Chapter Fourteen: Mental Hospitals

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Chapter Fourteen:
Mental Hospitals

Fear and confusion throbbed in my head.

I had no idea what was going on. Well, I had an idea of what was happening. For instance I was on a wheelie bed, strapped down by my arms. All I remembered, however, was screaming for Michael as I got carried away from him.

I focused on counting the lights on the ceiling as I was wheeled down a hall. I counted eight before we stopped outside a door.

"Alright, Gavin. This is your new room," One of the nurses told me.

After unstrapping my arms, I sat up slowly whilst rubbing my wrists. Sitting up off the bed, I felt incredibly dizzy. Whatever they injected into my arm was really doing its work still.

The nurse helped me into my room and let me sit on my bed. She laid out an outfit for me and told me to change into it.

I watched her leave the room and I sleepily looked at the clothes. White shirt, white pants, white shoes... Without laces. Of course.

I sighed and took off my clothes, changing into the ones given to me. They weren't the most comfortable things I've ever worn, but they'd do.

A few minutes later the nurse walked back in. She smiled brightly at me and took my clothes, folding them up neatly and taking them away. I sighed, figuring that would be the last time I saw bright colors for a while.

I sat back down on my bed, rubbing my eyes. I was so tired. I wanted nothing more then to sleep.

Or.. Maybe I wanted Michael more.

I was so confused and upset about this whole situation. Did I trust Michael, or not? He obviously had a hand in sending me away after I specifically told him I didn't want to go.

I didn't have much time to think before the same nurse from before came back in and smiled politely.

"It's almost dinner time, Gavin. But I thought it would be nice if you met someone who's in a similar situation as you before then," The nurse told me.

The next thing I knew a short, skinny man walked in. He couldn't have been older then twenty five. He had short, nicely trimmed dark brown hair and a tiny bit of scruff.

However when I looked at his eyes I could feel a literal shiver run down my spine. His eyes were so cold. So depressed. I wondered if that's what my eyes looked like to others.

"Gavin, this is Jacob. He was put here for similar reasons as you," The nurse informed me.

She left the room shortly after and Jacob awkwardly stood in my room, shifting his weight from foot to foot. I watched him silently, looking him from head to toe. I stared into his eyes once more, finding him to be staring directly at me.

"Stop that," He said suddenly.

"Stop what?" I asked innocently.

"Stop trying to figure me out. You're not gonna get anywhere with it," He told me.

I shrugged and nodded, accepting that I was probably making him uncomfortable. However that really was the least of my worries. Right now, I felt drunk and I all I wanted to do was sleep.

"So... What were you put in here for...?" I asked awkwardly, feeling I needed to progress the conversation if I was going to stay awake for dinner. However, I then wondered if that was an appropriate question to ask to someone around here.

"Depression, a couple suicide attempts. That's basically what everyone here was put in for. What about you?" He asked.

"Same," I muttered.

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