"Of course, it's the question of my image.", He said.

"Of course Of course. I still remember your face when you spotted me and took a seat in the opposite direction. Weeks we didn't speak to each other. But slowly we sat together in the library for hours.",she remembered

"I never wanted to give the entrance exam in the first place, but my dad's pressure pushed me in and you motivated me."

"See where you are now because of me.", she adjusted her invisible collar. "I'm joking. Remember that Sandwich guy just opposite the gate. Our lunch everyday."

"And today's late night meal.", they crossed the road to find the same guy making Sandwiches for them.

"Oh My God! How many people today have sacrificed their sleep today for me.", she said taking the Sandwich.

"You are the one getting married to Rehan no? I saw you on TV. My daughter showed me. She likes your husband. She watches all his movies. I told her I remember you but she refused to believe.",The Sandwich uncle said.

"Thank You uncle.", She smiled at him."And the taste of the sandwich is the same as college days. Thank you so much." She said and then looked at Vivaan.

They then went to the beach where they would go to take breaks between studies. Finding a rock they sat there having the ice candy like old days.

"I just relived my entire college period again. Thank you. Thank you Vivaan. You know after Sarah,Sanya and I we chose different field I was almost alone. Thanks for being my best friend.",She said.

"Really? Thanks for being your friend? I'm still your friend and will always be. Although somethings might change.", Vivaan said and had a bite of his candy.

"What? What will change?", She asked.

"Nah! Nothing."

"There has to something if you mentioned it. Tell me.", she insisted.

"You know I'm really happy that you have found your soulmate and are finally getting married. Rehan is a great guy and for a fact I know he loves you even more than how much you liked and obsessed over him in college. He is super cool, very loving, charming, kindhearted, respectful..."

"I know all this. Get to point.", she interrupted while he was speaking.

"With all the things I said one cannot ignore the fact he is a big star. He is a public figure. Although he doesn't take his stardom very seriously , he has all the fame and power. "

"He has really worked hard for it.",Ananya said defending her fiance.

"And you?"

"Me? What about me?"

"Don't forget even you have worked hard for yourself. Don't let his image overpower you.", He finally put forward his concern.

"What are you saying Vivaan?", Her tone turned serious.

"Don't get me wrong. I love both you guys but somewhere there is a husband guilt inside me which is talking to my best friend as she is stepping into this new life. You know knowingly or unknowingly you girls are so understanding that you'll easily adapt to us. Look at me and Panchi. Both of us are doing great in a professional front but her priority is always me and my stuff. It just happens so seamlessly. Nothing is affected other than her own self. She has become the best wife but has muted the Panchi I knew. It's always about the place I want to holiday in, the place I want to party, the people I meet and our baby now. How selfless is this phase for her. Its our baby but its turning her responsibility. I can see her going through this , but can't do anything. The number of people she has lost contact with because of maintaining contacts with her new environment. I love her more for all this but I miss the girl I met. I don't want you to do anything of this. Rehan, his family, is life, his everything is so grand and exorbitant and you, you are someone who wants everything simple and quick. The camera,media and the world loves him. Don't let anything affect your relationship, but most important don't let your relationship affect anything about you.", He sighed.

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