through their embrace she didn't hear Harry's screaming across the hall, despite this aching feeling she had deep in her stomach. She knew he was here today. Dr. Andrews told her about their appointment. She shut off her mind and tried to relax into Niall, but something was pulling her away, even if she didn't see Harry's figure walk past her door and towards a steaming cup of coffee.

"What's going on?" Niall whispered against her lips. He could feel her apprehension.

"Nothing nothing, I'm just distracted. I still have a few patients to see, and a surgery at 8."

"What for?"

"Boy cut his finger on a shovel. Just a couple of detached nerve endings that need mending."

"Your like a superhero." Anna smiled at the compliment. He still had his hands along her waist. She was far from a superhero.

"Listen. I know you're super busy and the hospital is really the only time I get to see you."

"I know, I'm just always on call."

"And I get that." Niall nervously rubs his neck. It stung from Anna's lips. "Your job isn't easy. Believe me I've known Harry for years."

She flinched at his name.

"If this is to much for you I understand. Dating isn't easy for me, work always gets in the way but I won't ever apologize for it."

"I'm not asking you to." He spoke honestly.

"Good because I won't. I help people. It's what I do. I'll try my best to be committed, I always will, but this job will come first. Someone with a broken back, or a ruptured liver will always come first because that's my job." She didn't mean to sound so harsh, but Anna felt like it was the only way to get her point across. Other relationships hadn't been so understanding. They ended due to her working, and she wasn't about to get in to deep with Niall if he couldn't realize her first priority.

"I understand Anna. I don't think anything less." His honest answer surprised her, and she granted him with a tug towards her and another round of their tongues fighting for dominance.

"Where was this conversation going?" She asked.

"Oh. Well there's this thing I want you to come too."

"What thing?" She would have to check her schedule, and make sure someone was there to cover her. She'd also have to get something to wear, and maybe call up her friends for advice. All of this was twirling in her thoughts. She never went out much.

"I'm throwing a small party due to the promotion at my job I told you about. It's Friday night and I really want you to come, but I will totally understand if you have work." He quickly backtracked from his offer, due to fear of rejection.

"Will Harry be there?" Anna told him about their last encounter. That was one of the reasons why he hadn't spoken to his best friend in days.

"Not if you are."

"Then I'll see you Friday."

He kissed her quickly. The soft of her lips popped against his own. "See you Friday." He left right after, not wanting to ruin the moment.

As he walked from her office for the second time today, giddiness was twisting and turning all over his body, and he was just about to dance for joy until he bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry!" He apologized.

"Niall?" Harry asked. The coffee in his hand was already half way empty, preventing the scolding liquid to tip over the edge of the cup.

"Oh. Hey man." Niall was confused, and awkward. He didn't know what to say to his best friend, who apparently hates a girl he really likes. And I mean, really likes.

"I've tried to call."

"I know." Niall's voice was dry and cut. "I don't usually answer calls when I'm pissed at the person."

"The fuck are you pissed for?" The anger that subsided within Harry while getting his coffee was rising up his throat.

"I know all the shit you said to Anna. That was bad, man, even for you."

"Niall don't start with me." Both were pacing. They looked like wild animals preparing for a battle of the fittest.

"I can start whatever I want. What gives you the right to talk to someone like that. I know you've been through a -"

"Why is everyone telling me shit I already know? So what I got hit by a fucking truck. Nothing has changed." He was lying to himself now. "I was telling her the truth. Did she tell you how she would visit me? Did she tell you about all the times she stayed in my room for an hour just to talk?"

"It's called taking care of a patient."

"You're more stupid then I ever thought Niall." The coffee cup had fallen to the floor by now. The remains of the dark liquid was all over the white tiled floor. The mess reflected the whole situation.

"What Harry? You think she likes you? You have a fiance! Not every person on the face of the Earth wants to fuck you, and even if she did she chose me. You're to hard to break through. What the fuck is up your ass you'd never acted like this before."

"It's her. It's Anna." Harry's chest was rapidly rising and falling. He had been standing to long and the blood from the rest of his body seemed to only stay in his injuries. He felt light headed, and heavy.

"Jesus Christ Harry you have a fiance."

"That hasn't stopped me before."

"You're fucking disgusting."

"I've been called worse." Harry''s voice was bitter, the same as his coffee.

"Come talk to me when your done being an ass. And stay away from Anna."

Niall slammed into Harry's healthy shoulder before turning around from across the hall and yelling, "Oh and Gemma's fine you prick."

double update because i felt like it.
i think i'll update tomorrow as well, we'll see.

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